More false advertising by the Biffers

We had a quick butcher’s at the Biffer Facebook page the other day. That’s their preferred environment for ‘…doin’ politics, innit?’ They still haven’t worked out that false, paid for likes from foreign clickfarms (they click you long time!) aren’t the same as actual votes. But occasionally, just sometimes they crawl out from under their seedy little rock and head off into the real world. A bit like this…

As usual the turnout was tiny but that’s not the important thing. Have a look at the little bald biffer with glasses in the front row. His jacket isn’t quite the same colour as the usual Biffer ‘bottle-out’ green. There’s a reason for that.

Here we see the same sad fash wannabe from the back. His jacket isn’t ‘bottle-out’ green because it’s representing a genuine heroes’ charity. But what’s a ‘Help for Heroes’ jacket doing on a Britain First ‘Day of action’?

We’ve asked Help for heroes. We’ll let you know their reply.

They fought for us

Today is the 100th anniversary of the first day of the battle of the Somme. Here is EBF’s tribute to the brave men and women of all races and religions who fought alongside Britain over the years. This PDF download was originally posted as a series of articles on the EBF blog throughout Armistice Day 2015.

EBF They fought for us PDF cover armistice remembrance ww1 ww2 war hero poppy

Fighting for Poland and for Britain too

My grandparents were immigrants. But just as the vast majority of modern immigrants, they were more than worthy of their place in our society.

As with most of our grandparents, they didn’t talk too much of their trials during WWII but this is their tale, as accurate as I can make it.

Dziadek (Polish for grandad) was a young man from Postawy in Eastern Poland.

ww2 warsaw occupation polandHe joined the army and fled along with thousands of compatriots when Germany annexed the country.

Why did they run? Why didn’t they stop and fight? Sounds familiar huh?

Imagine charging Panzer Divisions on horseback or trying to shoot down Stukas with antiquated rifles…..Damn right you’d run!

Anyway, he eventually made his way across Europe and ended up in Scotland, where the 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade was formed.

They were formed intending to drop into Poland and assist in the liberation of their homeland but the British government pressured them into joining Operation Market Garden.

On September 18th 1944 they were due to drop, alongside the gliders of the 1st British Airborne at Arnhem in Holland in an attempt to push German forces south, toward France and the allies advancing from that direction.

Bad weather meant the British gliders were able to deploy but it was too bad to parachute in so the Poles followed three days later, out of position, on the wrong side of the Rhine and where the Germans were waiting.

The battle of Arnhem is widely regarded as one of the biggest mistakes in military history, massive casualties were inflicted on both sides, Dziadek was extremely lucky to survive as many of his countrymen died alongside him and the whole thing ended up in a stalemate over THAT bridge, made famous in A Bridge Too Far

ww2 warsawMeanwhile, in Warsaw, Babcia (grandmother) was fighting her own battle alongside the Polish Resistance.

On August 1st 1944 the Russians were advancing from the east and liberation was imminent.

The sound of Chopins Polonaise rang through the streets of Warsaw, signalling the start of what was one of the bloodiest battles of the war. The Russians halted outside the city so the Poles were left to battle against a far superior army, with spontaneous help from allied air forces. Over the course of two months around 20,000 Poles were killed, wounded or went missing in action compared with nearly 23,000 German troops. Nearly 200,000 civilians were killed and a further 700,000 were displaced due to the near-total destruction of the city.

15,000 Polish freedom fighters were also captured, Babcia one of them. She took a piece of shrapnel to the leg and spent the rest of the war in the hellhole known as Belsen. After the war she was in a demobilisation camp. One day she was struggling to get her hairdryer to work when a dashing young paratrooper happened to pass and fixed it for her, the rest is history

They spent a brief couple of years in Germany where my father was born and then decided to move to Britain as many Poles who’d fought alongside British forces did. They didn’t have much choice anyway, Dziadek’s hometown was now part of Belarus after the allies carved up much of Poland and Warsaw was all but levelled.

Looking back now I wish I’d questioned them more on their experiences but they were proud, strong people and it didn’t seem right to drag up their past and memories they might not want to recall.

We found out that Dziadek was younger than we thought after he passed, like many of his generation he’d lied about his age to join up (can’t imagine a proud biffer doing that, somehow! )

During one of our family get-togethers, alcohol fuelled, as Poles tend to do, Babcia came into the room with four bottles of homebrew held between the fingers of each of her hands. My brother and I jumped up to help but she shooed us away with, “this is how we carried the petrol bombs in Warsaw!”

A pair of awe inspiring heroes, much loved and sadly missed. I oppose Nazism in honour of their memory xxx

When you buy your poppy this year, wear it proudly and remember those brave poles who sacrificed so much for all of our freedom.

Download the full collection of today’s blog posts  EBF They fought for us

302 and 303 squadrons – The Free Polish Air Force in Britain

On September 1st 1939 the German army invaded Poland. The successful Blitzkrieg (lightning war) tactic of swift invasion supported by armoured artillery, rapidly moving infantry and massive air support got them to Warsaw with remarkable speed and the city fell, effectively signalling the collapse of Poland itself on September 17th.

Unable to continue the defence of their homeland, many Polish pilots and air crew fled to France where they joined the French air force and returned to the fray as the Germans continued their advance there. Once again however they were defeated. Undeterred, the surviving Polish pilots and air crew made their way to Britain and the Royal Air Force.

ww2 polish 303 squadron raf302 Squadron was formed on July 13th 1940 with 303 Squadron close on its heels coming into existence on August 2nd. Both squadrons fought in the Battle of Britain, the gallant action that drove back the Luftwaffe, prevented Germany from establishing air superiority across the channel from France and thus forced Hitler to abandon Operation Sea Lion (AKA the invasion of Britain). These two squadrons, although late to the Battle of Britain were responsible for one fifth of all German planes shot down over Britain. Without the aid of these 139 Polish airmen (303 squadron shot down more German planes than any other RAF Hurricane squadron) it is doubtful that the German invasion would have been halted. Britain may well have been occupied. That in turn could easily have resulted in a quick victory for Germany and for Nazism throughout Europe with no effective opposition to launch a counter-attack.

Without Britain’s continued resistance to the German war machine there would have been little or no commonwealth involvement and the Americans would have ignored Europe completely, concentrating all their forces upon the Pacific war with Japan instead. To put it another way, without the Polish airmen of 302 and 303 squadrons Germany would almost certainly have won the Second World War. And it wasn’t just the Polish pilots we need to be grateful for. In total around 17,000 Polish nationals fought for Britain. They represented their country (and ours) over air, land and sea and bled just as deeply as any Brit in the defence of freedom from Nazi totalitarianism.

When you buy your poppy this year, wear it with pride in honour of the Polish flyers who fought and died in defence of Britain. It’s their poppy too.

Download the full collection of today’s blog posts  EBF They fought for us

View from a barstool #4

Beer 2So another week’s over and another week of seeing my takings suffer as the rest of the home nations nosedive out of the Rugby world cup. BT sports taking over of the Champions league is driving the punters away. The mixed pool team has won another game, much to the chagrin of Beryl who continues to put holes in everything other than the dartboard. I do hear the ladies tiddlywinks team may be short next week.

So what have we learnt from Biffer towers this week? Well they were triumphant in Burton, they still hate the thought of countries taking in immigrants, they love Putin, they adore the Knights Templar International (other real groups are out there) they’ve stayed strangely quiet over a massacre in Sweden and finally as remembrance day comes close they wheel out the old clickbait memes to con (sorry make) money out of their supporters.

Apparently Britain First’s brave 139 protesters were confronted by a few anti’s and bravely stood their ground. This however once again turned out to be a load of rubbish as Antifa, locals and Anti Biffers including most of the EBF office turned out to harass, heckle and generally have a good day out (see EBFBlogger here and here). Once again a huge police presence and shut shops proved what a waste of tax payers’ money and the costs of closing local businesses ensues when Folding and Dutchy come to town.

far right sweden school sword killer Anton Lundin PetterssonThe massacre in Sweden by a white, right wing terrorist and I mean terrorist not a misunderstood kid, not a loner, but a terrorist has led to near silence by the media, right wingers and politicians in this country. It appears to me that a nutter is a nutter whatever race or religion he or she may be. But while every Muslim man or woman is labelled a terrorist by the press or Biffer towers I have to counter that when this happens. I wasn’t the only one whose first thought when I heard the colour and politics of this boy was not Muslim was one of relief, when I should have been showing respect to those that had lost their lives. It must be working in the murky world of Anti Britain First that has made me do this.

But now on to the most important issue of the week (to me) and the outpouring of clickbait from Britain First and it’s offshoots including ones we are still checking on claiming to respect our troops, respect remembrance day, respect the poppy. So here we go, they are begging to get Folding elected, they are begging to stop their computers from being hacked, they are begging for court case costs and once again they are stealing money for their tatty products representing the poppy. And yes I did say stealing, because every penny they take goes into their bank account and is sent not to the armed forces but kept for whatever purpose Folding and Dutchy want to use it for (trip to Hungary, new tyres for their van or to hire a snooker hall for an hour). The unfortunate truth is any money raised does not go to respect our troops or to buy housing (something their memes tell us the refugees are getting) and Folding is still disrespecting our troops nearly 10 years since he wore pants on his head at the Cenotaph.

BF EBF Poppy shop charity con veteran RBL british legion scam

One of our page readers has challenged Golding to prove where the money has gone. To date nothing has been heard. Many of the good people of the page have been asking us if this page is real, is that page real and it’s got to the point where even we can’t be sure. I have recently had three people in my pub asking me to collect for remembrance day and each time I have said no, not because I don’t want to but since seeing the murky world of Britain First I will only have the Royal British Legion in and then for the rest of the year the Royal Air Force. Two of the three understood why I’m taking this stand, sighed and admitted that most of the pubs were taking this line too. The other got quite angry and insisted that I should allow his box on my bar. He left when I asked for his registered Charity number.

So to all you good souls who give money to respect and honour our troops please be careful where your pennies are going. I would advise sadly that you should only give money to the Royal British Legion this year and politely decline others. Give your reasons, the true ones will sigh and understand – only the shysters won’t.

This is a busy time for me at the moment. In a weeks time I will have completed my move to the South Coast, and my new pub will be halfway through the renovation. At least Beryl won’t be putting holes in the wall, Bazzer complaining about 3-5-2 or 4-2-3-1 and Gaz telling me every two minutes that the world is better under the conservatives will be a distant memory


View from a bar stool #1 (by Landlord)

Bar stool 2So at last a quiet moment for me to look back at the stupidity that is the Britain First page and the last week there really has been enough for me to laugh at and basically do what we at Exposing Britain First do best and rip holes in it from a Landlord’s point of view. This beats the usual conversation of who is leaving/dumping who, extolling the virtues of 3-5-1 or 4-4-2, Lewis Hamilton can’t really be English as he’s winning and the fact my beer sales will fall flat as our great rugby team have gone out of the world cup.

So what have we seen on Britain First this week? A few biblical quotes, poppies, jingoism, blaming Islam because the cat at number 22 has gone missing, immigrants, the moving of a man in uniform in A&E to a private area and the horrendous shooting in America that they again blamed on Muslims.

I’ll leave the biblical quotes to anyone who actually is religious, although quoting the bible at their followers is a bit stupid, they might as well just refer them to the world according to Paulie and Jayda as they blindly follow them like a cult.

In the Shires of England this week, the beginning of Britain First collections started, outside schools and in market places, the education authorities, Councils and police have been informed as they do not have a license to collect money. National pubwatch have also been informed. I ask all of the followers of Exposing Britain First to inform as many of your friends as possible, that Help for Heroes and the Royal British Legion do not accept donations from Britain First (or other political parties) so be vigilant who we give our money to.

EBF Brigade BF pitiful Margate hospital A&E protestWe also saw that someone in uniform was moved to a private area in Margate’s A&E. It was said that this would prevent disruption as there was an altercation previously. Nowhere did it say that he wasn’t treated with the professionalism that NHS personnel always give and nowhere did it say why but this was enough for Pieman Lewis and his pals to go down and protest outside, probably causing more aggravation than moving this person. But when has this ever worried Britain First? The cowardly 6 in the South East brigade, a misnomer if ever, managed to go late at night and make tits out of themselves.

EBF BF oregon shooter MuslimI heard the news that there was another shooting in America and the first thing I did was hang my head. I turned to the Landlady and said

” A tenner on the Biffers blaming a Muslim.” Maybe I should have bet more. I then heard it was a Brit who hated organised religion, got himself a gun and blew innocent people away. Was there a retraction, an apology? No. The inference had been made and BF supporters had already been pulled in. All of us wonder why the Americans want to have guns. Here in Britain we have gun control and the amount of deaths accountable to these lethal weapons is negligible. But Britain First’s American contingent and some of their blind followers want gun control relaxed over here. Personally speaking from a Landlord’s point of view, I’ve dealt with drinkers coming at me with broken glass, with baseball bats or even a 12″ rubber dildo (don’t ask) but put guns and alcohol together and I’m out of here. Keep guns in the hands of those that keep us safe, not the bigoted.

Finally and I’m sorry I have been laughing at this each time I see our pictures and memes but the latest comedic moment over at BF towers was the news Goldibollocks is running for Mayor of London.

EBF BF London mayor comments

The latest begging letter, sorry ‘address’ from the Fuhress has put me in the queue to get hung (sic), although calling me a traitor is little naughty. I wonder if I should sue them for this. Paulie needs to raise a £30k fighting fund (foreign holidays are so expensive right now) he also needs to move home to a London Borough and get 330 people to nominate him before he can even start canvassing in London. I can’t wait! One of the guys in pub is going to track him wherever he goes to get the answer about where the poppy money collected has gone. The chances are he’ll raise the money and someone will tell him not to run. I was thinking of running an EBF sweepstake on the reason for not standing but I can think of too many.

So that’s it for this week. The immigrant stories that the biffers make up are too disgusting to think about. Needless to say I will at one point blow and aim a few blows over there but for now, Del (a regular) has come in panicking over the fact the Mixed Pool team only has 4 players this week, Petra needs me to change a barrel and that question of 3-5-1 or 4-4-2 is still on the table.


The Landlord