The origins of Britain’s far right movement

Godwin’s law states that the first person to call their opponent a Nazi loses the debate. That’s because the word Nazi (the short-form of the German NSDAP or ‘National Socialist German Workers’ Party)’) is so over-used today. It’s become the go-to insult for those whose intellectual abilities have run dry and they find themselves unable to counter a well-thought out argument. In that sense, Godwin was right – the first person to call their opponent a Nazi has indeed, lost the debate. But what if the person you’re talking about or interacting with really is a Nazi?

edl nazi.jpg

That’s when Godwin’s law starts to come apart. It becomes even more confusing when your verbal sparring partner subscribes to Nazi policies (see groups like Britain First, UKIP and Liberty GB) and yet genuinely believes that they’re not Nazi at all. What if they actually see themselves as ‘anti-Nazi’?

The leadership of the British far-right have been so diligent in redefining themselves that they really have convinced their supporters (and perhaps even themselves) that their policies, although often exactly matching those of Hitler’s Nazi regime in the 1930s and 1940s, are actually anti-Nazi.

Here we chart the descent of Nazism through the generations as we might track the passage of the runners’ baton in an Olympic relay race. Here the track is measured in years, not metres but the principle is the same. The same baton that was touched by the hands of Hitler, Franco and Mussolini now finds itself carried just as reverently by Weston, Griffin, Yaxley-Lennon, Hopkins, Golding, Fransen and Dowson.

Hitler, Mussolini, Franco

It’s no secret that these three mid-twentieth century dictators knew each other. Hitler and Mussolini even fought together against the Allies during World War 2. Before the war both men sent troops, funds and equipment to support Franco’s fascist cause in the Spanish Civil War. They were the three most prominent fascist dictators of the period, matched in ruthlessness only by Stalin in Communist Russia. What isn’t so well known is the way that these dictators interacted with British High society.

Mosley, the British Union of Fascists

Oswald Mosley was the leader of the British Union of Fascists, a party he formed in 1932 immediately after visiting Mussolini in Italy.

mosleyMosley’s followers dressed in black military style uniform, shared Hitler’s hatred of Jews and socialists and even had their own army of street thugs, the infamous ‘Biff Boys’. These violent, black-shirted gangs spent their time terrorizing and assaulting Jews, homosexuals (the word ‘gay’ meant something rather different back then). Socialists and non-whites. Their methods and their targets were exactly the same as those of Ernst Rohm’s brown-shirted SA in pre-war Nazi Germany. There’s a reason for that.

Mosley and the Mitford sisters

Mosely had very real links to the fascists of Europe. As well as Mussolini he also visited Nazi Germany and married his second wife, Diana Mitford in the home of Joseph Goebbels. There were only around half a dozen guests in attendance including Adolf Hitler himself. Mosley’s new sister in law, Unity Mitford was known to be extremely close to Hitler and even got to attend high level strategy meetings with the Fuhrer. Unity killed herself when war was declared, so heartbroken was she at the rift between the two nations.

William Joyce Lord Haw HawDeputy leader William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw)

Deputy Leader of the BUF was William Joyce, later to defect to Nazi Germany and broadcast pro-Nazi propaganda across the channel throughout the war. Nicknamed ‘Lord Haw Haw’ by the British he was captured in 1945 and hanged for treason shortly afterward.

Defence regulation 18B

In late May 1940, Mosley and his wife, along with several other prominent members of the British Union of Fascists were imprisoned under Defence regulation 18B. This was an emergency power used to prevent any British citizen suspected of undermining the British war effort from aiding the enemy. The BUF itself was disbanded a few days later. However its legacy lives on.

Archibald Ramsay & The Right Club

Archibald RamsayArchibald Ramsay was a Scottish aristocrat and Conservative MP. He was a staunch supporter of Franco’s fascists during the Spanish Civil War. In 1935 he collaborated with German Nazi agents to found the Nordic League, an aristocratic version of Mosley’s BUF. Like the BUF, the Nordic League was deeply anti-Semitic and committed to establishing and maintaining a racially pure Britain. Ramsay was responsible for instigating a number of attempts to have Jews barred from political life in Britain.

In 1939 he founded The Right Club, a secret society of upper class Nazi sympathisers and anti-Semites whose stated aim was to expose and oppose organised Jewry. Members included Mosley, the traitor, William Joyce along with Anna Wolkoff and Tyler Kent who were subsequently imprisoned for passing classified information to the Nazis during wartime.

AK Chesterton

AK ChestertonAK Chesterton (not to be confused with author, GK Chesterton) was a prominent member of the British Union of Fascists, The Nordic League and The Right Club. Like his fellows he was staunchly anti-Semitic and pro-fascist. He left England during the second world war and went to live in Africa, presumably to avoid being forced to fight against his ideological brethren. However he maintained his far-right, anti-Semitic and openly racist views throughout his life and was instrumental in passing the baton of fascism down to the next generation of British Nazis – The National Front.


Chesterton, Tyndall and the National Front

John TyndallChesterton’s most prominent protégé was John Tyndall. Through Tyndall and his fellow acolyte, Colin Jordan the ageing Nazi sympathiser passed the baton of extreme right wing politics to the next generation. Tyndall joined his mentor, Chesterton in the League of Empire Loyalists, The National Labour Party (mirroring Hitler’s National Socialist Party) and The National Socialist Movement (with Jordan) until eventually the pair co-founded The National Front in the late 1960s.

The early years of The National Front, steered as it was by Chesterton and Tyndall saw the introduction of many better known modern neo-Nazis who also carry forward the baton of British fascism first brandished by Mosley, Joyce and Ramsay. Under Chesterton and Tyndall’s stewardship the NF nurtured the early political careers of people like Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons (later to become British National Party MEPs), Holocaust denier, Martin Wingfield and even Tommy Robinson. Tyndall and Colin Jordan eventually formed the White Defence League before uniting with John Bean to found the British National Party.

Andrew Brons had been a member of Colin Jordan’s National Socialist Movement, an affiliation he has repeatedly had to distance himself from in later years. In 1965 he joined the National front led by John Bean. This is not the same National Front that Tyndall and Chesterton founded in 1967 although its aims and ideology were the same – anti-Semitism, racial purity and neo-Nazism. Only in 1967, following a merger with Tyndall and Chesterton’s League of Empire Loyalists did the current National Front come into existence. With this merger, a critical mass of new-generation Nazis was re-established in UK and Mosley’s baton became a truncheon once again.

Combat 18 and Column 88

Combat 18 nazi

This newly imagined National Front gave rise to some of the most violent street warfare of the period. Groups like Combat 18 were as much the NF’s enforcers as Mosely’s ‘Biff Boys’ had been for the BUF. Named after letters of the alphabet, Combat 18 stood for A & H (Adolf Hitler). Column 88 whose initials stood for HH (Heil Hitler) was led by former British National Party stalwart Leslie Eric Lutz Vaughan. The column was a paramilitary Nazi group whose CO of operations was a former Black Watch Major called Ian Souter Clarence. The ‘good’ Major used to run military style training camps and was widely thought to have stockpiled weapons acquired after demobilisation of WW2 servicemen.


Both groups  have a string of convictions for intimidation, assault, harassment and even murder to their credit. More modern groups like The Pie and Mash Squad and the EDL’s breakaway ‘Infidels’ groups have their own links with these early bands of politicised street fighters.

Nick Griffin

Nick Griffin NF White PowerNick Griffin was mentored by Tyndall and followed his far-right tutor from the National Front into the newly formed British National Party. This erstwhile NF Street fighter rose to prominence in the BNP and eventually ousted his old mentor to take the BNP chair for himself. There he steered the party from relative obscurity to become the most successful British far-right party since Mosley’s BUF before financial irregularities and a string of law-suits brought his newly-built empire crashing down around his ears. Now the BNP is a shadow of its former self with many of its members defecting to join the ranks of street movements like the English Defence League and Britain First.

The BNP gives birth to the EDL and Britain First

BF East London Mosque ELM Robin Lomax political uniformchief of staff head of national security

Paul Golding had once been a member of the National Front but he followed his mentor, Nick Griffin into the BNP when still a teenager. With Griffin’s mentorship he rose to become Communications Officer on the party’s National Executive and was widely tipped to rise high in the organisation. That was until things started to fall apart.

Tommy (EDL leader) RobinsonStephen Yaxley-Lennon was a member of the British National Party under Griffin’s leadership. It’s unclear how well he knew Griffin personally but they certainly had shared contacts and their ideologies are broadly the same. It was Robinson who took the far-right baton in a new direction and abandoned politics, albeit temporarily to form the English Defence League, a street movement that once boasted up to 5,000 ‘foot-soldiers’ at its largest demonstration.

The English Defence League still exists but without Yaxley-Lennon (AKA Tommy Robinson) who has since been associated with the Muslim-led anti-terror organisation Quilliam and then the UK Branch of the anti-Muslim group, Pegida. More recently in a desperate effort to avoid a much-deserved obscurity he’s pretending to be a journalist. In truth he’s generally found causing trouble, getting into fights and then filming the retaliation of others whilst pretending to be a victim. These days he tries to assume an air of reasonableness but underneath he’s the same bigotted thug he always was.

British National Party fundraiser, Ulster Unionist and long-time pro-life campaigner, Jim Dowson became involved in a spat with Griffin over allegations of sexual misconduct. Dowson left the party in less than amicable circumstances and Golding went with him. Together they formed the anti-Muslim party, Britain First in 2010. They were later joined by former EDL ‘Angel’, Jayda Fransen and spend much of their time campaigning against Islam and ‘invading’ Mosques and Halal businesses. The pair regularly find themselves in court for harassment, breaches of bail and ironically for wearing political uniform, an offence under the Pubic Order Act of 1936, originally created to kerb Mosley’s black-shirted British Union of Fascists.

BF beyond UKIP cabaret invasion

Having recognised their ideological soul-mates in Nigel Farage’s UKIP, Britain First even set themselves up for a time as UKIP’s attack dogs. They harassed their opponents and mounted unofficial ‘patrols’ to ensure would-be demonstrators against UKIP were intimidated. They were a much less effective and actually quite laughable parody of the German Nazi party’s violent, brown-shirted ‘SA’. Golding, Fransen and the rest of the BF leadership have repeatedly called for their supporters to vote UKIP, presumably having noted the many similarities between UKIP’s extreme right policies and their own.

Most recently both Golding and Fransen have been imprisoned for racially motivated harassment and their organisation has been banned from the largest social media sites. It is this double-whammy blow to Britain First that has prompted EBF to rebrand itself and broaden our horizons. Britain First is dying but British fascism is not – so we continue.

BF Paul and Jayda Kent police mugshot

Godwin’s law revisited

It’s clear that step by step, generation by generation the British fascist baton has been passed down without interruption from mentor to student, from racist to racist, Anti-Semite to anti-Muslim, Nazi to neo-Nazi for almost a century now. As this series continues we’ll start to look at how the very same policies and ideological beliefs have withstood the test of time. Some have remained unchanged whilst others have adapted slightly in the face of modern attitudes and current events. But however they might have been adapted, disguised and given the superficial appearance of something far more moderate than they really are, the core of  fascism and Nazism remains unchanged.

Remember – Godwin’s law only applies if the people you’re talking about aren’t actually Nazis. In this case – they really are!

EDL Nazi salute swastike tattoo.jpg


Deeper and down

I remember a song my dad used to play in the car when I was a girl. I don’t know who it was by but they were a popular band back in the dark ages when he was a teenager. He used to put the cassette (remember those) in the car stereo on our regular trips around the Lincolnshire countryside and it always seemed to make him drive really, really fast. He and my Mum would be singing at the top of their lungs, burning the repetitive refrain into my young brain with every journey. I can hear it now, the heavy base line and repetitive guitar that seemed to be the same for every song they played. And today, for some reason I just can’t get that lyric out of my head.

“Down, down… deeper and down”

Cue bass line (ba dum ba dum)

“Down, down… deeper and down

BF fash golding fransen court sentencing

And the reason this particular earworm is haunting me today? That’s easy. Golding And Fransen are going down, down, down… deeper and down

Ba dumb a dum

Down, down… deeper and down!

Yes, that’s right – their luck has finally run out. Today we got the verdicts of their first array of charges. There are more to follow but these were the first. Fransen faced four charges of various counts of harassment and was found guilty of three of them. Golding faced three charges and was convicted of only one. But here’s the good news…

Both have crossed the ‘custody threshold’ meaning that both are liable to go to prison. We’re awaiting pre-sentence reports before the actual sentence is passed but the case against them is pretty damning and considered alongside their previous ‘form’ it isn’t looking good for the fash this afternoon. See below for a blow by blow, minute by minute account of the day these thoroughly unpleasant and dangerous fash got their just desserts.


BF Golding drinking mock the right‘Folding Golding’ has already promised to ‘surrender’ and refrain from ‘this type of campaigning’ in future. He accepts that ‘mistakes were made by his actions but he plans to learn from that’.

So much for ‘No surrender!’

Apparently he never touches drugs or alcohol either!

Will Fransen fold as easily as her glorious Fuhrer?


Erm… We’re afraid so. This just in…

In future she will “change her conduct”. “What has changed is how she will conduct herself”

Will the judge buy it? Is anyone that naïve as to believe a word these neo-Nazi scumbags say? Only time will tell.


Kevin Smallcombe defending effectively said that not everything they do lands them in the dock. No kidding. Not everything Charles Manson did was illegal anyway – but plenty of it was – and plenty of Fransen and Golding’s actions are illegal too. When your only defence amounts to a statement that sometimes you do legal things too you’ve got a pretty weak stick to lean on.

Smallcombe asked the Judge to treat Fransen’s 3 convictions as if it was only 1. Fat chance of that. The judge said he’ll have regard to the ‘totality of the sentence’…

Down, down… deeper and down!


Custodial officers have entered the dock to stand beside the fash. This is getting interesting. Not long to wait until we can open the chocolate Hobnobs!


Golding gets 18 weeks – he’ll serve at least half and has to pay £500 compensation.


Fransen gets two consecutive 18 week sentences and another concurrent 18 weeker alongside, totalling 36 weeks in the slammer. She gets to fork out 2 grand compensation too.

Paul Golding Jayda Fransen prison bars jail

Yes, we know, we know – it doesn’t seem like nearly long enough but remember that this is only the beginning. There are more charges to come.

Wait until the Northern Irish courts get their hands on Dutchy and Goldibollocks. Now they really do know what to do with people who go around stirring up religious hatred and inciting violence.

Are you two scared yet? You should be!


View from a barstool by Landlord

Beer 2Wow, what a lot to think about in the last month and a half. Defections, court cases, the Northern Irish branch of bigotry, court cases, sex assault allegations, court cases all wrapped up in a huge dose of begging communication from Biffer towers. Also a huge amount of blind eye turning, fake tears oh and just a sprinkling of running away.

Where to begin? Well I suppose we’ll deal with the Belfast court case, a visit to town hall and a huge amount of laughing over here as Councillor Bigot tries to wiggle free of an investigation by city hall. So Screechy travelled over to Belfast to answer charges of “using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour” at the huge peace rally of 30 potatoes. Goldibollocks turned up with a huge entourage, well 5 tits, some of whom have questionable pasts, who haven’t heard of slimming world to back up the newly self appointed potato Queen. He was promptly arrested along with Banksy and Rimmer (no this isn’t an episode of Red Dwarf) on hate charges. Although the trial will be at a later date not all was lost for our intrepid racists as Councillor Bigot showed the Queen around and let her try on the robes. Queen potato Screechy liked the look of the Mayoral throne so much that she decided it was hers and perched her Englishish (Dutch) arse on there leading to outrage. Councillor Bigot is to be investigated and she wailed to her Facebook cronies in indecipherable babble that she hadn’t done anything wrong (well that’s what my Bigot auto-translate said so things are going well there then.

EBF BF Jayda Belfast mayoral robes council chamber

The sex assault allegations against Goldibollocks are still under investigation so I won’t comment much on them. I just wonder, given Screechy’s testimony recently whether the latest begging bowl email is for leaflets attacking ‘The Rochdale One’!!!!

Fast forward to this last week and the trial of another deranged potato Darren Osbourne and the intimation that Screechy, Goldibollocks and Tommeh had either been in contact with him or their writings and videos had radicalised him into running over a Muslim at Finsbury Park Mosque. Even if it is only a little bit true will we now see widespread condemnation of right wing hate preachers. Tommeh, Hopkins, Screechy and Goldibollocks are just as guilty in my mind as the disgusting Hamza and Choudhary. Every time I see them spout on about Muslims being radicalised in their mosques I will make it a mission (at least until I am banned or blocked) to mention Mair and Osbourne.

darren osborne tommy mair

The resignation of Steve Lewis is another amazing event in the last 60 days. Steve is the banner losing rather rotund chap who has been a member of the inner circle for as long as I can remember. A member of Security, writer of the accounts and privy to a lot of happenings. His rather public resignation (now taken down for whatever reasons) stated that he couldn’t live with the scam artists and pisstaking that the high command are now taking. Andrew Edge and others who have basically taken over whilst genuine potatoes like Steve are pushed out. Some have said that Steve was the acceptable face of the Biffers but a cunt is a cunt and he is definitely one. However it is fun to watch as former trusted members of the Fuehrer bunker resign so publicly.

With Steve gone, and therefore light on security a couple of chaps spotted brave Sir Goldibollocks in Curry’s (what a name of a shop to be in) and as he came out confronted him. Goldibollocks bravely fled back into the shop shitting himself and hid. I guess when confronting Muslims the biffer rules are

1) make sure there are BFD about and
2) make sure said Muslims are over the age of 70.

BF EBF Jayda Fransen Fuhrer in waitingThe defection of Stevie came as a forerunner to the trial in Folkestone around Biffer videos of the Ramsgate 555 kebab shop rapists. Now most of us were probably sad enough to keep refreshing the Kent Live update pages and so if you did you probably read wide eyed about what happened and the blatant lies from our cowardly biffers. Whether or not they caused a stillborn baby, the way it looked to me that the ferocity of the harassment is enough to send them down. The bit that had me laughing more than anything was when Goldibollocks said he knew nothing of what was going to happen. Well Goldibollocks that, I’m afraid is another load of smelly steaming bullshit. As leader of your potato movement if you didn’t know maybe you are leader in name only and should step aside and let Queen Screechy take over as moley has intimated on numerous occasions that she wants to do.BF Belfast bigot Bunting

60 days in which the biffers have collected £40k and are now asking for life members at a knock down price (you do get a signed pic of Screechy and Goldibollocks) to sign and donate a potato pledge, a monthly direct debit to cover their drinks, parties, drugs and holidays. To grease the palm of Councillor Bigot, to keep the thug Edge onside.

So there you have it 60 days 2 court cases, a reprimand, a defection, a con or two and a surrender. I haven’t even mentioned Trump and his put down or my favourite photo of the 60 days….Goldibollocks sitting waiting to go into court in Belfast , just round the corner from a huge stainglassed window with the words No Pasaran.


Fransen & Trump: A most undiplomatic incident by Landlord

Trump Fransen tweets shame.pngI was going to write my annual piss take with some Landlord friends of mine along the lines of I’m a racist cockwomble get me out of here. Instead with the diplomatic incident caused by Screechy and cohorts I thought I’d talk about that instead.

The media whores that are biffer high command think they have done it and have thrust themselves into the limelight. Questions in the House, multiple press interviews and a spokeswoman saying butt out. The reason, well, the Orange shitgibbon that calls himself president retweeted three of Screechy’s videos and now high command are wanking over the thought of all this publicity.

But far from leaving the team here at EBF banging our collective heads against the desk and giving up, as the dust settles and Screechy putting Biffer heads above the parapet it seems to have backfired spectacularly.

Biffer HQ have said they have been inundated with new members, probably from the US to rip off however a few extra Facebook likes and twitter follows are more likely the truth.

Fransen on the telly

The media reports have been to a letter uncomplimentary even Brietfart and the Heil being disparaging, those interviews I’ve seen show Screechy running out when questioned closely, the trigger question…”have you actually spoken to the Orange Shitgibbon?” They proclaimed victory over the odious and right wing LBC radio host Nick Ferrari when all I could hear was that she couldn’t answer any question he asked. They’ve even call Nigel Fartage a lefty now showing how far right they think they are. So the press ain’t helping them.

The questions in the House of Commons showed how much our elected officials think of the biffers. Although they had to be careful what they said so as not to prejudice future court cases.

Then along comes the sting in the tail, Screechy put their head above the parapet again and the press were ready. We’ve known about certain allegations for some time now, choosing not to say anything until they were substantiated. Goldibollocks is under investigation not for the size of his appendage but for a sexual assault. We understand that the investigation is ongoing but he, this paragon of Christian virtues, someone who confronts alleged wrongdoers (not bravely but with his shittroopers in tow) is now under investigation for the very thing he supposedly hates.

The press have also confirmed they are a group and no longer a “legitimate” political party. They failed to pay the £25 registration fee in time (must have spent it all on their jaunt round Europe). So now on their days of handing out the disgusting racist pamphlets on the streets one assumes they will be seeking council permission to do so.

The press have now intimated more forcefully than we could, the closeness between the biffers and the killer of Jo Cox and they’ve also shown two of the three videos retweeted by the cuntspangle in the White House to be bollocks.

So as the High Command prepare for their phone box racism (or conference as they like to call it) the biffers are starting to implode thanks to the white supremacist in charge of the western world, the two Fuehrers are on bail, Goldibollocks is being investigated for a sexual assault and the begging letters continue. There’s a hell of a lot more for us to raise our glasses to rather than bruise our heads on our desks.

Oh and Screechy, what time is your new bestie landing and getting off Air Force One to share a Vol au Vent?


Just another crazy American

EBF Trump crazy AmericanI was out having coffee with an old friend from my hometown when the news broke. We were sitting in a swanky coffee shop making adoring noises in the general direction of our new humans (her delightful little treasure is a month or two older than mine) when our mutual admiration fest was interrupted by mobile phone alerts. My old friend was first to comment.

“OMG! Trump’s been retweeting Britain First! You’re something to do with EBF aren’t you?”

I almost fell off my chair. Not only did I not know she’d heard of EBF, I definitely didn’t know she knew I was involved.

“Yes,” I replied, taken aback.

“I’m EBF Blogger”

“I knew it!” She exclaimed. “I knew that was you. I can tell your style of writing a mile away!”

My friend and I had gone right through school together. We almost always sat next to each other and even met in each other’s houses to do homework. We really were the geeky girls of the class. So it stands to reason that if anyone would know my writing style, she would.

“So?” She inquired. “What do you make of that?”

“Just another crazy American who thinks they understand British society.” I said.

“Most of Britain First’s followers are either paid-for clickfarm likes or foreigners. The American Christian right wing has always been keen on slagging off non-Christians so BF’s anti-Muslim, anti-brown agenda appeals to them.”

My friend stared blankly back at me, clearly surprised that I didn’t see this ‘shot in the arm’ for the Biffers as a problem.

“It’s no big deal.” I said. “Britain First has lost all credibility in UK. British people took a while to see them for what they are but now everybody who cares to look knows that they’re a bunch of far-right bigots. They can get American Facebook support if they want but that won’t help them in this country. If they get a few American donors… IF that happens they’ll just squander the money on European holidays and fines for public order offences anyway.”

“So you’re not worried that the President of the free world just endorsed them?”

“The president of what? I didn’t vote in that election. He’s president of America – nowhere else. And anyway – even the Yanks want shot of him!”

My friend smiled and sat back in her overly stuffed comfy chair.

“Just another crazy American, then.” She said, wiping the second most adorable little baby face in the world.

Is this the real life? by Landlord

As the song goes……

Is this the real life, or is it just fantasy?

The last few days have been like my wife talking about East Coronation Farm Oaks or in other words a soap opera starring the biffer high command.

As I wrote on the page we will not put anything on the page until we confirm the veracity of the allegations but we can draw conclusions from them and wonder what can happen further down the line.

We receive messages on a weekly basis from Moley and this has hinted at misdeeds by Screechy and Goldibollocks but with no viable proof, unlike the biffers, we won’t publish.
These allegations that we’ve seen over the last few days could be the beginning of the end for the biffers as in fighting causes them to implode, it could be the start of a hostile takeover by Screechy and factions close to her or it could be an elaborate hoax to test the loyalty of the high command.

The last of these would mean that someone in the Fuhrer bunker has the intelligence to start such a ruse!

Fuhrer bunkerWe are well aware of certain factions trying to take over Britain First. The woman at the centre of these allegations is a racist, a member of a Polish far right organisation that the biffers have been courting and probably been trying to get funds from. Could it be that these fascists want more than just a connection?

Tommy Robinson has been sniffing about the high command recently. Maybe the amount of money that the biffers fleece from their sheeple has attracted him like a fly over shit.

Screechy has appeared recently to be more than just the Nazi wet dream poster girl. Now Leader of the ‘Northern Ireland division’ it seems to us that she has manoeuvred herself into poll position for Fuhrer! She certainly has, from what I have seen, a huge support from biffers and respect from other fash movements. Where Goldibollocks is seen by most despicable right wing fucknuggets as a conman who would sell out for five faaaaaasand paaaaands, Screechy really is a nasty fash.

Whichever one it could be, as someone who is dedicated to their downfall I’ll watch with enjoyment as the Fuhrer bunker crumbles around their ears!

Fuhrer bunker destroyed

Jayda crosses the religious divide

What has an English Catholic, the grandaughter of Anglicised Dutch and Irish Catholic immigrants and a proud ‘Essex girl’ to do with Ulster Unionists?

Jayda Fransen Britain First leader NI Northern Ireland.pngTo be honest, we’ve no idea but Jayda Fransen clearly thinks she’s the very woman to lead Northern Ireland’s protestant contingent to victory over… well… other Irish people apparently.

This weekend the heroine of the Battle of Hexthorpe, this Roman Catholic of Jewish ancestry who ran so bravely from the children of a small South Yorkshire mining village seems set to take on the Irish Catholics of her own ancestry in all their paramilitary splendour. You really couldn’t make it up… and so we didn’t.

Amid the barely audible cheers of a couple of dozen Belfast bigots, watched by bemused (and armed) police from the Royal Ulster Constabulary, Fransen declared herself the unelected leader of Ireland’s Unionists.

This really could end in tears.

Britain first’s radical creation

How many times has Britain first protested at Finsbury Park Mosque?

How many times has Britain first called for white non-Muslims to rise up and take action against the Muslim ‘invasion’?

How many times has Britain first told its followers that they’re in a civil war against Muslims?

How many white British people have been radicalised by Golding and Fransen?

BF EBF Finsbury Park Mosque propaganda

How many British Muslims will be radicalised by atrocities such as the one perpetrated against innocent worshippers at Finsbury Park in the early hours of this morning?

Britain First isn’t just a profiteering organisation making money off the back of radicalised racists. It’s also one of Daesh’s most effective recruitment mechanisms.

EBF BF Dowson Holy War crusade comboTheresa May has pledged to clamp down on far right hate preachers. We suggest she starts with Fransen, Golding, Lomax and Lewis. We demand that the British government proscribe Britain First as a terrorist organisation and place all its ‘officers’ and activists on trial under the prevention of terrorism act.

We demand that this is done without delay. We further demand that hate preachers like Katie Hopkins, Nigel Farage, Paul Nuttall, Tommy (Yaxley-Lennon) Robinson also stand trial for inciting hate crimes against Muslims, refugees, immigrants and non-whites.

Come on Prime Minister – you’ve said you’re serious about prosecuting hate preachers. Now’s the time to get on and do it. Let’s not have yet another U-turn.

A view from a barstool #46

Another week where those in Bifferdom have finally cracked and sending more clickbait with than the PPI companies do on Facebook. “Share if you like fluffy unicorns but only if they’re British, share if you love British Castles and so on and on and on zzzzzzzzz. Are they running out of money to buy likes? Then they come out with a picture of an antelope called a dik dik (not Lomax and Lewis in their security garb) found in southern Africa and asked us to share if we love British wildlife. Spectacular own goal chaps……

This week we celebrated International Womens Day and Screechy published a picture of her holding a Qur’an and telling us about the way women are treated as second class citizens etc etc etc. Any chance of Muslim bashing hey Screech! Now I’m not a follower of any religion (or fashion) nor have I read the Qur’an, the Bible or Tanakh or Enid Blyton’s Famous five ( I was much more a Secret Seven man) but even a rudimentary check on Google and you find something pretty demeaning to women in all of them. Again interpretation is the name of the game, which Screechy plays very well.

EBF Twitter Jayda Fransen Chris York Huffington Post interview offerWe hear that Screechy and Goldibollocks don’t run from anything or anyone, the typical media whores that crave coverage wherever they can get it. Screechy published a story about two street preachers being arrested on Twitter, one of this page’s friends, Chris York from the Huffington Post tweeted back and asked her and Goldibollocks for an interview, just the three of them, anywhere they wanted, with a chance to get their point across and answer a few questions. The reply, bluster and deflection. In publican terms brave patriots Goldibollocks and Screechy ran away. So Screechy you know how to get in touch with Chris, I would guess the offer still stands!

As I have written before, with the world lurching horribly to the right and the policies put in place, racist attacks have increased. This is no surprise to us here and at TellMama and far right and neo Nazi arrests have doubled. No doubt biffer towers will put out a release telling anyone left who gives a shit on their page that this is lefty journalism and establishment propaganda. This in fact was in the Telegraph. The far right are emboldened by recent political moves and they feel it’s their right now to attack the defenceless, the majority aimed against Muslims as the rhetoric from world leaders want to beat them into the ground. Well this won’t do, we need to fight for our friends and neighbours now more than at any other time. A biffer favourite is about Creeping Sharia and halal slaughter of which it is abundantly clear they know fuck all about.

Another of our favourite fuckwits, Katie Hopkins just got sued for defamation, I’m hoping this will lead to more people calling her up on her hatred and lies. She is one of the islamaphobic cheerleaders either because she knows it winds more people up, more exposure, more noteriety, more money or it’s because she is a racist fucknugget and thinks a right wing revolution is happening and she’s the one to lead it.

Finally it’s coming up to Easter… cue general biffer frothing about the chocolate eggs from various companies not having Easter emblazoned on them in huge letters. A few things for Screechy, Goldibollocks and the rest of the right wing shittroopers to take note. Firstly, it’s a chocolate fucking egg…I have 5 kids who couldn’t give a toss whether it’s called Easter, summer, pagan or whatever. It’s a chocolate egg which is eaten as quickly as possible. Secondly, Easter is still on the packaging it isn’t Muslim appeasement it’s sensible marketing. Thirdly and someone may put me right but in my limited knowledge of the Bible I never knew there was a big fuck off chocolate egg with a toy or chocolate in the middle. But every year, just like Christmas, St. George’s day, Remembrance day and on and on and on and zzzzzzzzz the far right say our Christian identities are being taken away. And like everything else they say – it’s all a load of bollocks.

Well that’s it for this week, the biffers going bonkers, the fascists being locked up, a hated columnist guilty and having to pay and the frothing sheep having a go at Cadburys. All in all a fucked up time to be a follower in bifferdom.


Biffers, Islamists, God and me

I’m not really very religious but I thought perhaps I should have a little word in God’s shell-like. Too much stuff didn’t make any sense. So I sat down in a quiet room with curtains drawn and meditative candles duly lit, all set to talk to my maker.

It wasn’t a long conversation but it seemed to straighten a few things out for me. It went like this…
