Hissed off! by Snake

EBF snake cropped.pngEBF Admin, ‘Snake’ tells us why he’s so hissed off with the Biffers he’s been talking to both on line and off. Snake is a regular contributor to the EBF Facebook and Twitter platforms but this is his first piece for the blog. I hope it wont be his last. (Marcia)

So as usual I’ve been doing my thing arguing with Biffers in various forums and one thing that has struck me is that for all their talk of equality and gay rights etc. it is very much a club for straight, white males. The KTI set up is certainly designed to attract males and a lot of the “call to arms” posts are designed to play on traditionally masculine themes (won’t you fight for your children, impending civil war and so forth). You also see a lot of jibes levelled at ‘lefties’ that are designed to emasculate and belittle us.

The carrying of various weapons (sticks, hard knuckle gloves etc) suggests an innate lack of confidence in their own abilities, as do the fight clubs. The fight clubs and bully boy routines are what interest me the most as these and the ex army land rovers suggest that they feel emasculated themselves, that they are constantly looking to assert their masculinity by victimising and bullying minorities but end up pushing it almost into parody.

EBF BF Violence Lomax armedThe type of person we see BF attract are normally underachievers, normally unimpressive either physically, academically or both. Their persecuting of a minority makes them feel empowered, Paul himself fancies himself as an alpha male, but falls woefully short of the mark. This sense of seeking masculinity is not unique to Biffers. Many people take up boxing, mma and others in an attempt to test their mettle. I myself have embarked on a variety of traditional ‘manly’ activities.

The big thing here is how BF are utilising this sense of emasculation and search to regain one’s manhood to radicalise their members. One suspects Daesh do exactly the same. It’s easy to do when there is high unemployment. A lot of young men who can’t work for whatever reason take anything they can to feel they’ve regained their manliness and BF offer a very easy solution. Their demos and ‘days of action’ provide an easy out for the lazy and feckless. They don’t require endless hours down the gym or years mastering a skill, all you have to do is turn up, hand out some leaflets, shout a bit and Bob’s your uncle, you’ve done your bit for Paulie’s war effort and made yourself feel more like a man. Except it doesn’t. Because everybody can see you for the lazy, feckless bully you are, so you have to do more.

And so the radicalisation process continues.
