Britain first’s radical creation

How many times has Britain first protested at Finsbury Park Mosque?

How many times has Britain first called for white non-Muslims to rise up and take action against the Muslim ‘invasion’?

How many times has Britain first told its followers that they’re in a civil war against Muslims?

How many white British people have been radicalised by Golding and Fransen?

BF EBF Finsbury Park Mosque propaganda

How many British Muslims will be radicalised by atrocities such as the one perpetrated against innocent worshippers at Finsbury Park in the early hours of this morning?

Britain First isn’t just a profiteering organisation making money off the back of radicalised racists. It’s also one of Daesh’s most effective recruitment mechanisms.

EBF BF Dowson Holy War crusade comboTheresa May has pledged to clamp down on far right hate preachers. We suggest she starts with Fransen, Golding, Lomax and Lewis. We demand that the British government proscribe Britain First as a terrorist organisation and place all its ‘officers’ and activists on trial under the prevention of terrorism act.

We demand that this is done without delay. We further demand that hate preachers like Katie Hopkins, Nigel Farage, Paul Nuttall, Tommy (Yaxley-Lennon) Robinson also stand trial for inciting hate crimes against Muslims, refugees, immigrants and non-whites.

Come on Prime Minister – you’ve said you’re serious about prosecuting hate preachers. Now’s the time to get on and do it. Let’s not have yet another U-turn.

A view from a barstool #43 by Landlord

christmas-beerI have to admit that I was finding it pretty difficult to work out what to write this week, I mean just how much regurgitated shit can you manage to read or hear before getting writers block, until the Christmas present that was the incarceration of Der Fuhrer, so here it is, my take on the best and funniest news we at EBF have had all year.

Goldibollocks, you see, like the rest of his High Command think they are above the law, that when they are arrested, interviewed or confronted by the police that this is a plot by the establishment to silence them and the twelvty million supporters they purport to have. Well Goldibollocks, well Screechy, well shittroopers I have news for you, it’s not. The reason you are harassed, arrested,bailed or confronted is because it’s against the law.


Now it’s hard not to laugh at them, I know believe me, but trying to be serious for just one paragraph this is a quick résumé of what Goldibollocks did to get banged up. Earlier this year, to great fanfare and video on their page Goldibollocks, Screechy and the shittroopers visited Bury Park in Luton for a Christian patrol. Screechy went batshit crazy and verbally assaulted a young Muslim woman whilst bravely surrounded by the shittroopers and quite rightly Bedfordshire police got miffed about it. Screechy and Goldibollocks were bailed with certain stringent conditions. One of which was not to go into a mosque in the British isles without written permission. When it was time to come to court he played a blinder pled guilty and got a criminal record, Screechy was also hauled up and also got convicted of her part in the Bury Park fiasco. One thing remained though…… more mosque invasions.

bf-ebf-fransen-golding-luton-courtWhilst Screechy was out of the picture Goldibollocks and some pretty unsavoury activists went to Cardiff and entered a mosque without prior written consent, Goldibollocks says he didn’t go in but he was definitely the unhinged mastermind behind it. Thinking they had got away with it how they laughed. However behind the scenes the authorities decided that bending over and being fisted by the biffers on a weekly basis was pissing them off and hatched a cunning plan. Fast forward to Screechy’s trial and the announcement that Goldibollocks was to be charged for contempt of court. After much hissing and screaming at the establishment Goldibollocks relinquished control of Bifferdom to spend more time with his family. The more cynical amongst us knew this was a blinding legal move on his behalf as he could say he no longer had control.

On Thursday he went to court played a blinder, pled guilty and expected a slap on the wrist. Naughty boy Paul but as we’re so frightened of your online masses and your plethora of MPS, MEPs and councillors we’ll let you out just don’t do it again, was what he, his legal team and the biffer High command thought would happen. By all accounts his bottom lip trembled as he was told you’re going down for eight weeks, 4 suspended. You see Screechy, Goldibollocks and the rest of your tacky insignificant crew people get fucked off with being constantly disobeyed and you went too far.

Now we could go over the top and take the piss more, we could ask that he’s banged up with Muslims, or someone who calls him Pauline, but the others have too much class for that. Instead I’d like him to spend the 4 weeks in solitude, snivelling like the cowardly fuck he is. He won’t have his shittroopers there, no one to hold his hand if someone says something nasty to him.

EBF BF Golding prison crime policy.jpg

I hope prison will break him, make him scared shitless, I hope that he’ll come out chastened by the experience, but I doubt it. In fact if you read comments from biffer towers you’ll see the twats are out and Screechy wants money to appeal. Appeal, fuck off you conning bunch of fucking arseholes. He pled guilty end of.
One of the comments I loved was,

“I bet if it was a Muslim he’d be free.”

To which one of our regulars wrote

“Hmmm, like Choudary.”

So what next for the biffers? Well Screechy will continue with her soapbox, spouting all sorts of absolute garbage, Stevie will continue his one man assault on Gregg’s, the shittroopers will continue to look as menacing as my little ponies and in 4 weeks time a fucked up Goldibollocks will emerge to the waiting throng of twelvty million press and sign a multi million pound deal with Brietbart to screen his life story. In all honesty, we just don’t know. One thing we are sure about is that this will lead to some more conning, a huge amount of racist and religious bigotry and Screechy screeching.

One more thing you can be sure of, once the offices collective hangover goes we’ll be there to fuck them up, we’ll be there to highlight their lies, we’ll be there to highlight their bigotry, we’ll be there to counter their get togethers and we’ll be there to highlight their cons.

But for this weekend I’m getting pissed, and staying pissed. Maybe, just maybe this will curtail their activities and that is something to raise a glass of Babysham to over the Xmas break. Now if you’ll forgive me I’ve got an unopened bottle of expensive Valpollicello to uncork and toast His Honour Judge Moloney for having the bollocks to stand up to the bully.


A view from a barstool #32 by Landlord

As I rapidly approach my first anniversary as an EBF team admin, I thought I’d share a few before and after snapshots of my life as an admin on this superb page, fash fatigue and the laughs and tears that we’ve shared in this time.

Beer 2Before joining Team EBF I was very much fighting the right wing, trolling various pages with mates and making an annoyance of ourselves. The EDL, various Infidel pages, Casuals, and of course Britain First all had visits. But thinking back on it, it never made any difference to the way they thought. To bastardise a Farage (ugh) phrase, “racist means racist.” Although it was fun, and made me many new facebook friends I wasn’t going to change the knuckledragging idiots nor stop their disgusting lies.

Then out of the blue I was messaged by Prole who asked me if I would like to join the page (knowing now what I’ve learnt about selecting admins I feel very humbled), I didn’t take long to agree, the Biffers are the worst of the knuckledraggers, so I was introduced into the murky world of all things Goldibollocks and the guys behind the page.

My world changed. My day now consists of getting the kids up for school and on the way home stopping off at the corner shop for a dose of nicotine, caffiene energy drinks and a quick peruse of the front pages of the fash bibles, the doom and gloom twins aka the Fail and Liexpress. When I get back in, it’s cash up and get the pub ready and check twitter, Facebook and the world media for stories that help debunk the lies peddled everyday in Bifferdom. I stopped buying newspapers and watching the news when I got into fash fighting, I realised that propaganda comes in many guises so I just stopped. To this day I can’t bring myself to visit the Biffer page, as I like most of you are banned I just screamed “LIES” but can do nothing about it. Fortunately others in Team EBF have a tougher resolve, they are evenable to sit through the video’s that Screechy puts out with her voice and the hideous lies that they peddle.

After opening the pub doors, I’m able to answer pm’s to page or your links. Again these are invaluable to us as we always miss something (akin to the landlady always spotting a stray cobweb when I finish cleaning the living quarters) I also have a lovely chat to Reg, a lovely 60 year old Rasta and his wife and Mo the postie about life and the problems they, as darker skinned members of the community, have endured. Then it’s back to work on the page, discussing within the team whether such and such should go up, proof reading memes etc etc and that’s how it goes on all day, discussions, decisions and scheduling.

An accusation that gets thrown at us quite regularly is that we are terrorist appeasers, Muslim apologists, muslims and lefty traitors. The terrorist atrocities carried out over this past year have left the office in a stunned silence many of the team in tears, me a six foot plus barman with a lump in my throat, and an unspoken question of how can we defend this. The answer my friends is we don’t. Like every other right (left) minded person on this planet we can see that these murders are carried out by a miniscule percentage of so called religious zealots who are hell bent on circulating fear. Bomb somewhere and get wall to wall coverage for the next week from a media who have an agenda. Then watch every right wing page do your bidding and spread fear and islamaphobia across social media, in fact Daesh’s social media boss must have the easiest job in propaganda circles. So we don’t defend it, we publish stories that show the other 99.9% of Muslims hate Daesh as much as we do, are affected by the same feelings as we have, but they unlike us are vilified.

Then there are the good times, the Southend Network news piece about the hot cross buns, Kingsmill loaves being Halal, Cadbury’s Easter eggs no longer having Easter on them all of these and others sending the frothing biffers into apoplexy and us into fits of pissing ourselves.

There are also the begging Emails and video’s that make me wet myself at the gullibility of their Sheeple, the Election campaigns, Mosque raids, and so on that we need to counter and we do.

There you have it, a year in EBF, a year in which I have learnt about who TellMama, Hope not hate, KTI,Jim Dowson and Joshua Bonehill are. A year in which Champagne moments are mixed with lukewarm cheap lager days, but never ever boring.


Britain First and the history of European Nazism

The problem with making historical comparisons is they’re never precise enough to satisfy the pedants and rarely obvious enough to catch the attention of most people. That’s because the majority of us have enough to deal with just coping with the necessities of everyday living. People haven’t time to go around studying political history and most don’t have the inclination to search for comparisons and similarities between modern UK and the worst of European thought.

EBF understands that. We know that to many this article will seem like an over-reaction to current events. But we think it important that we highlight the broad trends of 21st century ideologies even if the exact details differ from the precise events of the past. Modern Europe is very different from that of 80 or 90 years ago. Mass communication is easier and less controlled which accelerates the speed of social change. Deceitful propaganda is more easily spread and ideas, even dangerous ones can take hold of a population like wildfire.

EBF BF Wake up and rise up.pngBut people are still essentially the same. Their fears are the same, their vulnerability to manipulative ideologues is the same and their tendency to look for scapegoats to blame is the same. Our species hasn’t evolved at all in a few decades. We are as we were and what we were was frightening.

In 1920s Germany economic hardship was rife. People were literally starving to death as food became more and more expensive and wages, even for those lucky enough to be employed at all couldn’t keep up. Many felt hopeless and helpless.

In post 2007 Europe whole countries went bankrupt and others, like UK saw the weakest citizens, those suffering from disabling conditions or those who were unable to find work stripped of their incomes, sanctioned by civil servants or forced to work for nothing to ease the wage burden on large companies like Tesco, Asda and even’ the Biffers’ favourite’ – Gregg’s the baker’s. Many argue that this was little more than state-sponsored slavery designed to increase private, corporate profits at the expense of the public purse as several employers cut jobs, replacing paid employees with unskilled, forced (workfare) labour instead. Many at the bottom rungs of society felt hopeless and helpless.

In Post WW1 Germany a group of veterans calling themselves the Frei Corp (Free Army) began releasing propaganda explaining that Germany’s predicament was all the fault of international Jewry. This wasn’t true but it suited the emotional need of some of the people to scapegoat someone other than themselves.

In post-recession UK groups like Britain First began releasing propaganda blaming Muslims for all the country’s problems. This isn’t true either but it suits the emotional need of some of the people to scapegoat someone other than themselves.

EBF extremist Jayda no moderate muslim BF court lie

In 1920s Germany Adolf Hitler joined a small group of far right nationalists and quickly rose to prominence within what was one day to become the Nazi party.

In 2010 a relatively minor official in the British National Party (a far right nationalist group) broke away from the party to form his own rival group – Britain First.

In 1920s Germany the government largely ignored the Nazis. They were only one of many far right factions and they seemed too busy fighting amongst themselves to be of any significance.

In 2010 the UK government largely ignored Britain First. They were only one of many far right factions and they seemed too busy fighting amongst themselves to be of any significance.

In 1920s Germany Hitler’s Nazi party made very little impact. The demonstrations they held were violent armed conflicts and so the authorities eventually acted. When Hitler tried to begin an armed revolution and held hostage two government officials he was overwhelmed, tried and imprisoned for sedition.

In modern UK, Britain First incites violence against Muslims and immigrants but Golding et al have learned from history and never personally involve themselves in such crimes.

In 1930s Germany the Frei Corp became the Brown Shirts – the organised street fighters who persecuted Jews – their most infamous incident was ‘The night of broken glass’ or ‘Kristalnacht’ during which Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues were attacked in a domestic atrocity ordered by Hitler himself.

In modern UK we have not seen anything on the scale of Kristalnacht yet. We have however seen attacks against Muslim shops, Mosques and businesses, including arson and several Muslim deaths. At least one 81 year old Muslim was beaten to death by Britain First supporters whilst on his way to his local Mosque for morning prayers.

From the 1920s onwards Hitler and his cronies used dehumanising propaganda to isolate and encourage violence against German Jews.

From 2010 onwards Britain First has used dehumanising propaganda to isolate and encourage violence against British Muslims.

EBF BF Nazi dehumanisation

The German Nazis relied upon nationalism and a sense of ‘taking back control’ to fuel their hatred.

Britain First relies upon nationalism and a sense of ‘taking back control’ to fuel its hatred.

BBC3 BF WWOCB Title page

The internet and the speed with which social media spreads ideas around means that the popular nationalism that took the Nazis 15 years to achieve has taken Britain First with its social media savvy operation a third of that time. What they lack is political clout but there’s time for that and they’re certainly trying hard.

And it’s not just Britain First. There are other, equally disturbing groups at work in the UK. Nationalists organisations echo the same message of hate. Groups like the English Defence League and countless others also rely upon the same propaganda to fuel a nationalism that seems hell bent on taking this country back to a past that only really existed in their imaginations. Respectable political groups like UKIP seem almost to legitimise the nationalist agenda and may well be the key to political influence for all the other nationalist groups.

Brexit send them back T shirt

It’s no coincidence that ‘Vote UKIP’ is a common refrain from the racist nationalists we interact with across social media. Britain First is unlikely to gain any political power but that doesn’t mean they can’t support UKIP. Golding and Fransen have already created something like a Frei Corp in waiting. Their own website describes Britain First as a ‘Street defence organisation’ and their regular calls for civil war against Muslims and their (admittedly laughable as yet) attempts to train their members in combat skills seems to point very clearly in one particular direction. Might they become UKIP’s Brown shirts in time?

EBF BF fight club

If the problem was only UK based that might be less of a concern but similair trends can be seen across Europe. Some countries are further along this dark path and it’s not hard to see where we’re all being driven. This week in Austria a far right party using the slogan ‘Austria First’ (there’s a coincidence) narrowly failed to become the ruling political party in the country’s national election.

EBF BF Austria far right Nazi election.pngIn the style of their Austrian predecessor, Adolf Hitler they are now forcing a new election. Hitler’s Nazi party also forced elections until they got the result they wanted. We’d hoped that Austrians would know better, given their country’s part in WW2 but seemingly not. Like Brits and many other European nationals they have short memories. It remains to be seen how prophetic the result of the UK’s recent ‘Brexit’ referendum may be. The result (48% v 52%) is strikingly close to the Austrian result after a campaign that was fought much more along nationalist and racist lines than any other issue. We believe that there is very real cause for concern both here in the UK and abroad.

Holland, a country defeated by the Nazis and subjected to all the horrors of occupation is currently seeing the rise of its own brand of Nationalism. Even Germany, the birthplace of Pegida has a growing number of fascists within its population. Similair stories can be told about many Western nations from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean. The far right hasn’t won yet but it’s making remarkably good headway.

There’s still time to turn this around. Please help us to spread the word and stop the neo-Nazis from dragging us back into the darkness of former decades.

Further relevant reading from EBF

An overview of Britain First (PDF)

Britain First’s Nazi policies (PDF)

Britain First’s general Nazism (PDF)

Jayda Fransen’s Anti-Islamic propaganda – just Like Julius Streicher’s anti-semitic ‘Der Sturmer’ (PDF)

Britain First has blood on its hands

How Britain First profits from violence

Britain First inciting civil war

Britain first as a uniformed, paramilitary militia


Time to make a stand

Ever since the UK voted to leave the European Union, racists and nationalists have wrongly assumed that they have a mandate to abuse ethnic Brits. We don’t believe this is true. We don’t think that most Leave voters did so because of racism or aggressive nationalism. But unfortunately ethnic minorities living in Britain have a hard time knowing which Brits accept them as valuable members of our society and which are hostile. This is understandably frightening. When anyone could be a threat everyone is threatening.

So we have a suggestion.

The images below are easy to download. Why not choose one, take it to your local printer and get it transferred onto a T-shirt or sweatshirt? Why not have it printed on a mug to use at work or maybe a cap? Anywhere you like really.

EBF Not racist transfer 5

The idea is to show our fellow citizens in clear, uncompromising terms that we are not a threat. Let’s fill Britain with reassurances for those who need them most right now.

EBF Not in my name transfer 5

It doesn’t matter how you voted in the referendum. We know that was about many issues that seem to have passed the racist minority by completely. This is about reclaiming our society for the tolerant majority of Brits and extending the hand of friendship and acceptance to all.

It’s time to make a stand and show the far right that they cannot win!

EBF Not racist transfer


EBF Not in my name transfer


EBF Not racist transfer 2


EBF Not In My Name transfer 2



EBF Not in my name transfer 3EBF Not racist transfer 3

EBF Not racist transfer 4

EBF Not in my name transfer 4

Mair and the media

Tommy Mair Westminster magistrates courtRecent events have brought Britain First into the media spotlight and not in a good way. Tommy Mair shouting “Britain First!” and then spluttering on about death to traitors in court has brought the Biffers and their murderous intentions into the public eye in a way that we at EBF could only have dreamed of. We’re grateful to those national papers who have begun to see them for what they really are.

So it seems ungrateful to ask more of a media that has already done so much but there’s a very real danger here that the real point will be missed.

Yes, it’s true that Britain First have no real membership to speak of. It’s true that their extremist views are not shared openly by much of the British population. But that’s not the whole story.

Even allowing for bought likes and page merging-scams their page does have a significant number of genuine likes. That means that their reach across social media is huge and even though not many people would call themselves neo-Nazis many are taken in by the general tone of their rhetoric. So we’d like to ask two things of mainstream media…

When you report on the joke that is Britain First please also point out the dangers of their evil messages spreading relentlessly across social media. They really do have an influence. That’s why hate crime is on the rise. That’s why our society is becoming ever more intolerant. Britain First isn’t the only group spreading this filth but it is probably the most effective.

Please don’t forget about these neoNazi malcontents when the next story breaks. They aren’t going to stop their relentless assault upon the peace of our nation so please, don’t you let up either. We’ll happily let you know as major stories start to break if you inbox us with a contact. You can message us via our Facebook page or Email the EBF blog at

Who knows – you might get a scoop (do journalists still use that word?).

Now you know what Britain First is capable of, please help us to keep the pressure on. They’re far more dangerous than they first appear.


Team EBF


Spread the word

Things are looking good from our vantage point here at EBF Towers.

  • The Biffers numbers are falling with every demo and stunt.
  • The law is closing in on Dutchy and Folding in a very big way.
  • We hear that donations have slumped to an all-time low.
  • Fewer and fewer people we meet in our real lives (outside of EBF) are prepared to say anything nice about the Biffers.
  • The neo-nazi dream of an all-white, Aryan Britain is once again fading back into the darkness from whence it came.

But the job’s not over yet. There are still some ill-informed Brits who don’t realise what Britain First stands for when they share their social media clickbait or who ‘hold court’ down at the boozer about those ‘heroic’ Biffers. These are the hardest to reach.

Will you help us to show them the truth too? Please share this image across all your social media platforms.

EBF Spread the word.png

We have over 82,000 followers on Facebook alone. The blog and Twitter are well supported too. If every supporter who sees this image shares it we could reach nearly everyone in the UK in just a matter of hours.

Will you help us to spread the word? Please – share this image and give your friends the chance to find out the truth.

No pasaran!

Fun with trolls!

EBF Troll hunter badgeWe’ve been having fun with trolls on the blog lately. As usual the same old accusations have been brought up from supporting terrorists to enabling paedophiles. Equally predictably the trolls, whilst advising us to read history, seem to have no grasp of the relevant facts themselves.

It’s because we understand history that we oppose neo-nazis like Britain First so vehemently. We know only too well what happens when religious and racial groups are demonised and alienated. We saw it in nazi occupied Europe, we saw it in the former Yugoslavia, we saw it in Rwanda and, much to the Biffers’ dismay, history saw it when European Crusaders invaded the Holy land, slaughtering Muslims, Pagans, Jews and even fellow Christians as they went.

So – just to be clear…

We oppose terrorism from ALL quarters, including terrorists like the Biffers.

We oppose ALL paedophiles but not all members of any religious group.

We don’t hate white people – we just don’t think white skins make us special.

We don’t hate our country – we just have compassion for others.

We don’t support sexism – we just prefer to address real issues rather than overly-simplistic generalisations.

We don’t support rape – we just don’t blame ALL members of a particular demographic for the actions of a few.

We DO despise fascism BECAUSE we understand the lessons of history and refuse to accept the repetition of one of Europe’s greatest mistakes!

A view from a barstool #18


Landlord in cellarHere we go again then, this time hidden away in the crisp and soft drink store. I just hope the barmaid doesn’t come in looking to restock as my chuckles have been quite loud this week. Fortunately with Hulk taking a few days out we didn’t have to call in the UN peace keepers for the continuing ruck between our green friend and Tank Girl arguing over the milk chocolate hobnobs. Prole and Kit no longer sit in the corner shaking in fear or rage (or was that uncontrollable giggling) and Mama has been found safe and well in the cleaning cupboard. Yifter and Ant have finished the decorating but the Dulux matching machine spewed out Biffer green instead of purple. As for me I put in 2 days appearance in the office (felt like a week) the rest was mole hunting (no really they have had the pub garden up.) and reading the page to give me some idea of what to write this week.

BF Dewsbury speeches Jim Dowson sermonFirstly the twelvty hundred million patriots who turned up in Dewsbury to march against something that really isn’t happening. Screechy, Goldibollocks and Uncle Jim were there so the reported 90-120 people who bothered to go would have heard the usual tosh that screechy normally turns out. I won’t go through it, the heavily edited video on Biffer Central shows it as no protesters were allowed near the cockwombles’ shuffle. They shouted their slogans again. No one heard them or took much notice and even though Goldibollocks said they would bring it against the Police orders, no No More Mosques banner was seen. Could it be that:

a) They are cowards, after telling their sheep they would;
b) They are cowards, after telling us that the Police couldn’t stop them or;
c) They are cowards.

The excuses for non attendance at this shambolic rally were even better. Not only had Northern Rail conspired against them and made all trains with any fucknuggets on them go straight past Dewsbury without stopping (easily debunked as an enquiry on Friday tells us that all trains that were supposed to stop stopped) and police stopped another million coming up by issuing section 35 orders. This meant that at least a million of their followers couldn’t make it. I did check the flights from the USA, Australia, India and Pakistan. Apart from a delay from Karachi all flights got in on or around the times stated. There also, so they told us, weren’t any activists arrested. Apart from our reports that 4 people were arrested for racially aggravated offences! I’ll leave that up to you to decide whether they were biffers or not.

EBF BF Dewsbury Dover competition lie police Jayda

So the biffers had their march and then a “social” after. As a Landlord this angered me. I would never ever let these arses anywhere near a pub but hey there are always publicans after a quick buck or that support their cause. Anyway EBF’s mole sent us some pics from there along with their official photo’s and on there was an interesting chap. EBFblogger has written more on him yesterday so I’ll leave it to her to report that stuff.

The powers that be are pissed off at the Biffers. Luton Council, along with Christian groups have asked them not to return, ever. Beds Police have decided to do what they should have done months ago and started looking for evidence of breach of conditions and also seeking an injunction to keep them out. Why is it Goldibollocks and Screechy along with their shittroopers don’t seem to be asked back to towns and cities across Britain, well England actually, the Scots, Welsh and Irish wouldn’t put up with them. Could it be that no one apart from your Trump loving friends in the US, your Antipodean supporters and your bought likes actually want you or your horrible vile kind of racism. We, the Huff post and other pages will open our pages up to Beds police and let them look at stuff we haven’t published for a concerted effort to rid ourselves of these conmen.

Finally the head of Biffer intelligence issued a call to arms on Exposing Britain First (I would call it a Fatwa but that would annoy them more) as our perfectly placed mole sent some lovely screenshots. Apparently we are a vile disgusting page with no ethics but I’ll leave that up to you to decide. All I can really do is smile and wave at them.

So thats what I’ve learnt this week.Apart from the knuckledragging cockwombles being a waste of Halal oxygen I’ve also learnt my WIFI booster gives me 4 bars of connection in the crisp store, the Landlady is a lovely, tolerant and beautiful woman, my ale has been once again granted the Casque mark because it’s rather tasty and I’m bored of the office without Hulk.
