View from a barstool by Landlord

Beer 2Wow, what a lot to think about in the last month and a half. Defections, court cases, the Northern Irish branch of bigotry, court cases, sex assault allegations, court cases all wrapped up in a huge dose of begging communication from Biffer towers. Also a huge amount of blind eye turning, fake tears oh and just a sprinkling of running away.

Where to begin? Well I suppose we’ll deal with the Belfast court case, a visit to town hall and a huge amount of laughing over here as Councillor Bigot tries to wiggle free of an investigation by city hall. So Screechy travelled over to Belfast to answer charges of “using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour” at the huge peace rally of 30 potatoes. Goldibollocks turned up with a huge entourage, well 5 tits, some of whom have questionable pasts, who haven’t heard of slimming world to back up the newly self appointed potato Queen. He was promptly arrested along with Banksy and Rimmer (no this isn’t an episode of Red Dwarf) on hate charges. Although the trial will be at a later date not all was lost for our intrepid racists as Councillor Bigot showed the Queen around and let her try on the robes. Queen potato Screechy liked the look of the Mayoral throne so much that she decided it was hers and perched her Englishish (Dutch) arse on there leading to outrage. Councillor Bigot is to be investigated and she wailed to her Facebook cronies in indecipherable babble that she hadn’t done anything wrong (well that’s what my Bigot auto-translate said so things are going well there then.

EBF BF Jayda Belfast mayoral robes council chamber

The sex assault allegations against Goldibollocks are still under investigation so I won’t comment much on them. I just wonder, given Screechy’s testimony recently whether the latest begging bowl email is for leaflets attacking ‘The Rochdale One’!!!!

Fast forward to this last week and the trial of another deranged potato Darren Osbourne and the intimation that Screechy, Goldibollocks and Tommeh had either been in contact with him or their writings and videos had radicalised him into running over a Muslim at Finsbury Park Mosque. Even if it is only a little bit true will we now see widespread condemnation of right wing hate preachers. Tommeh, Hopkins, Screechy and Goldibollocks are just as guilty in my mind as the disgusting Hamza and Choudhary. Every time I see them spout on about Muslims being radicalised in their mosques I will make it a mission (at least until I am banned or blocked) to mention Mair and Osbourne.

darren osborne tommy mair

The resignation of Steve Lewis is another amazing event in the last 60 days. Steve is the banner losing rather rotund chap who has been a member of the inner circle for as long as I can remember. A member of Security, writer of the accounts and privy to a lot of happenings. His rather public resignation (now taken down for whatever reasons) stated that he couldn’t live with the scam artists and pisstaking that the high command are now taking. Andrew Edge and others who have basically taken over whilst genuine potatoes like Steve are pushed out. Some have said that Steve was the acceptable face of the Biffers but a cunt is a cunt and he is definitely one. However it is fun to watch as former trusted members of the Fuehrer bunker resign so publicly.

With Steve gone, and therefore light on security a couple of chaps spotted brave Sir Goldibollocks in Curry’s (what a name of a shop to be in) and as he came out confronted him. Goldibollocks bravely fled back into the shop shitting himself and hid. I guess when confronting Muslims the biffer rules are

1) make sure there are BFD about and
2) make sure said Muslims are over the age of 70.

BF EBF Jayda Fransen Fuhrer in waitingThe defection of Stevie came as a forerunner to the trial in Folkestone around Biffer videos of the Ramsgate 555 kebab shop rapists. Now most of us were probably sad enough to keep refreshing the Kent Live update pages and so if you did you probably read wide eyed about what happened and the blatant lies from our cowardly biffers. Whether or not they caused a stillborn baby, the way it looked to me that the ferocity of the harassment is enough to send them down. The bit that had me laughing more than anything was when Goldibollocks said he knew nothing of what was going to happen. Well Goldibollocks that, I’m afraid is another load of smelly steaming bullshit. As leader of your potato movement if you didn’t know maybe you are leader in name only and should step aside and let Queen Screechy take over as moley has intimated on numerous occasions that she wants to do.BF Belfast bigot Bunting

60 days in which the biffers have collected £40k and are now asking for life members at a knock down price (you do get a signed pic of Screechy and Goldibollocks) to sign and donate a potato pledge, a monthly direct debit to cover their drinks, parties, drugs and holidays. To grease the palm of Councillor Bigot, to keep the thug Edge onside.

So there you have it 60 days 2 court cases, a reprimand, a defection, a con or two and a surrender. I haven’t even mentioned Trump and his put down or my favourite photo of the 60 days….Goldibollocks sitting waiting to go into court in Belfast , just round the corner from a huge stainglassed window with the words No Pasaran.


View from a barstool #44 by Landlord

Beer 2As 2017 comes in and we can at least bid a non-fond farewell to 2016 I was wondering just what this new year had in store for a grumpy, lefty, Muslim apologist landlord. I’ve had a look back at the year just gone, one in which it seems you can bomb the fuck out of somewhere, killing children, and a year that seems to justify fascism.

In Syria bombs continue to rain down on Aleppo, killing indiscriminately. Now I have an admission to make… I’m not particularly up on who’s doing what, where over there. I just can’t stand the fact that a whole bunch of innocent people are being killed by the west, Russia, their own government, Daesh and lack of food. The Biffer trolls’ favourite saying is “they should stay and fight” but fight whom, with what? Should they shoot the odd (not so) smart bomb with catapults?

Brexit has seemed to galvanise the right into thinking bigotry and abuse of anyone slightly off white is acceptable. Twitter and Facebook is awash with so-called celebrities writing statements that over a year ago would have seen them hauled over the coals. It seems that it’s ok to go up to foreign looking chappies and chappesses and tell them to “Fuck off home” even though their home is here. It seems ok to invade places of worship because their god is different to yours. It seems ok to racially abuse people in the street, all because a non-binding referendum seemed to say we hate foreigners.

Brexit send them back T shirt   Walsall halal butcher arson petrol bomb brexit

Well Katie Fucking Hopkins you failed at business, you failed at being a celebrity and you will fail at your pathetic attempts to shock. You see we laugh at you. I don’t care how you voted, as long as the reason wasn’t racial.

2016 also saw the deaths of many celebrities. Now call me a grumpy cuntspangle but I don’t see anyone as better than us, my television is limited to Sky Sports and peppa pig. I’m also someone who as a bar manager at Thorpe Park barred Katy Jordan (or something) as I really didn’t “know who I am” when she screamed at me. However during my formative years I did listen to a lot of Status Quo, a bit of Bowie, read a lot of Richard Adams and loved Star Wars so I am sorry they lost their lives. I also say RIP to all those who lost their lives in senseless wars, so called terrorist attacks or anything else.

The Americans have also managed to get the rest of the world united in a collective facepalm as they voted in a racist buffoon who is both financially and morally bankrupt. Us ‘lefteyes’ better run for cover… fuckwit is coming to town.

And now my favourite part of 2016, the beginning of the end of Bifferdom. They crave publicity and money. They want to be a “legitimate” political party who make all others quake in their boots. They want to outlaw a religion, not as they tell it but because it makes them money. What sort of year have they had? Well it’s been brilliant.


They’ve got a new camera, Screechy appears to have increased by a cupsize or two, Goldibollocks and Stevie’s waistline seems to have expanded. The two leaders have criminal records, Goldibollocks being interned at her majesty’s pleasure for ignoring a High court injunction and Screechy for bullying a young Muslim lady. They failed to make any inroads in politics. Screechy, Goldibollocks and his mum/family failed even to make a blip on the BBC’S colour chart in the mayoral election. Their conferences and road shows were supported by the same 20 followers, despite having twelvty million likes on Facebook. So the Biffers were a failure too.

As I look now to 2017 what can I expect. Well probably more of the same. Although teetering on the edge of annihilation whilst there is still money to con, the Biffer High command will continue to talk bollocks and fail in almost everything they do. Hopkins will continue to talk shit and no one will listen. Trump will bankrupt the US and the West will continue senseless bombing of countries that might have oil, or pipelines owned in part by media moguls.


But there is something I saw over the recent festivities, a coming together of all faiths (and none) sticking the proverbial two fingers up at Trump, Fartage, Daesh, Bifferdom, Hopkins et al. The left, centre and centre right all beginning, to use a movie quote to “be excellent to each other”. You see we, the normal non-bigoted people are fed up of all this cuntwaffle from the Nazi far right and have had just as much as we can take.

So I’m not giving up smoking, drinking or meat. My resolution is to be excellent to all. Apart from Biffers they can fuck off.


EBF has a new blog writer

I’m ‘Fluffy’ and I’ll be joining the rest of the blogging team from now on. I hope you like what I have to say.

fluffy-logoI’m not one for pulling my punches – at least not in writing. I don’t mean throwing actual punches. That’s for scumbags like the Biffers who’ve no other way to get their point across. Actual debate’s beyond them so they intimidate and threaten people instead. When people who really aren’t clever enough for politics try to become a ‘legitimate political party’ they get hostile and make arses of themselves. And there’s no bigger arse than Golding.

So expect me to be a bit arsey back. I can’t help it – it’s in my blood.

I’ve been reading through all the previous blog entries here and I have to say it’s really made an impression. I knew Britain First was a bunch of wankers before but I didn’t know just how bad they were until this weekend. These people really are nasty – with a capital NASTY. If you haven’t already had a good look around the blog make a point of it. Especially look at the PDF downloads. They really do ‘Expose Britain First’.

I’m not going to get into the PDF writing thing myself. It looks like it’d take up a lot more time than I’ve got to play with. I’m planning on doing a sort of commentary on the Bifferati’s antics as stuff comes up. Like Grasser-Golding’s whiney video about Jayda’s court case. That might be my first proper blog. When I saw that I just laughed. He’s like a whiney-arsed kid who can’t handle not getting his own way. Come to think of it that pretty much sums up Britain First anyway. They’re mostly just childish little shits who can’t handle the fact that the rest of us don’t mind brown people.

Golding’s problem is he’s still a child. Fransen’s problem is she chose the wrong movement to back. She could have joined a different movement or cause and done such a lot better for herself. She’s the sort of hard-faced cow who’d rise to the top in loads of different groups. But instead of making a killing starting a fluffy-kitten appreciation club with lots of pictures of me and my furry little friends (imagine the Facebook likes that would attract) she joined the fascists instead. So now she’s bitter and a bit disappointed that she didn’t choose more wisely. Oh well. Never mind Jayda, lass. You’ve made your bed. Now you’ll just have to lie in it. Be careful though – Golding has a medical condition. You might want to look it up. It’s called nocturnal enuresis.

As for all the other Biffer glitterati, they’re hardly worth mentioning (but I will). There’s Lewis the middle-aged loser who sees the Biffers as his last chance to make something of himself. He’s right… it is… and he won’t.

Then there’s Lomax the military ‘expert’ who thinks pot noodles will be ok for field exercises in Wales. What a joke he is! He’ll be next for the political uniform charge, I should think. The arrogant little turd just won’t be able to help himself but wear his black ‘security’ hoodie with its ‘chief of staff’ badge sewn on like a cub scout’s jumper. I’ll have to watch him. He’s going to be too funny to ignore.

Lee Cooper’s keeping his head down. He might be waiting for further instructions from Jimbo about who to talk to next. He seems to be a bit of a go-between fencing deals between the money men and the street thugs. Guess which camp the Biffers fall into. I’ll give you a hint – they’ve no money.

There’s so many names to get familiar with. So many far right fools to take the piss out of. I hardly know where to start.

Most of the senior women have gone – defected to other fash groups before the Britain First legacy destroys them as well. So have most of the regular supporters of both sexes. Every event they hold gets less and less people attending. Even their supportive Facebook comments are nearly all from overseas. There aren’t many Brits left who haven’t seen through them. Even the genuine fash know that the Biffers are only about making themselves rich. That’s why they’ve all gone off to join other far right nationalist groups instead of giving all their spare cash to fund Golding’s and Fransen’s champagne lifestyle.

So I think I came in a bit too late myself. I’d have loved to be writing about the Biffers when they actually looked like they could’ve been something big. Reading back over the blog’s previous posts that looks like it might have been fun. But as Johnny-come-lately I’ll just have to put up with deriding them as they collapse. That’ll be fun too in its own way.

So look out for the moniker: Fluffy. You’ll be hearing more from me in the future.


A view from a barstool #39 by Landlord

Beer 2“It’s the most wonderful time in the world” so the Christmas song goes. Nope the grumpy, athiest Landlord hasn’t taken leave of his senses nor has the barmaid ran off with me. It’s the time that some unwashed lefty landlords and I get together to do CAT tests on the promotional barrels of Hobgoblin (rather a lot of them) and discuss all things fascist and how we go about countering them around the country. Also they help me to write this blog. Last year they helped me on Bigot brother or big Bigot, this year we have come up with a new soap opera, Bigot Street. Hopefully someone picks it up or it could be a bigger failure than Eldorado. Forgive me any typos please, writing this after a few pints of the nectar probably isn’t the best time to do this.

This is set in a street that the fash dream of, a late 50’s terrace and people leaving the doors open. At number one a rather rotund gentleman known as Goldibollocks lives, a British flag or seven decorating both front and back, so it appears there are more people there than is thought, he appears to be the leader of the gang. He doesn’t work for a living just cons everybody and pretends to be a political heavyweight whilst being shit scared to enter into debates.

At number two is a loud mouthed harridan called Screechy who spends her days again not working but living off the begging bowl. Everyday she changes her security arrangements paid for by unsuspecting members of the public that think she does more than just screech at anybody that doesn’t pray to her particular god. She also tells all that she is a legal whizz having studied at Bigot Street’s local college, ‘The School of Hard Knocks’. She appears to have a hatred of anyone that doesn’t think the same way or is slightly tanned. She was in awe of Goldibollocks but now appears to be happier with her uncle.

Number 3 is the local newsagents, ran by a man who everyone calls Uncle Jim. He seems to like black and white flags and calling for crusades. He has all the newspapers in the shop, The Express, Mail, Brietbart. He’s the local lay preacher that hates homosexuality, Catholics and Islam. This could change depending on who he can fleece the most out of. He hates socialism but seems a bit taken by the Russian president.

Number four is a Fatman who works at the bakery. This bakery sells nothing but pies. He is a touch more literate than the others and although the bakery never opens although there always appears to be pies there in the morning. Mr Lewis is also treasurer of the streets council as he has the batteries for the calculator and the typewriter. He also can’t be trusted with the local church fêtes banner as it seems he loses them too easily.

Number Five is lived in by security guard Lomax. He is never seen without a stab vest, body camera, dodgy gloves and heavy walking stick. He seems obsessed with Screechy and Goldibollocks as he follows them everywhere they go like a faithful lapdog. He really should be licenced but can’t con anyone to put him through the course as he is too far down the hierarchy of Bigot Street. He is most likely to run in the opposite direction of anyone tanned.

Next there seems to be a confused gent. He hates immigration but has a name like Carmelo. He seems hell bent on getting into the A team and climbing the ladder of the hierarchy and closer to the honeypot. He seems to want to take on the immigrants with a stab vest, camouflage and a ruler.

At number seven, although on the outside of the main team is Nasty Nick. He seems to have talked his way in by sucking up to Uncle Jim. He has political ambition and appeared on the TV being owned by an audience. He wants all his fellow bigot’s to follow him to Hungary to set up racist world but no one wants to invest.

At number eight, although his house has the number 228 on it is a chap called Broomfield. He has the number 228 as although a paid up member of the gang he is an embarrassment to the high command.

Here I must stop with the houses, mainly due to the fact the Hobgoblin is taking effect.

At the end of Bigot Street there is a pub. A real olde world one with bar billiards (would have been a snooker room but Screechy and Goldibollocks kept taking it for filming). This pub sells great British beer like Stella, Carlsberg and Guinness. The top shelf of Smirnoff, Bacardi and Jim Beam, you know none of that foreign muck here. The Bigot’s stand around the old Joanna singing patriotic songs and wishing it was 1958 when blighty wasn’t overran by johnny foreigner, we all sang the national anthem and we respected the law of the land (as long as it wasn’t made by communist police and the lefty lackeys of the judiciary. The bigot’s talk long into the night deciding that a wall round their street complete with machine gun nests and barbed wire before toddling off for a non halal kebab.

So that’s the idea, I only need firty faaaaaaasand paaaaaands to get it off the ground. Can you chip in.
TARGET firty faaaaaaasand
Amount conned a midget gem, a marshmallow, three buttons and a safety pin.

Anyway, I should be back next week cuddling another barrel and reporting on all things biffer if the hangover goes and I have bought a big enough anniversary present for the wife.


Jo Cox, Paul Golding and Britain First’s indelible shame

We’ve waited a few days to post this. We wanted to let the dust settle a bit. We wanted to show respect for a grieving family and we didn’t want to join so many others in capitalising on the internet frenzy that always accompanies high profile killings. Jo Cox was many things apparently but she should never become mere clickbait at the height of a media frenzy.

Reuters Jo Cox MemorialLike the rest of the EBF team I’ve been unsure how to respond to this awful attack, not only on a young mother of two but upon the very nature of British representative democracy. The vigils that were held over the weekend across the country were not for Jo Cox personally. How could they be? Most of the attendees at these events, like me had never heard of her before Thursday. The mood of the nation isn’t grief – it’s outrage.

I won’t pretend to be racked with grief for a woman I never knew. I won’t do a hasty internet search and write a sentimental blog about Jo Cox as though she was an old friend I’ve known all my life. And I won’t be making any pretentious claims to know the precise details of the motivations that drove her killer, allegedly Tommy Mair to murder her in cold blood. I will be making a few observations about the far right and the way that groups like Britain First must acknowledge the blood indelibly staining their own hands.

Much has been said, written, shouted, even screamed about the words ‘Britain First’, apparently shouted by Jo’s murderer as he attacked. Whether he said ‘Put Britain First’, a campaign slogan for many in the nationalist/Brexit camp or whether he said merely ‘Britain First’, referring to the neoNazi group that regularly calls for British politicians to be executed seems to be a moot point. The undisputed fact is that Tommy Mair made clear his white supremacist and nationalist sentiments at the moment he (allegedly) carried out his crime. It is also obvious that this is a crime precisely in keeping with the rhetoric of Britain First.

EBF BF camping Wales ban the berkIt’s not clear whether or not Tommy Mair was associated directly with Britain First. He may have been. He certainly had aligned himself with overseas neo-Nazis. It seems unlikely that he’d never come across UK based Britain First as well. It is clear that a fully paid up Britain First ‘footsoldier’ (see the image left – that’s the name they give themselves) couldn’t have followed the party line any more accurately than Mair did last Thursday.

Paul Golding, leader of Britain First was quick to deny any association with Tommy Mair and denounce his crime. His video denial was in part an attempt to deny almost everything that Britain First has said over the last few years and partly an attempt to discredit the witnesses.

EBF BF policies conference 2015 1

Most ironic of all from the leader of a party which thrives on misrepresentation, half-truths and downright fabrication was his appeal for people to wait for the whole truth without jumping to conclusions.

Ok then Paul. We thought we’d help people uncover the whole truth, not about Jo Cox’s death, that’s for the courts but about the fact that this is exactly the sort of murderous, anti-democratic, neoNazi atrocity that you, personally, have been doing your damnedest to incite for the last five years. Team EBF has already published a number of PDF’s on your neoNazi approach to politics and society as a whole. But on this occasion I thought it might be a good idea to focus specifically on your bloodthirsty attitude to British politicians, your support for violent uprising and the way you incite others to murder them exactly as Jo Cox was murdered (perhaps I should say ‘assassinated’).

For those readers who don’t yet understand how Britain First operates or why responsibility for Jo Cox’s brutal murder can be laid so squarely at your door I’m going to spell it out. Please stop me if I’ve misunderstood anything. I’ll be using direct quotes from you, from Jayda and from uncle Jim together with screenshots of your own public pronouncements and internet memes to illustrate my points. You may not like what I have to say here but you’ll know it’s all true (which is more than can be said for your usual social media offerings).

Britain first and violence

Britain First has a long record of inciting violence. Founder Jim Dowson is well known for his desire to incite Holy War against Muslims. Britain first leader, Paul Golding is a former member of the ultra-violent National Front and the British National Party. His violent, white supremacist attitudes are obvious. Equally obvious is his tendency to lie and deceive in order to achieve his aims. Britain First’s Deputy Leader, Jayda Fransen is a former EDL ‘Angel’, another white-supremacist organisation which is equally well known for its violent assaults on British Muslims and non-whites.

EBF BF Dowson Holy War crusade comboIt’s hardly surprising that Britain First supporters are violent. They are spoon-fed violence at every turn. If it’s not fictitious threats from Islamic terrorists it’s frightening fantasies about perverted immigrants out to rape our children. The reality is completely different, of course but what do you and your buddies care about that, Paul? You know that refugees aren’t rapists and terrorists. You know that they’re just desperate people trying to escape a war they didn’t start or want. But they’re not the right colour so you use every dirty trick you can to slander them and all those who support their right to exist. And that’s why you hated Jo Cox. She saw through your lies, your slanders and your cheap, mean-spirited rhetoric and she had the courage to stand up against you.

Jo Cox MP BF comments

Jo Cox represented everything that you could never even hope to be. She was courageous, she was compassionate and she was dedicated to decency, truth and the joy of living a life free from petty prejudice and hatred. That’s why she opposed you. That’s ultimately why she died. You may or may not have given the order but your hands are soaked in her blood either way. You and Jayda have spent so long encouraging your followers to kill all who oppose you, including and especially our elected representatives that it’s impossible for you to distance yourselves from this barbarous murder. As Shakespeare’s Macbeth bewailed…

“Will all great Neptune’s oceans e’er wash this blood clean from my hands?

Or will this, my hand the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red?”

No amount of washing will clean your hands of the blood of Jo Cox – and we at EBF will do all we possibly can to see you and Fransen stand trial for the incitement that led to her vicious, politically motivated murder.

Britain First’s vicious leadership

Steve Lewis used to be Britain First’s Deputy Leader until the party realised that Jayda Fransen’s sex appeal was more useful in signing up a following of disaffected young men. Now he’s one of their quasi-military ‘Regional Commanding Officers’, regularly to be seen throwing punches at ‘lefties’ during their marches.

This is what this ‘high-ranking’ member of Britain First had to say about left wing politicians, among other people…

Steve Lewis eradicte lefties pic

In case you have any doubt about just what RCO Lewis means by ‘eradicated’, the words of the current Britain First Deputy Leader, Jayda Fransen below should make it quite clear.

Jayda hang traitors 1 image

Britain First has long called for the execution of left wing politicians whom they define as traitors. The extract above actually threatens labour politicians (among others) with execution. It’s part of a longer Email announcing leader, Paul Golding’s hopeless bid for the office of London Mayor. You can read the whole text of this murderous, racist and Islamophobic rant by clicking here.

Britain First and the political process

Britain First has always treated democracy with contempt. Ever since they first began in 2010 they have threatened, intimidated, harrassed and slandered political opponents at every turn. We know of several formerly outspoken ctitics of Britain First who found themselves needing police protection because of death threats issued by Britain First or their supporters. A number of left wing bloggers and activists have had their details published online by Britain First to intimidate them into silence.

Below we see a video still of Britain First’s ‘RCO’ Steve Lewis and ‘Armed Forces Offcier’, Robin Lomax intimidating a theatre group who dared to criticise Britain First and UKIP. Democracy means nothing to these people. Violence is the only change process they understand.

BF beyond UKIP cabaret invasion

Given the tragic events of last week it’s not hard to see why Britain First’s intimidatory tactics are so often effective. Few people are courageous enough to put their families at risk from fanatical neoNazis with a grudge. We at Exposing Britain First understand this only too well. That’s why we protect our anonymity so seriously. We have seen and heard what happens when Britain First locates those who oppose them and it’s not pretty. The chilling tweet below from Britain First’s leader, Paul Golding illustrates precisely what lies in store for any Britain First critic who dares to reveal their identity.

BF bullying payback What sort of political party

Britain First does not respect democracy. It is an organisation dedicated to silencing all opposition by any means at its disposal.


And that includes executing opposition politicians…

EBF BF Hang all traitors politicians nooseWe at Exposing Britain First have been saying for years now that it’s only a matter of time before Britain First’s propoganda leads to the death of a labour politician. We believe that they have already managed to incite their ‘footsoldiers’ to commit at least one murder of an innocent Muslim. We called for the British government to proscribe this violent group of neoNazis then and we continue that same demand today.

Proscribe Britain First for the hate-filled, murderous, fascist, extremist, terrorist organisation that it really is.

We have deliberately delayed publishing this article out of respect for Jo Cox and her family. We have no wish to make political capital out of this tragedy but equally we couldn’t just remain silent. The balance between smugly shouting

“We told you so”

and trying to demonstrate the truth about Britain First to the population at large is a fine one.

That’s why we waited until today to spell out our thoughts. We did so out of respect. But now it’s time to speak out.

The tragic assassination of Jo Cox may or may not have been committed by a fully paid up member of Britain First. Either way there can be no doubt that their endless deceit and incitement has played a part in influencing her killer. Tommy Mair certainly knew of Britain First. There’s good reason to suspect that he may even have accompanied Britain First on marches and demonstrations when they came to Yorkshire. The person in this widely circulated photograph may or may not be Mr. Mair. We genuinely don’t know. So far Britain First have refused to identify this BF activist who demonstrated with them in Dewsbury in 2015.

Possibly Tommy Mair Dewsbury BF demo

Whether Tommy Mair is the mysterious Dewsbury activist or not, his comments both at the scene and subsequently in court are unmistakeably ‘Biffer’.  Not for the first time, Fransen and Golding seem to have been instrumental in persuading a British citizen to commit an act of terrorism on British soil.

Proscribe Britain First now!


A view from a barstool 26 by Landlord

Beer 2A week of mirth and watching the Biffers implode into themselves. Screechy and Goldibollocks have become more deranged and desperate each day as they delete memes about the victor in the Mayoral election to…

  1. a) make themselves look less like cry babies and
  2. b) as moley intimated, to stave off any possible litigation against them.

This week, with the warm weather I held an impromptu BBQ/housewarming party. Nazeer from next door and his wife and his kids came over, so to did  Purav, a Sikh from just down the road, a couple of bald headed, tattooed Englishmen and my mate with Jamaican roots. I managed to purloin some stock (well a lovely barrel of Champion Gold and ‘some Babycham for the Laydees’). You know what, we had a lovely time, brilliant conversation, great food, Halal of course prepared by Naz’s wife…I was making a pigs ear of it so she took over, well in fact told me to “bugger off, you’re useless just like my husband” (so much for the subservient sex in Islam).

The Landlady unfortunately found my expensive wine collection, £7 a pop instead of the £3.99, and everyone drifted home happy, no arguments, no conversion, and apart from a stinging hangover I still had my head. New friends for life. The main thing we agreed with was the joke that is Britain First and the EDL. Although I think at least one of them reads EBF and may have worked out my alter ego.(They will do now).

Now with the election done and dusted the new mayor is now in. What is next for the Biffers? Well they have started a recruitment campaign. For just £2 a month you to could join the ranks of the twats! A free newspaper and a membership card are both thrown in. Whoopee! Here’s my bank details Goldibollocks.

Our favourite biffer, he who loves Greggs, sent out a tearful battlecry to the other spunktrumpets of the far right to come together and fight the rising tide of Islam. Sorry Mr L, the EDL, Casuals, Infidels, NF, National Action and Pie and Mash hate you as much as they hate each other. The chances of any of you uniting really is very, very slim. Even if you did, what would you get on the ground for marches? 200 tops!

Two different marches last week showed just how much the far right is supported. 20 in Portsmouth and 24 in Burton for “massive” days of action proves they really just have a social media presence and not enough on the street to fill a coach!

What’s next for the biffers? Some more mosque invasions, Halal slaughterhouse invasions, cowardly attacks on people on bail. This now “mainstream political party” will probably find something to do and we will be there, with your support to debunk, harass, shout shouty things at their demo’s and report posts to various bodies (although facebook is a bit of a longshot).

Now you’ll have to excuse me, Naz and Purav have invited me to another evening out, I might get out of it alive or at least with another hangover.


Meet Jake Elstone

Although little more than a child, Jake Elstone has big dreams.  He got into ‘politics’ a couple of years ago when he followed his cousin, Paul Golding into the family business and became a fascist. From his early Biffer beginnings as a glorified Britain First tea boy he quickly rose through (or rather bypassed) the ranks to become part of the Biffers’ laughable National Executive Committee. This is the nerve centre of British fascism, the operational HQ of the party that wants to take our country back from whoever they think might have stolen it. The committee includes such intellectual heavyweights as Steve “Pieman” Lewis, John “Nazi” Percivaldi and of course Paul “Der Fuhrer” Golding himself. With that sort of intellectual pedigree on offer young Jake should fit right in.

So far as IQ goes he’s ranked somewhere between ‘Walt wrangler’, Robin Lomax and ‘Intelligence officer’, Paul Besser. That just about puts him on a par with BF ‘Chief of Facebook’, Anthony Blunn (along with most of the planet’s microbial population). With this sort of genius leading the operation it’s no wonder that the rest of London’s candidates are so frightened. And make no mistake – they are frightened.

We know they are because Jake’s ‘cuz’ told us so – repeatedly at demonstrations across the land (until he had to answer bail because he’d been naughty).

Jake Elstone London Assembly BF candidate montage.png

Undeterred, young Jake has put himself forward (along with several relatives and most of his Aunty Christine’s neighbours) as a candidate for the London Assembly.

Far be it from us here at Exposing Britain First to criticise a young man in his early twenties for having ambition. We think it’s good and Cousin Fuhrer must be very proud of him and cousin Nancy for taking on such massive odds. But we do wonder what the presence of so many of Golding’s mother’s offspring and neighbours means for ‘the only party to confront Islamic extremism’.

London’s a big place with literally millions of people eligible to stand as candidates for its prestigious assembly.

Is this really the best they could do? Maybe Bexley just has an unusually high incidence of political masterminds, most of whom seem regularly to enjoy a nice cup of tea and a chocolate digestive round at ‘Nazi Christine’s’ house.

Perhaps they’re not quite as popular in the capital as they’d have us believe.

View from a barstool in the cellar

Beer 2The landlady and the kids are with the in-laws and I’m left here drinking the profits and suffering from a dose of fash fatigue. Being an admin on Exposing Britain First and the constant cases of islamophobic bullshit from the Fuhrer bunker does get us down. The bombs in Belgium are hard to stomach with wall to wall media coverage, security experts telling us what is happening even though it’s just conjecture and the arses in Bifferland lapping it up and providing the propaganda they need to play on the fears of already scared people. The right wing newspapers and our wonderful TV news stations helping them with their recruitment.

But where was the right wing and media angst as bombs were set off in Iraq, in Turkey and other places in Africa and the world. Did you even hear of these as I certainly didn’t, I didn’t see an outpouring of grief on Facebook, didn’t see people changing their profiles to a Turkish flag or an Iraqi one or any other to be honest. The right have even gone as far as to put the disgusting murders in Belgium as a reason for Brexit. Just like the Muslims we have had to put out the same old tired statement of us abhorring the bombings and saying that Daesh are a bunch of murderous bastards whom we are against. My brother works and lives in Brussels, and his workplace is near enough opposite to the station that was bombed. The overwhelming mantra coming from his fellow staff, from many different European nations, is that this was not a Muslim attack but a Daesh one.

BF Pieman Steve Lewis arrestedWith that out of the way (but not forgotten) back to the Fuhrer and his high command. Steve Lewis arrested and bailed for wearing a political uniform had us in stitches. Poor old Pieman, losing a banner last year, being moved down the pecking order in the shittrooper numbers, having to do the seemingly dodgy accounts on a 60’s typewriter and leader of the South East Brigade and now nicked. Steve is one of the more articulate Biffers but even he has slowly been indoctrinated into Bifferdom and writes more and more religious claptrap. We know he reads the page so Steve, hope you enjoyed the 16 hours in the cells. We hope you will be trusted enough to hold the banners again.

What else? Oh yeah, the mayoral election, begging letters, and some religious memes for the sheeple to eat up.

Goldibollocks is on the march going round trying to find 10 idiots in each borough of London to back him, even tweeting because Enfield Council had the audacity of making him hold on the phone, assumingly to get hold of the voters roll. Three of my friends who live in the London Mayoral area have asked that the Biffers do not get their names and addresses as they do not wish to have racist literature through their doors and also they feel that the Fuhrer bunker will use this for more sinister means. I’ll give an update shortly on how they got on.

So it appears that Goldibollocks and Screechy made their target to stand in the elections. They still accuse the Labour candidate of being an extremist Muslim and that London is no longer British. The great thing about this is that London is such a diverse, multi-cultural, thriving capital that will consign them to where my mates will put their propaganda, in the bin.

BF Sadiq Khan.png

If you read the Biffer page, I realise that this is hard for you, you will have seen the furore and foam-fest of the sheeple over the apparent removal of the word ‘Easter’ on Cadbury’s Easter oval things. Apparently this was to appease Muslims who quite frankly couldn’t give a toss about it. They have more important things to worry about (islamaphobia, being chucked off planes, securing mosques from right wing fucknuggets). The Daily Star had a front page spread about it and the Biffers were not amused. However a quick phonecall to Cadbury’s and a totally harassed customer services lady told me that this was the biggest load of crap she had ever seen. They may have taken off the word Easter from the front of the packaging but the word appears 4 times in various places.

Easter eggs Cadbury 2016.png

Coming so soon after the hot cross buns and Kingsmill saga’s it seems that once again Bifferland is foaming over a headline and not the story.

So that’s the week in a nutshell, just an ordinary week in the world of EBF, from bombs to Easter eggs, you couldn’t make it up… Could you?


Even Pieman has more integrity than Golding, it seems

Well that was interesting. Golding and Lewis discussing their recent arrests. It was 11 minutes of dull repetition punctuated only by an awareness of what they didn’t say. Golding talked at length about his own arrest under the guise of interviewing Lewis and left some very interesting questions unanswered in the process.

First they try to downplay the importance of the 1936 Public Order Act. Nice try Biffers but it won’t wash. The courts and the police fully understand how serious political sedition is. That’s why they arrested you.

Lewis arrest 2 SO15 interrogation.png

Then they try to suggest that SO15 counter-terrorism officers are just time-wasting by interviewing Biffers before Lewis reveals that they tried to recruit him as an informer. Golding goes on to say that he’s aware of other Biffers being approached by SO15 for the same reason. We’re not surprised. Terrorist organisations like Britain First inevitably will be of interest to counter-terrorist forces. But here’s the really interesting part.

Lewis arrest 3 informant SO15

Golding has been arrested for the same offence several times. He’s also been interviewed by SO15 more than once. And yet not once has he mentioned any attempt to recruit him. Neither has he been held for anything like this length of time. Why not?

The far right has long suspected Golding of being an informer. We know of at least one occasion when ‘a senior leader of Britain First’ informed the police about a member with a gun.

How come Golding got off so easily when he was arrested himself?

How come he never mentioned being approached by SO15 himself?

How come the police always seem to know what the Biffers are up to?

What do you think?


Doing Jayda’s job for her

Jayda Fransen used never to tire of telling us that she has a law degree. Nowadays she’s a bit more retiscent to talk about that. Perhaps that’s because we exposed the truth about her unfinished correspondence course in basic law. Or perhaps it’s because she got bored of academia (and all the hard work it involves) and moved on to easier, more entertaining activities like screaming at brown people and baiting the police.

Either way, given her alleged knowledge of British law you’d think she might be able to put a few Biffers straight about legal processes like police bail, rights and restrictions, the wearing of political uniform and the nature of subversion and sedition. But no – apparently she’s content to let them carry on being just as ill-informed as ever. She hasn’t even bothered to inform Britain First itself about the huge legal trap they’re falling into not just as individuals but as an organisation.

So we thought we’d educate them ourselves. We’ll do Jayda’s job for her because she’s clearly not going to. That’s a shame in itself – it would be nice to see her do something that’s actually useful for a change.

Let’s begin with the political uniform thing.

EBF BF Law abiding Biffers political uniform Luton Smurf Bail Fransen GoldingBack in 1936 the Public Order Act was passed banning the wearing of political uniforms and the militarisation of political organisations. The rise of paramilitary politics like the British Union of Fascists had been a step too far and the government acted to preserve the principles of democracy and freedom of expression that we all hold so dear.

That law has since been amended and updated, the most recent version being the Public Order Act 1986 which upholds the uniform and political militarisation bans as well as additional injunctions against stirring up racial hatred.

Public order act 1986

You’d think Jayda would have thought to warn her cronies about this one, wouldn’t you? Apparently not. She’s such a genius!

Britain First’s track record on racial hatred is well known. We’ve blogged about it many times including here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here… etc (the list goes on and on). Evidence of their religious discrimination (also unlawful) can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here and especially here… etc. But what’s all this about uniform?

Britain First occasionally try to convince us that their fleeces (with the unauthorised use of the Royal crest) are not actually uniform. But their own communications amongst themselves show just how ridiculous that assertion really is. In keeping with their Walter Mitty aspirations to play soldiers they have insignia to denote rank and function, even using coloured clothing to denote function (a bit like Star Trek). This wonderfully obvious exchange contains a comment by Robin Lomax, the Biffers’ ‘armed forces division commanding officer’ talking about black ‘security’ beanies (yes – beanies). It may well be laughable but it’s still criminal!

EBF BF Black security uniform hats

Then there’s a more recent exchange (also involving Lomax) about rank insignia that we’ve reproduced below.

BF Blum Lomax Sergeant Karczewski political uniform conversation meme.png

Steve “Pieman” Lewis is currently on bail (as are Der Fuhrer and his deputy) for wearing political uniform in relation to Britain First. Their legal team (or at least their excuse for more fundraising) seems so far to have been unable to make these very serious charges disappear. That’s hardly surprising. This stuff goes to the heart of British democracy and to disrupt our democratic process this way is a form of sedition, arguably even treason. The whole point of Britain First’s nefarious activities is to disrupt our established system of representative democracy, even calling for the execution of current politicians. If that isn’t treason we really don’t know what is!

So come on Jayda – tell your cronies how the law works. That way they might be able to avoid looking quite as stupid as they do when they post ill-informed rubbish like this.

BF Pieman Steve Lewis Bail comments combo.png

Come on Dutchy… sort it out!