View from a barstool #45 by Landlord

Beer 2Firstly an apology, I meant to try and write a a weekly roundup of all things biffer but real life really kept getting in the way, I really wish we were getting paid to run the page as our accusers like to say!!! In between running a busy business, trying to sympathise and help my Danish barmaid and French chef over their fears of Brexit and what it may mean to them and catching up with my family and antifa landlords I’ve let matters EBF go by a little. But like Goldibollocks, I’m back.

The fascists, although our lovely, mainly bigoted media, dress them up as alt-right, seem to have been emboldened by the new political landscape, from Brexit to Trump, from an unelected horrid PM to Geert Wilders and Marie Or Pen. The fash in the US and over here have taken that as open season on Muslims and couldn’t give two shits how they do it. Over here the EDL and the Biffers continue to use their own fake news and downright lies from the gruesome twosome the Mail and Express to whip up anti Muslim sentiment, and the other far right groups in this country have taken Brexit to mean the right have taken our country back literally and have been intimidating anyone who isn’t British.

In America Trump has used a Muslim Ban to stop Muslims from seven countries entering the US despite their not being any evidence of terrorism from these countries. Could it be that the countries that aren’t banned from entering have been vetted or that POTUS has business dealings there.

In fact, the rallying call from Trump, our PM, Goldibollocks, Screechy et al is “make our countries great again.

As a slightly left leaning, normal bloke working hard to give his family vacation good life this all scares the fuck out of me. As a regular in my pub said yesterday “all it needs is goostepping down the mall and what I fought against in the war all goes to pot.”

But should it scare us, bits and pieces over the last couple of months give us hope that the world is not going to be totally fucked and a revolution, although not armed, is starting. From centrist Tories leftwards the people have had enough and they are showing it.

From the women’s march across the world, the #resistance in the US, marchers for Europe, the NHS and against disability rights we are fighting back.

Enough of world politics and now back to all thing biffers. Well they had a march, or a carpark shuffle as we like to call it. Estimated attendance was 50 (antifa) 90 (local press) or twelvty million (high command). Once again it was against Muslim Grooming gangs and once again no biffers really give a shit about CSE unless they can beat Muslims with it. Let me put all the troll’s out there right, the exploitation and sexual abuse is wrong, whatever the colour, religion or sex of the perpetrators. It is not a Muslim problem it is a worldwide issue.
Anyway the biffers had their walk, no uniforms I noted(not that they were scared or anything) but security looking like cuntspangles in jackboots and army fatigues looking every bit a paramilitary organisation of Walts. The main speaker who Screechy had told us was a friend from Poland was coming over to address his new flock. He was probably happy he got refused entry as the biffers probably weren’t racist enough for him. Yes you read it right, refused entry to this country over fears that he could invite racial tensions. Screechy put out a tearful video telling us that it was the establishment again, stopping someone coming into the country to talk to a fascist organisation. Now I don’t know about you but isn’t that slightly double standards Screechy, don’t you want the Border Agency to stop hate preachers from coming into this country.

Finally I love this page, it’s an honour to be an admin on it, eating hobnobs and using the office Tassimo machine whilst picking out articles to post, seeing the memes being produced and the work that goes into debunking all that comes from biffer towers. I love the people that follow the page, that pass on articles, information and funnies. I even love the troll’s who are ripped apart when they pop up from time to time. Occasionally there are times we get it wrong, times we insult Screechy or Goldibollocks and the rest of the shittroopers. This we will never stop, because we can’t stop fighting them. If we do the sound of jackboots goose-stepping up the mall will happen.


I saw the news today… Oh boy!

It seems that there’s another horror story, another scandal, another illustration of inhumanity every day. The front pages of our daily newspapers are replete with stories, some true and some ‘post-truth’ (AKA outright lies), often with lengthy accompanying editorials telling us what to think, what to believe and crucially… who to hate.


Sometimes it’s really easy for news outlets. Editors pick and choose the targets of their righteous anger according to simple protocols depending upon their paper’s particular bias. The well-known algorithm of ‘if brown – terrorist’ and ‘if white – mentally ill loner’ is both obvious and depressingly common. For those of us who follow the ridiculously partisan pronouncements of far-right neoNazi groups like Britain First the ammunition these superficial and formulaic headlines and editorials provide for right wing ‘post-truthers’ like the Biffers is a source of continual irritation.

Britain First’s social media outlets (of which there are many) are stuffed with generalisations about all Muslims based upon a minority of paedophiles or Islamic terror groups who are far more likely to murder other Muslims than anyone else, so unpopular are they within the wider Islamic world.  None the less, international terrorism remains a favourite propaganda topic for the Biffers.

The other really big propaganda bonanza for Britain First is paedophilia. They just love the opportunity to expose paedophiles from the Muslim or immigrant communities. The browner the skin the greater the offence, it seems. The more Islamic the name the greater the likelihood that it’s a paedophile ring (even when there’s absolutely no evidence of any such clandestine group). Britain First claims to hate Muslims because it hates paedophiles. They would have you believe that their outrage at paedophilia came first and they only focus upon Muslims because Muslims do all the interfering with children. Really? Well, in that case…

ebf-football-paedophile-ringWhat will they make of this?

Will the Biffers be organising demonstrations outside Leeds FC? Can we expect to see Dutchy Fransen giving impassioned speeches about the evils of Football outside Blackpool’s Bloomfield Road ground or harassing the other 53 British clubs with large Biffer-banners demanding “No more football”? After all, you can’t get much more organised than a paedophile ring that draws its victims from 55 established UK football clubs, can you? That’s 55 local organisations spread throughout the country, each with a youth wing and legitimate reasons to expect children to undress and shower together in the company of perverted adult youth leaders.

We look forward to seeing the reception that half a dozen sad Biffers get when they confront the fans of a large city football club with the accusation that “They’re all the same”.

So come on Dutchy. You might as well. After all you’re banned from entering British Mosques. Let’s see how you get on with this truly massive example of organised child exploitation. If it’s really the kids you care about (and not skin colour or religion) there shouldn’t be any reason to avoid taking on the FA. We suggest you begin with Chelsea. That way you won’t even have to cross the M25 to make your heroic point about the dangers of organised paedophilia. Or maybe you could go to Sunderland – we’re sure you’d be most welcome up there.

We can see it now. A handful of brave Bifferati descending upon Sunderland’s ‘Stadium of light’, waving their banners and flags to the timeless mantras…

“No more football!”

“Ban the Penalty shoot-out!”

“It could be anyone in that Director’s box!”

EBF BF No more footballers.png

More false advertising by the Biffers

We had a quick butcher’s at the Biffer Facebook page the other day. That’s their preferred environment for ‘…doin’ politics, innit?’ They still haven’t worked out that false, paid for likes from foreign clickfarms (they click you long time!) aren’t the same as actual votes. But occasionally, just sometimes they crawl out from under their seedy little rock and head off into the real world. A bit like this…

As usual the turnout was tiny but that’s not the important thing. Have a look at the little bald biffer with glasses in the front row. His jacket isn’t quite the same colour as the usual Biffer ‘bottle-out’ green. There’s a reason for that.

Here we see the same sad fash wannabe from the back. His jacket isn’t ‘bottle-out’ green because it’s representing a genuine heroes’ charity. But what’s a ‘Help for Heroes’ jacket doing on a Britain First ‘Day of action’?

We’ve asked Help for heroes. We’ll let you know their reply.

A view from a barstool #41 by Landlord

Beer 2Another week where the wife thinks I’m running off to Barbados with our barmaid as right wing hilarity reigns supreme. An even more right wing idiot takes over at UKRAP, the man in charge of Brexit says Britain will pay to be part of the single market even though the whole idea of leaving was to send no more money. There was another begging letter from our favourite wankpuffins, new policies have emerged from the same spunktrumpets and the biffers’ favourite ‘fair-minded’ news output lost one of it major backer’s. I really must read and listen to the right wing shenanigans whilst said barmaid is off.
So to sum up the biffers week… There was a day of inaction in Nuneaton where, according to Screechy loads of locals turned up to support them although this was not borne out in fact or by empirical evidence. Even their own tired old video, with patriotic music and Screechy commentating showed a complete lack of interest. It showed the same old activists turning up to give out leaflets about some crap or other and trying to force their toilet paper on bemused Christmas shoppers. We at EBF felt for the activists so much we were thinking of having a whip round to buy them a few cardboard cutouts so they in turn could go and get some shopping done.
There seems to be a deafening silence and lack of action outside the FA over the latest cases of child abuse. All here are sickened by any abuse from whatever race or religion, but the deafening silence from over at biffer high command just shows them for the hypocrites they are.
I noticed they have a roadshow in the southeast, in Rotherhithe to be exact. The Lefty Landlord mafia don’t hold much truck over there leading me to believe it’s a hive of right wing activity and therefore  we can’t try to harass and cajole venues to kick them out. I believe 107 people have expressed an interest in going but I think after Screechy and her “security” turn up the number will be closer to that of which my 4 year old daughter can count up to comfortably. I could be wrong but I won’t be too far out.
Whilst our erstwhile patriots are there they can partake in a buffet, a social afterwards and listen to Screechy talk shit about her favourite subject. Oh yes, and there is one other thing… This great, legitimate political party, you know the one with no MP’s no MEP’s, councillors or any other elected officials, is going to discuss their policies. Well I say policies – more like a racist diatribe that basically means any lefteyes, or Tories (leftwards according to them) will be rated as traitors and not tolerated in bifferdom. I won’t go through them all as the barmaid has returned but here’s a few of their unbudgeted, racist bollocks.
Disbar followers of the Islamic ideology from holding public office, anyone found to be promoting the ideology of Islam to be deported or imprisoned.
Remove the right of choice for females.
Replace the present multi faith educational system with a predominant focus on Christianity and so on.
Racist cuntwaffle is how I see it, reminiscent of policies see in 1930’s Germany.
NEW YORK, NY – JUNE 25: A general view of atmosphere during the Kellogg’s Recharge Bar on June 25, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images)

The final part of their policies lead me quite nicely on to Brietbart losing Kellogg’s as a sponsor and advertiser citing that Kellogg’s do not stand for the right wing mantra spewed by Brietbart. In reply to that Brietbart instead of talking to Kellogg’s chucked their toys out of the pram. I urge all of you to buy Kellogg’s products or at least leave a review on their pages. Brietbart if you are not aware are one of the biffers favourite news  sources and certainly fly very close to lying about Islam and anything slightly liberal. Which, in the case of biffers and their final policy, making it a crime to publish lies in the media will be totally laughable as any of their sources can be picked apart pretty rapidly to leave the prisons full of hacks.

Well that’s it in a nutshell. Laughable, stupid, dangerous, hypocritical and full of shit. That is how I see the biffers. Now I must take my leave I’ve been instructed by the landlady it’s time to decorate the pub and make it all christmassy. I don’t agree, but that’s because I’m a grumpy bugger not because I’m anti Christmas. Also my Muslim mate has agreed to help so there is no issue there.

View from a barstool #36 by Landlord

Beer 2Another week of looking at the biffer page, another week of thinking I’m in a time warp. Watching the latest videos they’ve posted, well I say watching, I don’t watch them I just read the résumé that the other admins write I really believe that whoever is in charge of the asylum has barricaded themselves in Biffer Towers and changed the passwords to the account.

The recent trip to Oldham which,according to the high command, is a no go zone for white Christians passed off quietly apart from squealing bagpipes and,it appears, total disinterest by shoppers. A video was posted of Goldibollocks using a microphone to talk to a couple few so called islamists or peaceful shopping Muslims as I like to call them. Could it be people who are anti biffer or even pro biffer cannot be arsed anymore and treat the cockwombles with indifference. Once again the same twatwafflers were there, Goldibollocks’ shit troopers and a couple of activists that we have all seen before. So much for their “we have faaasands of new activists signing up.”

The latest begging email was an absolute hoot. Please can you “chip in” to enable us to pay to replace a camera after one of our activists had our usual one broken in a deadly attack by a radical islamist outside the East London Mosque, you know the one, a kick aimed at the retreating, rampaging biffers fleeing because they decided to be cuntish trying to stop prayers…..and the kicker, despite being caught on camera has never been caught (our moley even intimated that it was one of their own missing a Muslim). Anyway I digress, this camera according to the high command is £995. Surely they can’t think their sheep are that stupid and would check, but no, we did it for them, and it only costs half of what they asked. In fact, since I have been an admin for just over a year I have done a quick add up and apart from election funds, they have asked for just shy of quarter of a million quid. I would ask you all if you had any ideas where the money has gone but I can guess the response.

Finally, now we have replenished our hobnob stocks, I wonder what ideas you all have about the location of the next day of inaction. Answers will probably not be rewarded with Hobnobs but treated for the comedy value they normally are.

So that’s it, week over and I’m hoping that when I look at my calendar it will show I’m still in 2016 and not in the early noughties


A view from a barstool #29 by Landlord

Beer 2I’m back, a few weeks away as my business took off and no time to watch,listen and take the piss out of all things biffer.

Whilst I’ve been away there have been numerous opportunities for them to post their bile and islamophobic nonsense. Brexit, whether you voted for it or not, seems to have given the green light for the unsavoury few to carry out nasty, racial attacks. The murders in mainline Europe seem to, in biffer minds anyway, have got the Islam haters in a tizz and want to start a civil war, despite the fact that France, America et al are bombing the shit outof civilians in Aleppo and elsewhere whilst the true ememy, Daesh sit around laughing while the biffers and Western Governments do their propoganda for them. British armed police alongside G4S are ready for them. I trust our police, just, but G4S, I don’t trust them to even read my electricity meters.

As I watched from afar, the biffers have gone on a camping trip, which although very funny, was also quite sinister. Screechy was strangely quiet, but more about her later, Goldibollocks has gone into full begging mode, and the rest of the shittroopers and high command have had their racist routines curtailed by the exasperated police forces.

Goldibollocks has been in court. He says he has pulled a blinder, instead he has basically fucked the Biffer high command over. He came out and produced a triumphant video telling his sheeple that he had completely put the CPS into a frenzy by pleading guilty. No, Goldibollocks, you haven’t. You now have a conviction, however you want to dress it up, and a criminal record to boot. Also if any of the shit troopers and high command go out on their leaflet days with hoodies etc, the Police now know they can arrest them and point to the guilty plea by Der Fuhrer and Jims your uncle…….conviction.

BF Goldong stitch up court jayda fransen magistrates charges.png

As I write this on Friday afternoon, Screechy is probably having her case heard in Luton. Now in her case there is more to it than Goldibollocks having three specific charges against her.

  • Charge one, wearing political uniform. Now I’m no legal eagle but if Goldibollocks pled guilty there is no way Screechy can go not guilty.
  • Charge two, failing to surrender to bail conditions. Not guilty she says, but again how can she. In one of her memorable video’s she ripped up her ail conditions and said she would no longer sign on, how she can plead not guilty to this is beyond me.
  • Charge three, racial aggravation, again not guilty she says. Even a heavily edited biffer video can see Screechyis the aggressor, flanked by her bodyguards(who to me are hilarious fucknuggets) openly intimidating Muslims going about a shopping trip.

If the biffers think that they were the only ones who are allowed to make videos then they are even bigger fuckwits than I think they are, this and the fact we live ina country with the largest amount of CCTV camera’s in Europe, you would think that this may have made her think again. According to friends that are in the know on legal matters, the CPS have to have an overwhelming amount of evidence before beinging the case to court.

With my small amount of legal knowledge, fighting this case is pretty futile. If Screechy pulls a “blinder” and pleads guilty she gets away with a fine and a suspended jail sentence, but if she does that police forces and councils around the country can apply for the same banning orders as Beds Police. If she pleads not guilty, and goes to crown court, not only is there a possibility of jail time, there is also a possibility of being held on remand.

Whatever they decide watch out for begging letters, video’s and buckets.

Finally before I go and change a barrel, the biffers triumphant roadshow went to Coventry last week, and a massive 25 patriots turned up. Take off Screechy and Goldibollocks along with thier shittroopers a total of about 12 were there. They are alledgedly turning up in Cardiff soon. They may call it a roadshow but I like to refer to it as a game of musical chairs.



Britain First go back to Luton

Here’s a bit of a heads up. We heard a whisper that the Biffers may well be going back to Bury Park in Luton tomorrow. Having ‘played a blinder’, by pleading guilty to wearing political uniform on Friday, Golding feels much more confident about arranging for more harassment of Luton’s Muslims.

BF EBF Golding guilty of political uniform.png

It’ll be interesting to see how the Biffers dress tomorrow. Now that Golding has acknowledged that their political uniform is actually a political uniform there’s a legal precedent. That’s some ‘blinder’ you played there, Paulie. Seems much more like a blunder to us.

We wonder how the police will react to bottle-out green hoodies adorning the streets of Bury Park once again. It could be a very interesting day tomorrow. If we’re correct then all we can say to the good people of Luton is this…

Be careful if you’re out and about tomorrow. The Biffers still think Golding did a clever thing by admitting that the police were right all along. They don’t realise that he’s just  told the British legal system that their uniform really IS a uniform. They don’t yet realise that Golding’s ‘blinder’ potentially makes them all prosecutable. So they’ll be cocky and quite possibly a bit over-excited.

Please be safe.

Jo Cox, Paul Golding and Britain First’s indelible shame

We’ve waited a few days to post this. We wanted to let the dust settle a bit. We wanted to show respect for a grieving family and we didn’t want to join so many others in capitalising on the internet frenzy that always accompanies high profile killings. Jo Cox was many things apparently but she should never become mere clickbait at the height of a media frenzy.

Reuters Jo Cox MemorialLike the rest of the EBF team I’ve been unsure how to respond to this awful attack, not only on a young mother of two but upon the very nature of British representative democracy. The vigils that were held over the weekend across the country were not for Jo Cox personally. How could they be? Most of the attendees at these events, like me had never heard of her before Thursday. The mood of the nation isn’t grief – it’s outrage.

I won’t pretend to be racked with grief for a woman I never knew. I won’t do a hasty internet search and write a sentimental blog about Jo Cox as though she was an old friend I’ve known all my life. And I won’t be making any pretentious claims to know the precise details of the motivations that drove her killer, allegedly Tommy Mair to murder her in cold blood. I will be making a few observations about the far right and the way that groups like Britain First must acknowledge the blood indelibly staining their own hands.

Much has been said, written, shouted, even screamed about the words ‘Britain First’, apparently shouted by Jo’s murderer as he attacked. Whether he said ‘Put Britain First’, a campaign slogan for many in the nationalist/Brexit camp or whether he said merely ‘Britain First’, referring to the neoNazi group that regularly calls for British politicians to be executed seems to be a moot point. The undisputed fact is that Tommy Mair made clear his white supremacist and nationalist sentiments at the moment he (allegedly) carried out his crime. It is also obvious that this is a crime precisely in keeping with the rhetoric of Britain First.

EBF BF camping Wales ban the berkIt’s not clear whether or not Tommy Mair was associated directly with Britain First. He may have been. He certainly had aligned himself with overseas neo-Nazis. It seems unlikely that he’d never come across UK based Britain First as well. It is clear that a fully paid up Britain First ‘footsoldier’ (see the image left – that’s the name they give themselves) couldn’t have followed the party line any more accurately than Mair did last Thursday.

Paul Golding, leader of Britain First was quick to deny any association with Tommy Mair and denounce his crime. His video denial was in part an attempt to deny almost everything that Britain First has said over the last few years and partly an attempt to discredit the witnesses.

EBF BF policies conference 2015 1

Most ironic of all from the leader of a party which thrives on misrepresentation, half-truths and downright fabrication was his appeal for people to wait for the whole truth without jumping to conclusions.

Ok then Paul. We thought we’d help people uncover the whole truth, not about Jo Cox’s death, that’s for the courts but about the fact that this is exactly the sort of murderous, anti-democratic, neoNazi atrocity that you, personally, have been doing your damnedest to incite for the last five years. Team EBF has already published a number of PDF’s on your neoNazi approach to politics and society as a whole. But on this occasion I thought it might be a good idea to focus specifically on your bloodthirsty attitude to British politicians, your support for violent uprising and the way you incite others to murder them exactly as Jo Cox was murdered (perhaps I should say ‘assassinated’).

For those readers who don’t yet understand how Britain First operates or why responsibility for Jo Cox’s brutal murder can be laid so squarely at your door I’m going to spell it out. Please stop me if I’ve misunderstood anything. I’ll be using direct quotes from you, from Jayda and from uncle Jim together with screenshots of your own public pronouncements and internet memes to illustrate my points. You may not like what I have to say here but you’ll know it’s all true (which is more than can be said for your usual social media offerings).

Britain first and violence

Britain First has a long record of inciting violence. Founder Jim Dowson is well known for his desire to incite Holy War against Muslims. Britain first leader, Paul Golding is a former member of the ultra-violent National Front and the British National Party. His violent, white supremacist attitudes are obvious. Equally obvious is his tendency to lie and deceive in order to achieve his aims. Britain First’s Deputy Leader, Jayda Fransen is a former EDL ‘Angel’, another white-supremacist organisation which is equally well known for its violent assaults on British Muslims and non-whites.

EBF BF Dowson Holy War crusade comboIt’s hardly surprising that Britain First supporters are violent. They are spoon-fed violence at every turn. If it’s not fictitious threats from Islamic terrorists it’s frightening fantasies about perverted immigrants out to rape our children. The reality is completely different, of course but what do you and your buddies care about that, Paul? You know that refugees aren’t rapists and terrorists. You know that they’re just desperate people trying to escape a war they didn’t start or want. But they’re not the right colour so you use every dirty trick you can to slander them and all those who support their right to exist. And that’s why you hated Jo Cox. She saw through your lies, your slanders and your cheap, mean-spirited rhetoric and she had the courage to stand up against you.

Jo Cox MP BF comments

Jo Cox represented everything that you could never even hope to be. She was courageous, she was compassionate and she was dedicated to decency, truth and the joy of living a life free from petty prejudice and hatred. That’s why she opposed you. That’s ultimately why she died. You may or may not have given the order but your hands are soaked in her blood either way. You and Jayda have spent so long encouraging your followers to kill all who oppose you, including and especially our elected representatives that it’s impossible for you to distance yourselves from this barbarous murder. As Shakespeare’s Macbeth bewailed…

“Will all great Neptune’s oceans e’er wash this blood clean from my hands?

Or will this, my hand the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red?”

No amount of washing will clean your hands of the blood of Jo Cox – and we at EBF will do all we possibly can to see you and Fransen stand trial for the incitement that led to her vicious, politically motivated murder.

Britain First’s vicious leadership

Steve Lewis used to be Britain First’s Deputy Leader until the party realised that Jayda Fransen’s sex appeal was more useful in signing up a following of disaffected young men. Now he’s one of their quasi-military ‘Regional Commanding Officers’, regularly to be seen throwing punches at ‘lefties’ during their marches.

This is what this ‘high-ranking’ member of Britain First had to say about left wing politicians, among other people…

Steve Lewis eradicte lefties pic

In case you have any doubt about just what RCO Lewis means by ‘eradicated’, the words of the current Britain First Deputy Leader, Jayda Fransen below should make it quite clear.

Jayda hang traitors 1 image

Britain First has long called for the execution of left wing politicians whom they define as traitors. The extract above actually threatens labour politicians (among others) with execution. It’s part of a longer Email announcing leader, Paul Golding’s hopeless bid for the office of London Mayor. You can read the whole text of this murderous, racist and Islamophobic rant by clicking here.

Britain First and the political process

Britain First has always treated democracy with contempt. Ever since they first began in 2010 they have threatened, intimidated, harrassed and slandered political opponents at every turn. We know of several formerly outspoken ctitics of Britain First who found themselves needing police protection because of death threats issued by Britain First or their supporters. A number of left wing bloggers and activists have had their details published online by Britain First to intimidate them into silence.

Below we see a video still of Britain First’s ‘RCO’ Steve Lewis and ‘Armed Forces Offcier’, Robin Lomax intimidating a theatre group who dared to criticise Britain First and UKIP. Democracy means nothing to these people. Violence is the only change process they understand.

BF beyond UKIP cabaret invasion

Given the tragic events of last week it’s not hard to see why Britain First’s intimidatory tactics are so often effective. Few people are courageous enough to put their families at risk from fanatical neoNazis with a grudge. We at Exposing Britain First understand this only too well. That’s why we protect our anonymity so seriously. We have seen and heard what happens when Britain First locates those who oppose them and it’s not pretty. The chilling tweet below from Britain First’s leader, Paul Golding illustrates precisely what lies in store for any Britain First critic who dares to reveal their identity.

BF bullying payback What sort of political party

Britain First does not respect democracy. It is an organisation dedicated to silencing all opposition by any means at its disposal.


And that includes executing opposition politicians…

EBF BF Hang all traitors politicians nooseWe at Exposing Britain First have been saying for years now that it’s only a matter of time before Britain First’s propoganda leads to the death of a labour politician. We believe that they have already managed to incite their ‘footsoldiers’ to commit at least one murder of an innocent Muslim. We called for the British government to proscribe this violent group of neoNazis then and we continue that same demand today.

Proscribe Britain First for the hate-filled, murderous, fascist, extremist, terrorist organisation that it really is.

We have deliberately delayed publishing this article out of respect for Jo Cox and her family. We have no wish to make political capital out of this tragedy but equally we couldn’t just remain silent. The balance between smugly shouting

“We told you so”

and trying to demonstrate the truth about Britain First to the population at large is a fine one.

That’s why we waited until today to spell out our thoughts. We did so out of respect. But now it’s time to speak out.

The tragic assassination of Jo Cox may or may not have been committed by a fully paid up member of Britain First. Either way there can be no doubt that their endless deceit and incitement has played a part in influencing her killer. Tommy Mair certainly knew of Britain First. There’s good reason to suspect that he may even have accompanied Britain First on marches and demonstrations when they came to Yorkshire. The person in this widely circulated photograph may or may not be Mr. Mair. We genuinely don’t know. So far Britain First have refused to identify this BF activist who demonstrated with them in Dewsbury in 2015.

Possibly Tommy Mair Dewsbury BF demo

Whether Tommy Mair is the mysterious Dewsbury activist or not, his comments both at the scene and subsequently in court are unmistakeably ‘Biffer’.  Not for the first time, Fransen and Golding seem to have been instrumental in persuading a British citizen to commit an act of terrorism on British soil.

Proscribe Britain First now!


EDL sent to Coventry today

The EDL are having a shuffle around Coventry today. We wonder if anyone will speak to them. They don’t seem to be expecting a massive turnout. The organisers for their ‘National’ Demo have chosen a single public house as the Muster point. The pub is a decent size but it’s hardly going to hold the attendees of a respectably-sized national demonstration. It’ll do for a handful of racists to get a few pints and act tough though.

EDL Litten Tree Demo May 2016.jpg

Unfortunately, the Litten Tree doesn’t seem all that sure how to handle the situation. But they are doing the right thing and working with West Midlands police to ensure everything stays peaceful.

Litten Tree Facebook notification about EDL demo May 2016

We say good luck to the management and staff of The Litten Tree. It must be hard when a bunch of EDL thugs decide to go to your pub for a pre-shuffle piss-up. So far as we know The Litten Tree didn’t ask for this and they’re doing the best they can to avoid trouble.

Maybe they won’t all make it. EDLNews were first to point out that at least one ‘patyroot’ (with a fair bit of EDL tat) was unlikely to attend.

EDL demo May 2016 Coventry car stolen

But it gets better. We can see from the gov. website that his car hasn’t had tax or MOT for many years. That’s a worry – especially since our contacts within the far right tell us that the car has been found and returned to its rightful owner, a ‘Mr. English’ (sic) from the North West of England, apparently. Perhaps the police will be keeping an eye out for it in future. Be careful if you see this car on the M6 near Coventry today. It just might fall to pieces and cause an accident.

illegal car EDL demo Coventry

If you do see this car on the road between Coventry and the North West today you might want to call the police. It’s a serious offence to drive a car without MOT or tax on the public highway.


P424 SWX

A view from a barstool 26 by Landlord

Beer 2A week of mirth and watching the Biffers implode into themselves. Screechy and Goldibollocks have become more deranged and desperate each day as they delete memes about the victor in the Mayoral election to…

  1. a) make themselves look less like cry babies and
  2. b) as moley intimated, to stave off any possible litigation against them.

This week, with the warm weather I held an impromptu BBQ/housewarming party. Nazeer from next door and his wife and his kids came over, so to did  Purav, a Sikh from just down the road, a couple of bald headed, tattooed Englishmen and my mate with Jamaican roots. I managed to purloin some stock (well a lovely barrel of Champion Gold and ‘some Babycham for the Laydees’). You know what, we had a lovely time, brilliant conversation, great food, Halal of course prepared by Naz’s wife…I was making a pigs ear of it so she took over, well in fact told me to “bugger off, you’re useless just like my husband” (so much for the subservient sex in Islam).

The Landlady unfortunately found my expensive wine collection, £7 a pop instead of the £3.99, and everyone drifted home happy, no arguments, no conversion, and apart from a stinging hangover I still had my head. New friends for life. The main thing we agreed with was the joke that is Britain First and the EDL. Although I think at least one of them reads EBF and may have worked out my alter ego.(They will do now).

Now with the election done and dusted the new mayor is now in. What is next for the Biffers? Well they have started a recruitment campaign. For just £2 a month you to could join the ranks of the twats! A free newspaper and a membership card are both thrown in. Whoopee! Here’s my bank details Goldibollocks.

Our favourite biffer, he who loves Greggs, sent out a tearful battlecry to the other spunktrumpets of the far right to come together and fight the rising tide of Islam. Sorry Mr L, the EDL, Casuals, Infidels, NF, National Action and Pie and Mash hate you as much as they hate each other. The chances of any of you uniting really is very, very slim. Even if you did, what would you get on the ground for marches? 200 tops!

Two different marches last week showed just how much the far right is supported. 20 in Portsmouth and 24 in Burton for “massive” days of action proves they really just have a social media presence and not enough on the street to fill a coach!

What’s next for the biffers? Some more mosque invasions, Halal slaughterhouse invasions, cowardly attacks on people on bail. This now “mainstream political party” will probably find something to do and we will be there, with your support to debunk, harass, shout shouty things at their demo’s and report posts to various bodies (although facebook is a bit of a longshot).

Now you’ll have to excuse me, Naz and Purav have invited me to another evening out, I might get out of it alive or at least with another hangover.
