A view from a barstool #48 by Landlord

Beer 2So here you go biffers, my credit card. I give up you win, I can’t keep justifying Islam. No this isn’t me, this was one of my mates in the pub, someone who marches with antifa, someone who counters biffer car park shuffles. I’ve never seen him like this, a total loss of faith in what he and we do. A couple of pints later he said “fuck this, they ain’t Muslims, during this the holiest of times for them some fuckwits carry out more atrocities in the name of Daesh.”

So what do I think. The grief peddlers wanking over Saturday nights murders like Hopkins, Robinson, Screechy and Goldibollocks are having a field day, Trump try’s to justify his ban and the right wing media use this to try and pull back a disastrous election campaign. I’ve decided not to follow mainstream media, nor will I watch the twat Robinson on rebel tv, nor will I let the hate win, these are not Muslims the are murderous little cunts following a doctrine that is not Islamic. No apologies are necessary to me as I am 100% certain in my stance.

Screechy and Goldibollocks were on the ropes before Manchester, the threat of prison, the (excuse the Tory party word) money tree had ran dry, their benefactor ran out of Hungary and people were waking up to their fuckwittery. Now they are emboldened again, with more racist followers from America queuing up to fawn over these idiots.

golding robinson fransenBut, like the murderous bastards who have carried out these attacks, Britain First are evil, using grief to fuel their leaders lifestyle, using the white supremacist movement in the US to get more money. But then where was their outrage over the bombing in Egypt, the slaughtering of many in Syria. Selective grief then.

We have to fight the right wing, we have to debunk their lies, we have to counter their evil marches, days of action and intrusions.

We also have to acknowledge the evil murderous wankers that have done this and condemn them, and we do with the same vitriol we reserve for the fascists but these people don’t do it in the name of Allah they do it because they’re murderous wankers.


It’s a boy!

stork and babyA few days ago I made hubby the happiest man in the world. Don’t get me wrong, he wasn’t unhappy to begin with and I know he loves our two girls to pieces but last Tuesday morning something altogether different happened. Last Tuesday I gave him a son. I thought Hubby was going to burst when he first held our gorgeous, perfect little boy. Now he’ll have an excuse to buy trainsets and airfix models and pretend it’s ‘just for the lad, you know’.

Forgive the lack of baby photographs or other details that might be used to identify our family but you all know what it’s like. This is a happy time for us and I’m not about to let anyone spoil it with protests against mixed marriages or any other Biffer nonsense about brown Muslim men ‘stealing’ white British women away from proud, patriotic white blokes. Nobody stole me. I love my beautiful brown man but even if I didn’t, there’s no way I’d be interested in the racist Neanderthals of Britain First anyway.

But enough of them. I promised Hubby I wouldn’t let myself get too distracted by racist cockwombles now that we have a brand new human to care for. One thing that’s become really obvious over the last few months is that life is too beautiful to waste worrying about immature hate-mongers like Dutchy and Der Fuhrer. I’ve promised team EBF that I’ll still write the odd piece for them. In truth I don’t think I’ll be able to resist, especially now that I won’t be working for a while. But I won’t be writing anything like as regularly as I used to.

But as I sit here with my feet up in front of the telly, a tiny, warm little person snuggling in to my neck and shoulder I can’t help but wonder about the sort of world my little boy will inherit. There’s so much hatred to be overcome right now – especially hatred toward children both here in UK and across the channel in France. I’m reminded of a verse from one of my favourite songs… ‘The night I heard Caruso sing’ by ‘Everything but the girl’.

“I thought of having children but I’ve gone and changed my mind
It’s hard enough to watch the news, let alone explain it to a child
To cast your eye across nature, over fields of rape and corn
And tell him without flinching not to fear where he’s been born”

I’m determined that my three children will grow up knowing how to love, not how to hate.

Maybe it’s time to think about a different song. This one’s by the Beatles…

“All you need is love”

Britain First and the history of European Nazism

The problem with making historical comparisons is they’re never precise enough to satisfy the pedants and rarely obvious enough to catch the attention of most people. That’s because the majority of us have enough to deal with just coping with the necessities of everyday living. People haven’t time to go around studying political history and most don’t have the inclination to search for comparisons and similarities between modern UK and the worst of European thought.

EBF understands that. We know that to many this article will seem like an over-reaction to current events. But we think it important that we highlight the broad trends of 21st century ideologies even if the exact details differ from the precise events of the past. Modern Europe is very different from that of 80 or 90 years ago. Mass communication is easier and less controlled which accelerates the speed of social change. Deceitful propaganda is more easily spread and ideas, even dangerous ones can take hold of a population like wildfire.

EBF BF Wake up and rise up.pngBut people are still essentially the same. Their fears are the same, their vulnerability to manipulative ideologues is the same and their tendency to look for scapegoats to blame is the same. Our species hasn’t evolved at all in a few decades. We are as we were and what we were was frightening.

In 1920s Germany economic hardship was rife. People were literally starving to death as food became more and more expensive and wages, even for those lucky enough to be employed at all couldn’t keep up. Many felt hopeless and helpless.

In post 2007 Europe whole countries went bankrupt and others, like UK saw the weakest citizens, those suffering from disabling conditions or those who were unable to find work stripped of their incomes, sanctioned by civil servants or forced to work for nothing to ease the wage burden on large companies like Tesco, Asda and even’ the Biffers’ favourite’ – Gregg’s the baker’s. Many argue that this was little more than state-sponsored slavery designed to increase private, corporate profits at the expense of the public purse as several employers cut jobs, replacing paid employees with unskilled, forced (workfare) labour instead. Many at the bottom rungs of society felt hopeless and helpless.

In Post WW1 Germany a group of veterans calling themselves the Frei Corp (Free Army) began releasing propaganda explaining that Germany’s predicament was all the fault of international Jewry. This wasn’t true but it suited the emotional need of some of the people to scapegoat someone other than themselves.

In post-recession UK groups like Britain First began releasing propaganda blaming Muslims for all the country’s problems. This isn’t true either but it suits the emotional need of some of the people to scapegoat someone other than themselves.

EBF extremist Jayda no moderate muslim BF court lie

In 1920s Germany Adolf Hitler joined a small group of far right nationalists and quickly rose to prominence within what was one day to become the Nazi party.

In 2010 a relatively minor official in the British National Party (a far right nationalist group) broke away from the party to form his own rival group – Britain First.

In 1920s Germany the government largely ignored the Nazis. They were only one of many far right factions and they seemed too busy fighting amongst themselves to be of any significance.

In 2010 the UK government largely ignored Britain First. They were only one of many far right factions and they seemed too busy fighting amongst themselves to be of any significance.

In 1920s Germany Hitler’s Nazi party made very little impact. The demonstrations they held were violent armed conflicts and so the authorities eventually acted. When Hitler tried to begin an armed revolution and held hostage two government officials he was overwhelmed, tried and imprisoned for sedition.

In modern UK, Britain First incites violence against Muslims and immigrants but Golding et al have learned from history and never personally involve themselves in such crimes.

In 1930s Germany the Frei Corp became the Brown Shirts – the organised street fighters who persecuted Jews – their most infamous incident was ‘The night of broken glass’ or ‘Kristalnacht’ during which Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues were attacked in a domestic atrocity ordered by Hitler himself.

In modern UK we have not seen anything on the scale of Kristalnacht yet. We have however seen attacks against Muslim shops, Mosques and businesses, including arson and several Muslim deaths. At least one 81 year old Muslim was beaten to death by Britain First supporters whilst on his way to his local Mosque for morning prayers.

From the 1920s onwards Hitler and his cronies used dehumanising propaganda to isolate and encourage violence against German Jews.

From 2010 onwards Britain First has used dehumanising propaganda to isolate and encourage violence against British Muslims.

EBF BF Nazi dehumanisation

The German Nazis relied upon nationalism and a sense of ‘taking back control’ to fuel their hatred.

Britain First relies upon nationalism and a sense of ‘taking back control’ to fuel its hatred.

BBC3 BF WWOCB Title page

The internet and the speed with which social media spreads ideas around means that the popular nationalism that took the Nazis 15 years to achieve has taken Britain First with its social media savvy operation a third of that time. What they lack is political clout but there’s time for that and they’re certainly trying hard.

And it’s not just Britain First. There are other, equally disturbing groups at work in the UK. Nationalists organisations echo the same message of hate. Groups like the English Defence League and countless others also rely upon the same propaganda to fuel a nationalism that seems hell bent on taking this country back to a past that only really existed in their imaginations. Respectable political groups like UKIP seem almost to legitimise the nationalist agenda and may well be the key to political influence for all the other nationalist groups.

Brexit send them back T shirt

It’s no coincidence that ‘Vote UKIP’ is a common refrain from the racist nationalists we interact with across social media. Britain First is unlikely to gain any political power but that doesn’t mean they can’t support UKIP. Golding and Fransen have already created something like a Frei Corp in waiting. Their own website describes Britain First as a ‘Street defence organisation’ and their regular calls for civil war against Muslims and their (admittedly laughable as yet) attempts to train their members in combat skills seems to point very clearly in one particular direction. Might they become UKIP’s Brown shirts in time?

EBF BF fight club

If the problem was only UK based that might be less of a concern but similair trends can be seen across Europe. Some countries are further along this dark path and it’s not hard to see where we’re all being driven. This week in Austria a far right party using the slogan ‘Austria First’ (there’s a coincidence) narrowly failed to become the ruling political party in the country’s national election.

EBF BF Austria far right Nazi election.pngIn the style of their Austrian predecessor, Adolf Hitler they are now forcing a new election. Hitler’s Nazi party also forced elections until they got the result they wanted. We’d hoped that Austrians would know better, given their country’s part in WW2 but seemingly not. Like Brits and many other European nationals they have short memories. It remains to be seen how prophetic the result of the UK’s recent ‘Brexit’ referendum may be. The result (48% v 52%) is strikingly close to the Austrian result after a campaign that was fought much more along nationalist and racist lines than any other issue. We believe that there is very real cause for concern both here in the UK and abroad.

Holland, a country defeated by the Nazis and subjected to all the horrors of occupation is currently seeing the rise of its own brand of Nationalism. Even Germany, the birthplace of Pegida has a growing number of fascists within its population. Similair stories can be told about many Western nations from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean. The far right hasn’t won yet but it’s making remarkably good headway.

There’s still time to turn this around. Please help us to spread the word and stop the neo-Nazis from dragging us back into the darkness of former decades.

Further relevant reading from EBF

An overview of Britain First (PDF)

Britain First’s Nazi policies (PDF)

Britain First’s general Nazism (PDF)

Jayda Fransen’s Anti-Islamic propaganda – just Like Julius Streicher’s anti-semitic ‘Der Sturmer’ (PDF)

Britain First has blood on its hands

How Britain First profits from violence

Britain First inciting civil war

Britain first as a uniformed, paramilitary militia


They fought for us

Today is the 100th anniversary of the first day of the battle of the Somme. Here is EBF’s tribute to the brave men and women of all races and religions who fought alongside Britain over the years. This PDF download was originally posted as a series of articles on the EBF blog throughout Armistice Day 2015.

EBF They fought for us PDF cover armistice remembrance ww1 ww2 war hero poppy

Wear a safety pin

This is brilliant!

Yesterday we posted a number of T-shirt suggestions to reassure ethnic minorities that we’re not all racist. But forget that – this is better. It’s easier, it’s more permanent (you don’t need to keep washing it) and it can be distributed around your friends for just pennies.

Wear a safety pin to show that you’re safe. Get it – a SAFETY pin. Let the whole of the country know that you’re not going to abuse ethnic minorities. Let the world know that you’re not racist. Let your neighbours know that you’re safe!

Wear a safety pin!

safety pin EBF

Time to make a stand

Ever since the UK voted to leave the European Union, racists and nationalists have wrongly assumed that they have a mandate to abuse ethnic Brits. We don’t believe this is true. We don’t think that most Leave voters did so because of racism or aggressive nationalism. But unfortunately ethnic minorities living in Britain have a hard time knowing which Brits accept them as valuable members of our society and which are hostile. This is understandably frightening. When anyone could be a threat everyone is threatening.

So we have a suggestion.

The images below are easy to download. Why not choose one, take it to your local printer and get it transferred onto a T-shirt or sweatshirt? Why not have it printed on a mug to use at work or maybe a cap? Anywhere you like really.

EBF Not racist transfer 5

The idea is to show our fellow citizens in clear, uncompromising terms that we are not a threat. Let’s fill Britain with reassurances for those who need them most right now.

EBF Not in my name transfer 5

It doesn’t matter how you voted in the referendum. We know that was about many issues that seem to have passed the racist minority by completely. This is about reclaiming our society for the tolerant majority of Brits and extending the hand of friendship and acceptance to all.

It’s time to make a stand and show the far right that they cannot win!

EBF Not racist transfer


EBF Not in my name transfer


EBF Not racist transfer 2


EBF Not In My Name transfer 2



EBF Not in my name transfer 3EBF Not racist transfer 3

EBF Not racist transfer 4

EBF Not in my name transfer 4

After Brexit – In whose name?

People keep telling us they voted ‘Leave’ but they’re not racist. Yes we know. We actually have a couple of non-racist Brexiters in team EBF. One or two others wavered right up until polling day. We know that lots of people voted to leave the EU for motives that have nothing at all to do with racism.

Brexit reparation demo newcastle

But we also know that many did vote to leave the EU because of racist views. Others did so because of an aggressive nationalism that, whilst not necessarily rooted in ideas of skin colour or racial origin still devalue the rights and contributions of ethnic Brits. That’s not everyone who voted to leave but it is a sizeable proportion.

So why are we still banging on about race when we know it wasn’t the deciding factor for so many Brexit voters?

The answer to that is simple…

Brexit send them back T shirt

Since the decision to leave the EU was announced racist attacks and abusive incidents have increased substantially. Emboldened by the ‘Leave’ result many racists and aggressive nationalists (we know not all nationalists are aggressive, by the way) now mistakenly believe that they have the support of over half the population. They think they have a mandate from the British people to persecute ethnic Brits and some of the incidents over the last few days have been pretty vile.

We have been told of abuse and/or assaults against Poles, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus, Italians, Romanians and pretty well anyone who doesn’t fit the white British stereotype. Not that we’re surprised. We suspected that this would happen. Emboldened by a Brexit victory (that actually has little to do with race or religion in practice) the worst of our society has become even more aggressive and hostile.

Brexit Polish vermin sign

So to those Brexiters who insist that they’re not racist and that they’re not aggressive the time has come to stand up and be counted. If you disagree with the persecution of minorities. If you don’t support the far right’s call for enforced repatriation of people who may well have been born in this country anyway. If you object to the antics of your fellow citizens who seem to mistake 21st century UK for early 20th century Germany then now is the time to stand up and say so. Repeat after us…

“Not in my name!”

We’ll end this post with the famous words of Edmund Burke. We think they’re very applicable to the current situation here in UK.

 “All that is necessary for evil to triumph Is that good men do nothing.”

Britain First’s Admin, Anthony Blunn’s vlog part 2

Last Thursday we posted a highly entertaining vlog produced by Biffer Facebook administrator and ‘11th in command’ security guy, Anthony Blunn. At that time we promised to dissect his brief monologue in detail (once we’d stopped laughing). That took a while!

BF Anthony Blunn no go areas vlog

Anyway – we’ve managed to calm down, wiped the tears from our cheeks (and from Kit’s legs) and taken an altogether more serious look at the rubbish that the fine upstanding ‘Great British Patriot’ has produced. Fortunately for us the video doesn’t last very long so we were able to critique it in just a couple of sittings.

The overall topic is ‘no go areas’, something that ‘lefties’ and ‘radio DJs’ are apparently unable to comprehend. Blunn focuses on East London which he likens, rather inexplicably to Afghanistan. He claims that it’s easy enough to get into East London but you’ll have great difficulty getting out again. In truth Blunn has recent experience of this having accompained his Fuhrer, Paul Golding on several recent excursions to the East London Mosque. Here he has enjoyed himself blocking the entrance, intimidating worshippers and generally making a complete cockwomble of himself. The Blunster seems never to have had any difficulty getting out of East London, indeed making it all the way back to Wolverhampton at least 7 times so far. The last retreat from the area was so easy the Biffers managed it in record time!

BF Burton Golding run away monty python Arthur Holy Grail

The truth is that anyone can go to East London and anyone can leave. There are no gangs of maurading Jihadists lying in wait to kidnap white women or behead far-right ‘patriots’. There are just people going about their business. Some of whom live in the area and some of whom commute in and out daily. Blunn seems to think that you can’t be safe in East London unless you wave a ‘flag of truce’ (whatever that might look like) and hoist it ‘high and clear’ to let the local British citizens know that you, as a fellow British citizen, come in peace, to buy Halal food or perhaps to convert to Islam.

What Blunn should have said is… “Don’t be a dick”.

BF run away from East London Mosque

If you turn up with placards and banners, intimidate the locals and generally make a complete cock of yourself, of course you won’t be welcome. And if you repeat the same outlandish behaviour SEVEN TIMES, eventually you’ll be chased away. Fair enough.

Don’t be a Dick!

Unfortunately The Great British Patriot doesn’t seem to understand this simple point. He sees a conspiracy where everyone else sees simple ‘cause and effect’. Blunn thinks the answer is to get Christians living in the area (the area they’re not supposed to be able to go into, by the way) to start defaming Mohammed and having a go at Imams. Apparently that way the mosques will soon be empty, Islam will disappear from the UK and all the Christian churches will be full. It’s remarkable how the far-right seem to think every issue, however complex can be solved with a simple ‘black or white’ equation. Numpties!

Funniest of all ‘the Blunster’ references two videos, one of which he credits but it seems he knows his subject so well he can’t remember who produced the other. We had a look. We wished we hadn’t!

All we can say (without producing another catalogue of posts entirely) is that they contain the predictable, far-right misrepresentation, hyperbole and downright deceit we’ve learned to expect from the Biffers and their ideological kind.

As vlogs go it’s still really funny though.


No change for UK’s religious minorities

The Cockwombles at Britain First would like you to believe that they are rising to a current threat that is particular to our age and unlike anything that this country has faced before. They seek legitimacy in the public mindset by claiming to be a topical organisation dealing with a modern problem. But nothing could be further from the truth.

In reality Britain has had a problem with its racist element for decades. British Nazi opposition to the Jews is well known. So is their opposition to black immigrants after the arrival of the Windrush in the mid twentieth century. Racial and religious discrimination isn’t new and it’s just as indefensible and stupid today as it ever was.

Mr Jolly, 66, said the ban on turbans and beards was a direct attack on his religion.”

Sohan Singh JollyThat’s a quote from a BBC news article dated April 9th 1969. Exactly 47 years ago today British Sikhs won the right to wear beards and turbans at work. The dispute only ended when Sohan Singh Jolly, a 66 year old Sikh man threatened to burn himself to death in protest at the ban.

Banning beards and turbans in 1969 isn’t unlike the modern Biffer call to ban Islamic traditional dress. And in both cases the motivation is far from respectable. The truth is that religious dress like the Sikh turban or the Muslim hijab really isn’t anyone’s business but those who choose to wear them. It’s only offensive to those who are so wrapped up in their own hate that they will seize upon almost any excuse to feign outrage but the real agenda is racism and religious hatred.

There’s nothing new in the modern far right getting their knickers in a twist about hijabs and burkas. They’re just repeating a very old and tired tactic intended to camouflage their real motivation – racism and religious hatred. But we have news for them…

EBF BF burka could be anyone in there crime.jpg

Just as The House of Lords ruled in 1982 that Sikhs  were entitledto protection under the Race Relations Act, so too are Muslims. You can bang on about Islam not being a race all you like but it’s still protected by British law and you’re still guilty of criminal discrimination.

Given your love of British laws and traditions, we’d have expected you to know that.
