A view from a barstool #46

Another week where those in Bifferdom have finally cracked and sending more clickbait with than the PPI companies do on Facebook. “Share if you like fluffy unicorns but only if they’re British, share if you love British Castles and so on and on and on zzzzzzzzz. Are they running out of money to buy likes? Then they come out with a picture of an antelope called a dik dik (not Lomax and Lewis in their security garb) found in southern Africa and asked us to share if we love British wildlife. Spectacular own goal chaps……

This week we celebrated International Womens Day and Screechy published a picture of her holding a Qur’an and telling us about the way women are treated as second class citizens etc etc etc. Any chance of Muslim bashing hey Screech! Now I’m not a follower of any religion (or fashion) nor have I read the Qur’an, the Bible or Tanakh or Enid Blyton’s Famous five ( I was much more a Secret Seven man) but even a rudimentary check on Google and you find something pretty demeaning to women in all of them. Again interpretation is the name of the game, which Screechy plays very well.

EBF Twitter Jayda Fransen Chris York Huffington Post interview offerWe hear that Screechy and Goldibollocks don’t run from anything or anyone, the typical media whores that crave coverage wherever they can get it. Screechy published a story about two street preachers being arrested on Twitter, one of this page’s friends, Chris York from the Huffington Post tweeted back and asked her and Goldibollocks for an interview, just the three of them, anywhere they wanted, with a chance to get their point across and answer a few questions. The reply, bluster and deflection. In publican terms brave patriots Goldibollocks and Screechy ran away. So Screechy you know how to get in touch with Chris, I would guess the offer still stands!

As I have written before, with the world lurching horribly to the right and the policies put in place, racist attacks have increased. This is no surprise to us here and at TellMama and far right and neo Nazi arrests have doubled. No doubt biffer towers will put out a release telling anyone left who gives a shit on their page that this is lefty journalism and establishment propaganda. This in fact was in the Telegraph. The far right are emboldened by recent political moves and they feel it’s their right now to attack the defenceless, the majority aimed against Muslims as the rhetoric from world leaders want to beat them into the ground. Well this won’t do, we need to fight for our friends and neighbours now more than at any other time. A biffer favourite is about Creeping Sharia and halal slaughter of which it is abundantly clear they know fuck all about.

Another of our favourite fuckwits, Katie Hopkins just got sued for defamation, I’m hoping this will lead to more people calling her up on her hatred and lies. She is one of the islamaphobic cheerleaders either because she knows it winds more people up, more exposure, more noteriety, more money or it’s because she is a racist fucknugget and thinks a right wing revolution is happening and she’s the one to lead it.

Finally it’s coming up to Easter… cue general biffer frothing about the chocolate eggs from various companies not having Easter emblazoned on them in huge letters. A few things for Screechy, Goldibollocks and the rest of the right wing shittroopers to take note. Firstly, it’s a chocolate fucking egg…I have 5 kids who couldn’t give a toss whether it’s called Easter, summer, pagan or whatever. It’s a chocolate egg which is eaten as quickly as possible. Secondly, Easter is still on the packaging it isn’t Muslim appeasement it’s sensible marketing. Thirdly and someone may put me right but in my limited knowledge of the Bible I never knew there was a big fuck off chocolate egg with a toy or chocolate in the middle. But every year, just like Christmas, St. George’s day, Remembrance day and on and on and on and zzzzzzzzz the far right say our Christian identities are being taken away. And like everything else they say – it’s all a load of bollocks.

Well that’s it for this week, the biffers going bonkers, the fascists being locked up, a hated columnist guilty and having to pay and the frothing sheep having a go at Cadburys. All in all a fucked up time to be a follower in bifferdom.


EDL sent to Coventry today

The EDL are having a shuffle around Coventry today. We wonder if anyone will speak to them. They don’t seem to be expecting a massive turnout. The organisers for their ‘National’ Demo have chosen a single public house as the Muster point. The pub is a decent size but it’s hardly going to hold the attendees of a respectably-sized national demonstration. It’ll do for a handful of racists to get a few pints and act tough though.

EDL Litten Tree Demo May 2016.jpg

Unfortunately, the Litten Tree doesn’t seem all that sure how to handle the situation. But they are doing the right thing and working with West Midlands police to ensure everything stays peaceful.

Litten Tree Facebook notification about EDL demo May 2016

We say good luck to the management and staff of The Litten Tree. It must be hard when a bunch of EDL thugs decide to go to your pub for a pre-shuffle piss-up. So far as we know The Litten Tree didn’t ask for this and they’re doing the best they can to avoid trouble.

Maybe they won’t all make it. EDLNews were first to point out that at least one ‘patyroot’ (with a fair bit of EDL tat) was unlikely to attend.

EDL demo May 2016 Coventry car stolen

But it gets better. We can see from the gov. website that his car hasn’t had tax or MOT for many years. That’s a worry – especially since our contacts within the far right tell us that the car has been found and returned to its rightful owner, a ‘Mr. English’ (sic) from the North West of England, apparently. Perhaps the police will be keeping an eye out for it in future. Be careful if you see this car on the M6 near Coventry today. It just might fall to pieces and cause an accident.

illegal car EDL demo Coventry

If you do see this car on the road between Coventry and the North West today you might want to call the police. It’s a serious offence to drive a car without MOT or tax on the public highway.


P424 SWX

Doing Jayda’s job for her

Jayda Fransen used never to tire of telling us that she has a law degree. Nowadays she’s a bit more retiscent to talk about that. Perhaps that’s because we exposed the truth about her unfinished correspondence course in basic law. Or perhaps it’s because she got bored of academia (and all the hard work it involves) and moved on to easier, more entertaining activities like screaming at brown people and baiting the police.

Either way, given her alleged knowledge of British law you’d think she might be able to put a few Biffers straight about legal processes like police bail, rights and restrictions, the wearing of political uniform and the nature of subversion and sedition. But no – apparently she’s content to let them carry on being just as ill-informed as ever. She hasn’t even bothered to inform Britain First itself about the huge legal trap they’re falling into not just as individuals but as an organisation.

So we thought we’d educate them ourselves. We’ll do Jayda’s job for her because she’s clearly not going to. That’s a shame in itself – it would be nice to see her do something that’s actually useful for a change.

Let’s begin with the political uniform thing.

EBF BF Law abiding Biffers political uniform Luton Smurf Bail Fransen GoldingBack in 1936 the Public Order Act was passed banning the wearing of political uniforms and the militarisation of political organisations. The rise of paramilitary politics like the British Union of Fascists had been a step too far and the government acted to preserve the principles of democracy and freedom of expression that we all hold so dear.

That law has since been amended and updated, the most recent version being the Public Order Act 1986 which upholds the uniform and political militarisation bans as well as additional injunctions against stirring up racial hatred.

Public order act 1986

You’d think Jayda would have thought to warn her cronies about this one, wouldn’t you? Apparently not. She’s such a genius!

Britain First’s track record on racial hatred is well known. We’ve blogged about it many times including here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here… etc (the list goes on and on). Evidence of their religious discrimination (also unlawful) can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here and especially here… etc. But what’s all this about uniform?

Britain First occasionally try to convince us that their fleeces (with the unauthorised use of the Royal crest) are not actually uniform. But their own communications amongst themselves show just how ridiculous that assertion really is. In keeping with their Walter Mitty aspirations to play soldiers they have insignia to denote rank and function, even using coloured clothing to denote function (a bit like Star Trek). This wonderfully obvious exchange contains a comment by Robin Lomax, the Biffers’ ‘armed forces division commanding officer’ talking about black ‘security’ beanies (yes – beanies). It may well be laughable but it’s still criminal!

EBF BF Black security uniform hats

Then there’s a more recent exchange (also involving Lomax) about rank insignia that we’ve reproduced below.

BF Blum Lomax Sergeant Karczewski political uniform conversation meme.png

Steve “Pieman” Lewis is currently on bail (as are Der Fuhrer and his deputy) for wearing political uniform in relation to Britain First. Their legal team (or at least their excuse for more fundraising) seems so far to have been unable to make these very serious charges disappear. That’s hardly surprising. This stuff goes to the heart of British democracy and to disrupt our democratic process this way is a form of sedition, arguably even treason. The whole point of Britain First’s nefarious activities is to disrupt our established system of representative democracy, even calling for the execution of current politicians. If that isn’t treason we really don’t know what is!

So come on Jayda – tell your cronies how the law works. That way they might be able to avoid looking quite as stupid as they do when they post ill-informed rubbish like this.

BF Pieman Steve Lewis Bail comments combo.png

Come on Dutchy… sort it out!

Britain First’s political uniform

According to the 1936 Public order act it is illegal for any political party to develop or wear political uniform. It’s no coincidence that this Act was given Royal assent when it was. In the run up to the second world war a group of fascists led by Baronet Oswald Ernold Moseley donned remarkably Nazi style uniform and terrorized British people whom they deemed to be foreigners or otherwise ‘undesirable’.

They got their come-uppance in the end as thousands of decent Brits forced them to abandon their March in a confrontation at Cable Street in Stepney, East London. None the less their very existence showed the damage to social harmony that organised fascism could do and the Public order act was passed as part of a raft of measures designed to prevent their like ever returning to UK’s streets.

It’s no surprise then that the most recent group to try to find a way past the law is another bunch of fascists, Britain First. Originally they wore more obviously miilitarized garb but following Grassing Golding’s conviction for wearing political uniform they started wearing uniforms based upon more casual clothing instead. But a uniform is still a uniform and theirs is distinctive and used to denote roles just like any other.

Have you ever wondered why Biffers wear different coloured tea-cosies? Well now you know! Look at what Robin Lomax (head of the Biffers Walt division) has to say about them.

EBF BF Black security uniform hats

View from a barstool #7 by Landlord

Beer 2So another week fighting the bigots in the world of social media, not just at bifferland and although there are the usual comments of racial intolerance it has my heart smile to see the silent majority put their heads above the parapet and shout down the racists and intolerant.

As I sit here now digesting the events of the last week, listening to the news in Mali, thinking of the French murders, the Yemeni bombing, the ongoing killings in Gaza and others around the world it is hard to try and counter the bigots but by beer I’ll die trying. Every death or injury anywhere in the world is tragic but there are murderous people around whether they do it in the name of whatever god they worship be it Christian, Jewish, or Islamic or whether it be because a Death Metal, Xfactor singer or Country and Western band told them to. I suppose some people are just stupid enough to want to kill full stop. These people as I said in last weeks blog are murderers not Islamic, not anything but plain good old fashion murderers.

BF activist medalNow to brighter matters and please forgive me but in this difficult time it has been has been hard to stop laughing about a Political Parties Conference that took place last weekend too, I say conference but a game of musical chairs would be a better name for it. If the Huff Post was to be believed there were probably more “security” men there than actual conference goers. They all flocked there to listen to more from Dutchy Fransen, frothing at the mouth over Islam, lefty politicians, lefty media, lefties in general, lefty indicators the list goes on. In actual fact as a left handed person I felt a little left out by her diatribe. Then on came uncle Jim “I want nothing to do with Britain First or it’s affiliates” Dowson preaching his own sermon. I would guess even he wouldn’t have to provide the miracle of feeding the 5000!!

We saw medals being handed out, not to Stevie as he lost a banner which surprisingly cost £5000, Goldenballs doesn’t seem to have made a speech at all, only being allowed the space to nitroduce this year’s policies for ‘ratification’ (as if there was ever  any doubt). Golding, as several commentators have said appears to be being pushed onto the periphery of Bifferdom. In fact the chants of “Dutchy! Dutchy! Dutchy!” seem to be getting louder and a sweepstake in EBF towers (similar to Del Boy’s but with a far superior bar) is currently being drawn up as to when her ascension to the throne will be. (Hulk and I are a little annoyed as we both have 2017)

What else, oh yes, stand by for another begging letter soon (bets on £5000 have been suspended) as the cabinet office continues their pursuit of the biffers over their continued illegal use of the crown.

BF EBF Crown cabinet office prosecution police investigation

And finally, and if you have read to here thankyou, the disgusting use of the British victim of the French murders, Nick Alexander, was once again enough to make me seethe and remember why I do this. From all that I have heard, once again they have used someone as clickbait that friends and family implored them not to. Once again the biffers have sunk to a real low.

And now after all of this I’m off. Caddyshack is on the telebox in the corner and the Landlady is shouting at me for something, probably typing to loudly or leaving something on the floor. Have a great week, and lets hit them as a 73000+ team.



EBF BF Armed forces 1We’re sure we’re not the only ones who’ve long wondered just what the Britain First claims about the long-unavailable ‘CRB’ check is all about. On one level, of course it’s just funny. They’re so out of touch that they can’t even use the right term in their lies. The Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check has been unavailable for years. It’s been replaced as part of the wider overhaul of Safeguarding legislation in favour of the new Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

The point of the DBS check is to ensure that organisations working with vulnerable groups (health, social services, childrens’ workers, teachers etc) don’t unwittingly employ people who present a risk to the vulnerable people they work with. It’s a highly confidential service and only relevant organisations have access to the information revealed by the check.

One reason for this is because the DBS check doesn’t just rely upon public domain records of convictions. It also includes police intelligence, spent convictions, suspicions and even potential guilt by association. This is because the risk to vulnerable people outweighs the obvious difficulties associated with barring people who may not have been convicted of any crime from working in particular professions. It’s not always fair but the government thinks it’s better than letting people who are likely to be criminal have unrestricted access to easily exploitable potential victims.

Just think about that for a moment though. DBS checks provide information about people who may be completely innocent. That’s justifiable when the checks are used to protect the most vulnerable. It’s not justifiable to use it to decide whether or not a person can be affiliated to a political party. The fact that someone may or may not have a criminal record has no impact upon their right to hold a political viewpoint or to join a Facebook group. There is no legitimate reason for Britain First (a political party) to vet its members through DBS. No political party has access to the DBS checking system. The list of organisations that can access the list is here. It’s easy to see that Britain First would never be able to fulfil these functions. Therefore – they have no access to DBS.

So why on earth would the Biffers want us to think they use DBS (or CRB, since they’re so out of date)? We think that’s obvious.

Claiming to perform these checks provides an air of official respectability. If people think the Biffers are performing DBS checks they may think that they’re somehow more legitimate than they are with their secret Facebook groups. As if such a group could ever be legitimate. It reminds us of the childrens’ ‘I-Spy’ club that some of Team EBF were members of as kids. In return for our parents paying our subscription we received a certificate of membership, a badge proclaiming that we were fully-fledged international spies and the opportunity to buy lots of I-Spy books at no discount. It was essentially worthless in real terms but it made gullible children, desperate to belong to something they thought was ‘special’ feel good. It’s very possible that membership of the Britain First Armed Forces Division is just as insignificant, appealing to the immature, the easily led, the gullible and to those most desperate to ‘belong’. It may well be no more significant than that. That’s what Knights’ Templar International is about and the BFAFD may be no different.

EBF BF KTI join rip off con

But maybe… just maybe…

Let’s assume that Britain First has a more sinister motive than just making money. Let’s assume that they want to recruit potential terrorists as part of some illegal militia. It wouldn’t be the first time that the British far right has set up their own private ‘armies’. Moseley did it with the British Union of Fascists (BUF) before it was disbanded and the man himself imprisoned. The National Front (NF) did it with the subversive violent, mobile thugs of the ‘Inter-city wrecking crew’ and ‘Combat 18’ and who could forget the violent ‘Infidel’ groups formed under the umbrella of the English Defence League’ (EDL)?

SA Brownshirt Nazi 2It’d be no surprise if Golding had similair aspirations. We know he’s violent – he’s even posted videos of himself to remove all doubt. We know his black-shirted ‘security’ thugs are very happy to assault those who get in their way – there are plenty of videos demonstrating that on line too. We also know that Golding has delusions of grandeur and a tendency to reach far beyond his grasp.

The attempt to set up an illegal political militia (Like Hitler’s Brown-shirted SA) would be right up his street. The claim to have access to CRB/DBS would encourage prospective militiamen to self-identify as violent thugs from the outset, thus allowing Golding to know who to recruit into their secret hit-squad bullshit group.

If they want to join BF they are, by definition already sympathetic to the group’s fascist aims.

The disclosure part of the application form identifies the most violent and unscrupulous.

The secret Facebook group provides a means of communication.

Either that or it’s no different from Knights’ Templar International (KTI) and the Tufty club!

The Tufty club

View from a barstool #4

Beer 2So another week’s over and another week of seeing my takings suffer as the rest of the home nations nosedive out of the Rugby world cup. BT sports taking over of the Champions league is driving the punters away. The mixed pool team has won another game, much to the chagrin of Beryl who continues to put holes in everything other than the dartboard. I do hear the ladies tiddlywinks team may be short next week.

So what have we learnt from Biffer towers this week? Well they were triumphant in Burton, they still hate the thought of countries taking in immigrants, they love Putin, they adore the Knights Templar International (other real groups are out there) they’ve stayed strangely quiet over a massacre in Sweden and finally as remembrance day comes close they wheel out the old clickbait memes to con (sorry make) money out of their supporters.

Apparently Britain First’s brave 139 protesters were confronted by a few anti’s and bravely stood their ground. This however once again turned out to be a load of rubbish as Antifa, locals and Anti Biffers including most of the EBF office turned out to harass, heckle and generally have a good day out (see EBFBlogger here and here). Once again a huge police presence and shut shops proved what a waste of tax payers’ money and the costs of closing local businesses ensues when Folding and Dutchy come to town.

far right sweden school sword killer Anton Lundin PetterssonThe massacre in Sweden by a white, right wing terrorist and I mean terrorist not a misunderstood kid, not a loner, but a terrorist has led to near silence by the media, right wingers and politicians in this country. It appears to me that a nutter is a nutter whatever race or religion he or she may be. But while every Muslim man or woman is labelled a terrorist by the press or Biffer towers I have to counter that when this happens. I wasn’t the only one whose first thought when I heard the colour and politics of this boy was not Muslim was one of relief, when I should have been showing respect to those that had lost their lives. It must be working in the murky world of Anti Britain First that has made me do this.

But now on to the most important issue of the week (to me) and the outpouring of clickbait from Britain First and it’s offshoots including ones we are still checking on claiming to respect our troops, respect remembrance day, respect the poppy. So here we go, they are begging to get Folding elected, they are begging to stop their computers from being hacked, they are begging for court case costs and once again they are stealing money for their tatty products representing the poppy. And yes I did say stealing, because every penny they take goes into their bank account and is sent not to the armed forces but kept for whatever purpose Folding and Dutchy want to use it for (trip to Hungary, new tyres for their van or to hire a snooker hall for an hour). The unfortunate truth is any money raised does not go to respect our troops or to buy housing (something their memes tell us the refugees are getting) and Folding is still disrespecting our troops nearly 10 years since he wore pants on his head at the Cenotaph.

BF EBF Poppy shop charity con veteran RBL british legion scam

One of our page readers has challenged Golding to prove where the money has gone. To date nothing has been heard. Many of the good people of the page have been asking us if this page is real, is that page real and it’s got to the point where even we can’t be sure. I have recently had three people in my pub asking me to collect for remembrance day and each time I have said no, not because I don’t want to but since seeing the murky world of Britain First I will only have the Royal British Legion in and then for the rest of the year the Royal Air Force. Two of the three understood why I’m taking this stand, sighed and admitted that most of the pubs were taking this line too. The other got quite angry and insisted that I should allow his box on my bar. He left when I asked for his registered Charity number.

So to all you good souls who give money to respect and honour our troops please be careful where your pennies are going. I would advise sadly that you should only give money to the Royal British Legion this year and politely decline others. Give your reasons, the true ones will sigh and understand – only the shysters won’t.

This is a busy time for me at the moment. In a weeks time I will have completed my move to the South Coast, and my new pub will be halfway through the renovation. At least Beryl won’t be putting holes in the wall, Bazzer complaining about 3-5-2 or 4-2-3-1 and Gaz telling me every two minutes that the world is better under the conservatives will be a distant memory


Why is Britain First so popular on Facebook?

We’ve had a few people in the EBF inbox asking this lately. And it’s a fair question. How have this bunch of inadequate cockwombles managed to get such a presence on Facebook?

EBF Mug banner badged

Well, it’s complicated so bear with us. You might want to put the kettle on, make yourself a nice cuppa in your EBF mug, grab a few Hobnobs to sustain you and get comfy. This will take a while.

Biffers post to Facebook around 250 times a week. That’s a huge amount to flood the net with. It’s something of a ‘numbers game’. The more you speculate the more you accumulate. The more posts they put out there the more likes they attract.The Biffers post a lot of emotive and fairly superficial stuff. They target visceral emotional responses rather than encourage actual, considered opinion. Posts demanding that we ‘hang paedophiles’ or ‘save Puppies’ create emotional responses and that’s what they’re relying upon.

EBF BF Clickbait campaign meme

The instruction to ‘share if you agree’ just increases their reach and enhances the numbers game they play so well. Add to this an appeal to tradition, to the things that many Brits see as quintessentially ‘us’ like respect for war heroes or Facebook likes for Prince William and you have a powerful formula. That’s what we mean by ‘click bait’.

Every like, share or comment is shown on the news feed of every person on that persons friend list. ‘So and so liked this’, ‘so and so shared this’ and so on. That’s a powerful psychological driver – it promotes the idea that Britain First is accepted by our friends and that makes us more likely to see them in a positive light too.

They publish a lot of ‘survey’ posts such as ‘should we leave the EU?’ These fake surveys invite Facebook users to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Actually Britain First couldn’t care less what the results of the survey might be – it’s the social media ‘reach’ they’re after. Every comment goes on friends’ news feeds and encourages further discussion and acceptance of Britain First as an organisation.

BF FB Clickbait reach meme

Britain First sponsors posts. This means they pay Facebook to promote their posts under suggested likes or interests. It means they get to news feeds potentially untapped. That’s why Britain First posts, surveys and memes appear on the Facebook feeds of people who’ve never heard of them before.

EBF BF KTI share

The Biffers have many feeder pages that they share all of their material with and vice versa. If you look overnight you will see BF share a lot of Knights Templar International or English and Proud posts. These posts tend to be hidden during the daytime. This taps into the USA, Australian and Canadian feeds. The more likes, shares, comments and reach, the more Facebook takes an interest and helps to keep Britain First in people’s feeds.

EBF BF KTI USA cashcow Golding Dowson Fransen

If you visit their website you will be greeted first with a pop up ‘survey’ question linked to the Biffers’ Facebook account.. You may be asked  “Should Britain deport terrorists and hate preachers?” with the option to press either ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Remember that Britain First doesn’t care how you answer – it’s the reach they’re after.

BF pop up screenshot

If you respond you improve their standing with Facebook. That’s important because Facebook’s promotion algorithm is based upon existing hits and interactions. The more you have, the more exposure you get. These pop ups continue for as long as you’re on the BF site. It’s intrusive but effective. Presumably people click ‘yes’ or ‘no’ just to close the pop up but that still registers with Facebook, increases reach and enhances future exposure for Britain First.

Biffers use many ‘sock puppet’ accounts on sites across social media. We know this because sometimes the Biffer admins forget to sign in and out and end up having obvious (and ridiculous) arguments with themselves. Often when one person says something controversial, others will follow. Suddenly it becomes a place for people to ‘say what they think with agreement’. Those who disagree with the Britain First point of view are blocked from commenting so the overall impression is of a popular movement that everyone agrees with. People who can’t get anyone to agree with their neo’nazi racism (they’re in such a minority in the real world) suddenly begin to feel validated. And all without leaving the comfort of their computer chair!

Britain first pays Facebook and Facebook associated companies to boost posts, enhance reach and even buy likes. They also share likes between their many ‘feeder pages’, all of which eventually end up counting toward the main Biffer page.

EBF BF FB feeder pages meme

That’s why they have around a million Facebook likes and counting. It’s creative accounting, cynical marketing, paid-for likes and persistently flooding the internet with click bait, sock puppet debate and overnight posts intended for our American and Australian counterparts.

But for all their apparent Facebook popularity they don’t do nearly so well when it comes to getting real boots on real ground. Most Biffer rallies struggle to muster 100 people. Actual, real world support is very limited but the combination of bought likes, clickbait shares and the rest creates a very convincing impression of popularity. No matter how big and strong they appear online though, those misleading, over-inflated stats mean nothing in the real world, except…

…If they appear bigger, stronger and more popular than they are then they will eventually gain some real world support too. Their Facebook page is essentially an echo chamber. Dissent is deleted to the extent that only one (Nazi) view remains. This misrepresents the neo-nazism of Britain First as the only ‘right point of view’.

We know that Britain First’s co-founder, Jim Dowson has a wealth of experience as a marketer, publicist and political fundraiser. Fuhrer Biffer, Paul Golding was BNP press officer until he and Dowson left the party in 2011 to found Britain First. These people have skills and, laughing stock though they are, we’d be wrong to underestimate their influence.

Why don’t most Christians like Britain First?

Britain First, that well known purveyor of religious hatred styles itself as a Christian evangelical movement. Hardly a day goes by without multiple appeals to the great British public to embrace Jesus and defend the Christian faith against the threat of Islam.

BF full metal jacket evangelism jesus combo

Britain First’s Facebook page is packed with cherry-picked Bible quotes encouraging us to turn away from Sin and devote our lives to the Lord. The Christian sanctity of the family is held up as an ideal, no doubt intended to appeal to the traditional Christian contingent within British society.

BF family motherhood evangelism combo

Britain First begs Biffers to go out and spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus  Christ throughout the nations. Piously quoting the New Testament, Biffers proclaim the love of Jesus to all in the spirit of Christian love, spilling over with love for their fellow men and the milk of Christian kindness.

BF evangelism

What’s not to like?

Well… maybe this…

BF suffer little children evangelism

Genuine Christians understand that their God’s love isn’t limited just to card carrying members of their own particular sect. They understand that there are many good people throughout the world and that whilst they may not agree with Christians on matters of religion that doesn’t mean they are any less valuable to the Lord. They also understand that God’s love demands that they help others – not persecute them. They understand what it means to practice Christian love and charity. That’s why they see right through Britain First’s hypocrisy.

BF refugees not welcome

It’s clear to Christians that Britain First is attempting to hijack their faith to justify their own divisive hatred. There’s nothing Christian about Britain First’s hate-filled agenda.


It’s a strange brand of Christianity that thinks the racist, murderous policies of Adolf Hitler had merit. It’s an unusual Christian who supports Enoch Powell’s white supremacist perspective.

BF Enoch Powell FB 2

The fact is that Britain First uses Christianity in the same way that after shave salesmen use celebrity endorsements. They pretend to be Christians so that they can milk money out of Christians.

BF Luton judge comments offensive extremist mosques

But, like many people who try to misuse Christianity they have a poor understanding of just what Christianity is about in the 21st century. They have underestimated modern Christians, their sophistication and understanding of scriptural metaphor. Very few Christians in modern UK take the bible literally. They know how to extract the message from the Bible – you know, love, compassion, charity and the rest, without having to take every word literally. If Golding and Fransen were half the Christians they claim to be they’d understand that. And they wouldn’t post stuff like this…

BF creationist evolution evangelism

The truth is that Britain First sees Christianity in the same way that it sees Islam. It’s an excuse to provoke tension and in so doing create a marketing opportunity. Fear of the outsider is a great marketing tool. Frightened people are much more likely to cough up their money in support of the person who claims to have the solution. So Britain First borrows the technique of security alarm salesmen and life insurance brokers everywhere.

They create a fear…

BF Enoch Powell warning

…and then they exploit it for money.

BF donate struggle for survival

Now look at the currency. That’s not pounds sterling – it’s dollars. Take a moment to think about that. Look at the flags. BRITAIN FIRST is courting America, Canada and Australia. What’s that about?

Has the penny dropped yet?

Britain First is trying to appeal to the religious right wing of the Americas and the Antipodes. That’s what all the Religious fundamentalism is about. That’s why they even posted ‘British’ stuff like this.

BF America Canada combo

That’s why they’re proud to be American (even though they think it’s Canada).

Britain First is a cynical money-making opportunity hijacking a religion it doesn’t understand and a country they can’t find on the map for personal profit. Is it any surprise that real Christians (and most Americans) see right through them?

Obvious really, aren’t they?