View from a barstool #42 by Landlord

Beer 2Pahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha. They say something’s are constant in the world, like drinking to much over the festivities, the Queens speech, Nigel Fartage spouting crap and now the biffers latest begging bowl email which has me reaching for the Tena Man.
It seems to me they’ve been told by Uncle Jim’s travel agent that the cost of their Christmas holiday has increased due to their beloved Brexit. Maybe their disciples haven’t bunged enough money their way for a free management computer system and an overpriced camera.  So they fall back on old faithful and come up with an old favourite, not for Goldibollocks’ court case, it’s almost a dead cert he’ll play a blinder and plead guilty, but because the government MAY want to proscribe them and they have to have the cash just in case, Guvnor.
Now forgive a grumpy cynical Landlord but fuck off biffers! I know we here in EBF land, or ‘sanity’ as I call it, laugh at your pathetic attempts at marches, your lack of support at your days of (in)action and your tacky, racist shares from fake right wing media outlets. We snigger at your assertion that you are a legitimate political party sending shockwaves through the political elite despite your current councillors, MP’s and MEP’s totalling a big fat zero. We all know you’re a party who is laughed at in the main stream media so please don’t insult our intelligence in the same way you insult the intelligence of your followers.
theresa-may-8The government won’t proscribe you, however unfortunate that may be. They find you as irritating as dog shit on the bottom of their shoe but they really don’t see any need to take you seriously. The right wing groups they will go after are the ones that are really dedicated to violence and want to cause deaths. They’ll go after alliancess like National Action and a few of The infidel groups., not your mob of conmen Walt’s and foreign supporters. You can just about muster enough followers to take over my front room let alone anything else.
How your supporters still manage to accept everything you say is beyond me. Have your muslamic ray guns been set to stupid? The bacofoil you send out must have hallucinogenic drugs in it. From comments we’ve been sent by Moley from ex members of your high command they’ve admitted that it’s all about the money and very little else. There again a significant percentage of your support does come from the US of A and they voted in a conman too so nuff said. To close you down would be simple, send trading standards and the taxman round and you’d be gone without the government making matyrs out of you.
I see our ‘favourite’, please read that as ‘cuntspangle‘, racist has had his sentence increased, this time for racial harassment of a MP. When we in the office read the judge’s summing up we all looked at each other and wished the judge had been sitting at Screechy’s trial. I think she would have been well and truly fucked.
joshua-bonehill-aine-guilty-harrassing-mpFinally the rise of the far right seems to have been checked for now, Hofer in Austria lost, citing Fartage as the problem, Geert Wilders found guilty in Holland but surprisingly not sentenced to anything (musht have been thosh shpeshel shiggerettes) and Uncle Jim and his pet racist, Griffin trying to fight KTI’s corner so badly that even Hitler’s mouthpiece The Daily Fail had a go at them.
All in all then a weird week. The wife has realised my mirth is to do with the biffers. Their desperation is showing signs of trying to fleece as much as they can before flouncing off to Hungary. Bonehill is banged up for longer and will have some stringent conditions if he comes out, Goldibollocks is going down, Fartage is fucking off because he’s poor and my Christmas ale has arrived this year in time for Christmas. Have a good week.

Hissed off! by Snake

EBF snake cropped.pngEBF Admin, ‘Snake’ tells us why he’s so hissed off with the Biffers he’s been talking to both on line and off. Snake is a regular contributor to the EBF Facebook and Twitter platforms but this is his first piece for the blog. I hope it wont be his last. (Marcia)

So as usual I’ve been doing my thing arguing with Biffers in various forums and one thing that has struck me is that for all their talk of equality and gay rights etc. it is very much a club for straight, white males. The KTI set up is certainly designed to attract males and a lot of the “call to arms” posts are designed to play on traditionally masculine themes (won’t you fight for your children, impending civil war and so forth). You also see a lot of jibes levelled at ‘lefties’ that are designed to emasculate and belittle us.

The carrying of various weapons (sticks, hard knuckle gloves etc) suggests an innate lack of confidence in their own abilities, as do the fight clubs. The fight clubs and bully boy routines are what interest me the most as these and the ex army land rovers suggest that they feel emasculated themselves, that they are constantly looking to assert their masculinity by victimising and bullying minorities but end up pushing it almost into parody.

EBF BF Violence Lomax armedThe type of person we see BF attract are normally underachievers, normally unimpressive either physically, academically or both. Their persecuting of a minority makes them feel empowered, Paul himself fancies himself as an alpha male, but falls woefully short of the mark. This sense of seeking masculinity is not unique to Biffers. Many people take up boxing, mma and others in an attempt to test their mettle. I myself have embarked on a variety of traditional ‘manly’ activities.

The big thing here is how BF are utilising this sense of emasculation and search to regain one’s manhood to radicalise their members. One suspects Daesh do exactly the same. It’s easy to do when there is high unemployment. A lot of young men who can’t work for whatever reason take anything they can to feel they’ve regained their manliness and BF offer a very easy solution. Their demos and ‘days of action’ provide an easy out for the lazy and feckless. They don’t require endless hours down the gym or years mastering a skill, all you have to do is turn up, hand out some leaflets, shout a bit and Bob’s your uncle, you’ve done your bit for Paulie’s war effort and made yourself feel more like a man. Except it doesn’t. Because everybody can see you for the lazy, feckless bully you are, so you have to do more.

And so the radicalisation process continues.



Do you really think they’re not Nazis?

BF Reich eagle naziLet’s just be clear…

Britain First is a Nazi organisation!

We’ve said it before. We’re saying it now. No doubt we’ll say it again. We’ll say it loud and clear and we’ll keep on saying it until people stop trying to pretend that it’s not true.

Britain First is a Nazi organisation!

Here at Exposing Britain First we all spend hours and hours of our time working to make this point. Many of us have full time jobs and still we come home, turn on our computers, open our books and research the next blog post or Facebook meme. And we don’t do all that for no reason. We do it because opposing Nazism is important. It was important during World War 2 and it’s just as important now.

Actually we’d love it if Britain First wasn’t a Nazi organisation – but it is.

EBF BF KTI militia texasIf the Biffers really just opposed violent extremism we’d work just as hard supporting their cause. But they’d have to be even handed. They’d have to oppose violent Christian extremists like the Knights Templar International. They’d have to oppose violent white supremacists like the English Defence League. They’d have to oppose violent hate preachers like Britain First… oh… wait.

Britain First will never oppose violent extremists and hate preachers because they are violent extremists and hate preachers. That’s because…

Britain First is a Nazi organisation!

Of course, many people like to take issue with us when we tell them that…

Britain First is a Nazi organisation!

They say we’re biased because we’re all Muslims or terrorists or paedophiles (which, of course we’re not). Or they claim we’re only against Britain First because we’re lefties (which many of us are to tell the truth). But the reality is much more simple than that. It doesn’t matter who Britain First targets as scapegoats to further their cause. We oppose them because…

Britain First is a Nazi organisation!

BF EBFington Post Britian First Exposed PDF front page imageLike all Nazi organisations they need a minority to target, to blame for all the evils of society. That’s how Nazism works. They start with a soft target – a demographic large enough to be conspicuous but small enough to be easy meat. Then, once they’ve whipped up enough hatred and violence against them they expand their target to include other groups. It doesn’t matter who they start with so long as that group is vulnerable.
In the past Nazi organisations in UK have targeted Jews, Blacks, LGBT, Asians, Vietnamese boat people, Poles, Czechs, Irish, Romany… the list goes on and on. The current wave of hatred against Muslims is just more of the same and Britain First has jumped on the bandwagon because…

Britain First is a Nazi organisation!

But we know that some people will still doubt our word when we say that…

Britain First is a Nazi organisation!

So we’ve prepared a little PDF download of evidence. Within its pages you’ll find all the evidence you’ll ever need to see Britain First for what it is.

BF EBFington Post Britian First Exposed PDF image

Britain First is a Nazi organisation!

Click the link to download the PDF. Then read our evidence and understand for yourself just what these people are about. Pass it on to your friends and colleagues. If you’re religious show it to your fellow worshippers. If you play for the pub pool team or take part in league quizzes tell your team mates and send them the link too. Tell everyone you know until we all understand that…

Britain First is a Nazi organisation!

A view from a barstool #11

Beer 2Another week, another load of rubbish published from Biffer Towers, and another successful week of debunking the rumours from all of us here at the EBF office. Although it has to be said a few of us have been suffering from a new disorder called Biffer fatigue, a seemingly endless supply of hobnobs, ginger creams, coffee and alcohol along with support from the EBF family and the other admins seem to be pulling us out of it.

So what have we seen this week, a flying visit to Derby (another today as I write) to cause fissures between the Muslims and everyone else, which appears not to have worked, gatecrashing a peaceful vigil stealing a homemade sign and thinking they’ve done well, a trip to Brick Lane (see the EBF video here) to stir up trouble and give out their particular brand of toilet paper, their everlasting love of all that Trump does, another set of begging letters for personal protection and a love-in with KTI (remember they aren’t tied in with them.)

EBF BF disrupt Derby peace protest steal placard peace signI turned up at the office, surprised the other admins (I’m not a great attendee there) and was stunned by the decorations, the tree and generally the Christmas cheer that greeted me as I walked in. If you are not aware we have people here from various faiths and political persuasions. These make for great debates as we trawl though the nasty world of Bifferdom. So in my 3 months of being part of this amazing group of people I thought I’d talk about the questions that you the EBF army have been sending to us in messenger, to the page or comments on the page.

1) Why do you use nicknames?

The simple answer is for security, we have all come under pressure from any of the fash trying to get us to give away bits of our lives so the so called security and intelligence (HAHAHAHAHAHA) section of BF can come after us, our work, trades or businesses, our families (as they are cowards) or generally troll us as much as they can. They hate EBF as we counter their lies and as our reach gets bigger so does our threat.

2) Is there really an office and do we really like Hobnobs?

Yes we do have an office and yes it is full of the oaty biscuits, although being a killjoy I prefer ginger creams, and coffee. Hulk insists on the best coffee, I get on his nerves by bringing in Extra Value (not a coffee drinker either).

EBF Mug banner badged

3) What happens if BF disappears?

This is a discussion we have on a regular basis, if BF is disbanded do we go, or do we carry on exposing the lies raised by the various islamaphobic pages out there? Our answer, wherever there is bigotry, racism, lies or hate we won’t be far behind, indeed our new mission statement states just that.

4) Why are there more humourous memes about when we want you to expose them?

After a day trawling through bifferland and seeing the disgusting things, there has to be time for humour, we are only human and some of the things you send are hilarious, we just have to sift through the appropriate ones.

5) Why can’t we post to page?

Simple, we would lose the page. The fash have taken down several pages in the past by posting porn, gore and other disgusting things to page and reporting the hell out of it. We do read all posts to page and all personal messages, it may take a bit of time to reply but like British Rail we get there in the end.

So keep posting to us, keep sending us stuff to debunk, keep sending us your memes, your funnies, your screen shots of your comments on their pages and generally any news you may think we might want show on the page.

So that’s it, as Christmas looms the rubbish they spout continues, the incitement continues and our resolve to bring them down continues.
And now as I drive away from the office, I actually feel like we are starting to get through to people, the media are starting to take note of them and showing them in an unsavoury way. I also feel the friendship from 75000+ people, Biffer fatigue no more.

EBF Mince pie merry christmas.jpg

Merry Christmas, however you may celebrate it, I hope you and your families have a great time.



View from a barstool #10

Beer 2Hello all, a tired and very hungover Landlord travelled back to his pub from Somerset and decided to call in to Hobnob central or more commonly known as EBF towers. After the obligitary telling off for not bringing any oaty snacks as I only had a packet of twiglets and a couple of opal fruits in the car, I started to have a look through what the biffers have got up to.

After 15 minutes of trawling through the absolute lies and intimidatory bullshit through bleary bloodshot eyes I decided my round up this week wouldn’t be a roundup at all but a run through of the last evening that the Antifa Landords came up with during one of our shandy drinking binges (well one of us was drinking lager top). It decended into farce later on but thats another story. But before our session was over we had thought of a wonderful new reality TV program that one of us will send to channel 5, the working title is bigot first.

We found 6 people hungry for cash and media time found a house in one of those Donald Trump no go areas, or Britain as we like to call it, and left the cameras on. When we could be bothered we’d go back and check a) if they were still alive, b)if they had finished the Halal meat we left for them and c)if any of them had used any of the stock bigot phrases yet.

Day one. The introductions of the 6, Dutchy a feisty,somewhat scary woman,Goldibollocks, a suit wearing shouty man, Dim Jowson a bespectacled elderly gent nicknamed “uncle”, Pieman a rather rotund chap, who appears to say he wants to “take the jaws off people” if he’s not keeping the owners of Greggs in toilet paper, little Tommy R or whatever his name may be, he changes it every week, but another shouty man, and finally someone dressed in chainmail, helmet and tinfoil sword who calls himself Kay Tee I or something like it.

After the introductions the contestants went to their Dorms, one for Dutchy and one for the chaps. “I’m not staying in here it would be like the bloody muzzies segregating men and women” she said, “ah” said Uncle and Kay Tee, “but in our sect women are not equal either.”Goldibollocks was heard to say “no christian rumpy here then”.

As we disappeared down the pub, watching a bunch of bigots is not our cup of tea, we heard the beds scraping and the sound of pieman shouting “I’ll take your fucking jaw off if you don’t move these beds so they are facing North, I’m not sleeping facing Mecca” Tommy laughed.

1800, Jayda is in the kitchen making dinner, Uncle said it was her job Kay Tee agreed whilst Pieman wondered if his 50p off voucher at a well known bakers would still be valid when he got out. “I can’t cook this” the harridan screeched “look it’s got HMA on it, our page said not to it’s fucking halalalalalal.” Pieman said “does that mean all of it is, this water, banana, aaaaaaaaaaah it’s a lefty plot Exposing Britain First have left halal hobnobs in here” Tommy said in his best English “fook it I’ll eat it, just don’t tell Pegida or the EDL or the English Democrats or whoever I’m in charge of this week” and so they didn’t eat.

1845 time for bed, the paytrioots decided that as they can’t eat or drink anything as it’s all halal, all they can do is sleep, the production team decided not to tell them all that oxygen is halal too, that would be too funny…..

Day 2, and our bigots are all awake, so hungry that Kay Tee stood guard over them incase Pieman turned to bigot on toast. The production team (I’ll call them EBF for now) decided to send in Muslim kryptonite, a pack of bacon and a couple of crates of Stella, we want to laugh at them not kill them, we’re sympathisers not extremists after all.

EBF BF Big brother Jayda Fransen diary room

1200, Bacon and Stella consumed, EBF called Goldibollocks into the diary room and offered him the chance to meet dutchy in a snooker hall (well room) while the others decorate the room with security windows, panic alarms and give them all black shirts with bodycams on.

1300,  after an hour of “feeling normal” Dutchy and Golding are back with the group, suddenly a dog appears and starts to bark as Uncle begins a sermon and Tommy tries to write another bargain bucket best seller(on sale at poundland in a month) Kay Tee is kneeling waiting to be Templared, Pieman is running round threatening the dog with taking his fucking jaw out, Goldilocks and Dutchy are doing traditional daisy chains on the lawn.

EBF BF Big brother Golding diary room

1500, EBF have decided that all this is a bit nice so send in the first task. Making a nativity scene using only the finest goods from Harrods..although a couple of EDF took the labels off in case the name started a fight. After building the stables and manger, decorating it with straw they began on the disciples, or sheep as we like to call them.

1530, the Dutchy screech is heard…”get these islamic figures out of my nativity scene. They was English I tell ya, not rag ed’s at all and Joseph and Mary were WHIIIIITE!!!!.” Her eyes were bulging. Tommy said “calm down Dutchy” he said “it’s all a lefty plot, they really are just suntanned, not from the Middle East. It’s the same with St George he’s from Peckham really” Uncle continued to rock back and forth quoting the scriptures, Kay Tee is practicing his sword work with his £59.99 sword bending in the wind, Goldibollocks is on the calculator trying to work out how he and Dutchy an afford a trip to bigot land, or Trump Towers as we like to call it.

1531 it starts to rain.

1800, As the rain continues a flood ensues, Uncle tells all who would listen that it is because of the refugees, “it must be true I read it in our bible” he says and pulls out a copy of the Daily Mail.

1825, EBF call pieman into the diary room. After playing sounds of Gaspode barking, he threatens to “take our fucking jaws off” we hand him a letter from the Landlord of the property, Mr Shah who threatens our gallant bigots with eviction if they don’t pay £87 in rent. EBF also gave them a mobile phone to try and raise the cash.

1835, Uncle and Kay Tee have put out an appeal, with a picture saying ” The Templars on a fact finding mission to Serbia, working for you.” Tommy sent an appeal out to the EDL to storm the place but didn’t hold out too much hope as it was a Friday and Kebab and Stella night. Pieman gave his 50p voucher whilst Dutchy and Goldibollocks send a post out to the gullible along the lines of “Lefty plot to stop your leaders from their democratic rights to stay in a house. We have instructed our legal team to take on this lefty plot but you know how expensive this is, we really don’t want to ask you but if you could chip in to help us keep our freedoms. We need £5000 by morning, please dig deep.”

Day 3, Begging update, Uncle and Kay Tee have raised a grand total of nothing, Tommy had a couple of “I love you mate” an offer of a piss up and a chance to write another book, Pieman had raised 50p but his threats to take off a fucking jaw wouldn’t put him good stead. However Goldibollocks and Jayda had made the amount but told everyone they had made nothing, when EBF looked at the history on the phone, Thompsons Holidays was the last entry.

1200, the tension amongst the crowd waiting outside Bigot House is palpable, several police forces sent reinforcements as Bigot first’s events page showed 7500 coming. Numbers are amazing, at least 139 people were there, the police love the overtime.

1205, the Bigots emerge, victory is theirs, Uncle holds his bible aloft, Kay Tee holds his sword, Tommy has a stupid gring on his face, Pieman, spots a kebab van and falls over trying to get there first. Goldibollocks and Dutchy are asking for money for exclusive interviews, except to the lefty media which is everyone apart from the Fail.

1210 the crowd disperses, EBF come out of the house pissing themselves in laughter.

With apologies to whoever does another program on channel 5.

What sort of political party…

What sort of political party targets heavily multicultural areas with anti-Muslim leaflets trying to stir up racial and religious tensions?

What sort of political party needs to run fighting classes for its activists?

What sort of political party needs to invest in paramilitary gear?

What sort of political party runs an anti-Muslim organisation (KTI) that wants to start a modern Crusade against Islam?

What sort of political party wants to hang political opponents?

What sort of political party needs to radicalise children into racism and hatred?

What sort of political party advocates a ‘white breeding’ campaign?

What sort of political party has to photoshop images to distort the truth?

What sort of political party tries to develop a street army because they can’t get elected democratically?


What sort of party would that be?

EBF BF KTI Stab vest militia terrorists

View from a barstool #9

Beer 2Christmas parties for landlords are strange affairs, all arguing who has the cheapest pint, the best ales or the most weird cash and carry vodka,
but this week it’s all been about the airstrikes in Syria, the possible hike in taxes on alcohol, whether scampi fries, cheesy moments and bacon snaps have a sell by date, Pork Scratchings or Twiglets and Britain Bloody First. The other problem with them is they last over 3 days and you can only take Ibuprofen every 4 hours.

The airstrikes that our government is carrying out in our name is a bone of contention to EBF followers as well as the admins. We ummed and arred long enough over whether to cover this on the page, but knowing that the horrible buggers over at Bifferland will be relishing in it we decided to cover it. My opinion will remain just that although I’m far from happy with my own MP.

Knowing my fellow Landlords all have a hatred of racist bigots and extremists quite a lot gets talked about in our get togethers (or piss ups as the Landlady likes to call them) about the Biffers and their even more intolerant cohorts the EDL. David has owned a pub just on the outskirts of Rotherham and has had many a visit from the Taliban Hunters Club. He gives them no quarter nor serve them or take any notice of their threats all nicely recorded for the police.

This week we had two hours in which we weren’t sure whether to crack open the champagne or the Cava, the Prosecco or the whisky as the Biffers appeared to be consigned to the dustbin. Meme’s were made, laughter floated around the office until a couple of my fellow admins realised nothing added up. Then the begging Email came out asking patriots to dig deep to take on Facebook. Then a miracle happened.

Facebook, scared of impending legal action from Britain First put the page back up. It must have been that, surely the Biffers don’t lie.

A lovely apology from a name at Facebook and all is well. Were they banned or did they unpublish to allow them to again look like victors in the face of indescribable odds, making Goldibollocks, Dutchy and Dowson out to be heroes. Again like so many cons of theirs… answers on a postcard (but do not put our name on it).

Before that there was a strategy meeting, in an office of all places along with whiteboard coffee and little biscuits (or pies in Stevie’s case). Was this another case of “look lads (and Slatter) it looks like all these nasty lefteyes have got a lot of crap on us and it’s starting to stick. That Exposing lot have declared war on us so we need to ramp up getting cash so we can get out of this with some dosh” and lo and behold another begging letter came out asking for more cash. This time to buy a gym so his activists can train in unarmed combat.

Now Folding is a failed MMA fighter (look it up on youtube but make sure you are near the toilet) and in the video they put up he did look quite good beating up a punchbag. But this is starting to get a little bit sinister. Once again, one of the people who run the gym asked them to take the video’s down saying that they didn’t want to be associated with the Biffers, as I write this the video is still up.

Also this week all pretence of the Knight Templars (other real groups are out there that are genuine and not money making) and the Biffers being seperate entities has all but disappeared. Is this  uncle Jim finally coming out and aligning KTI with them or was it always just another clever way of conning money out of scared, impressionable people.

A great article was put up by us from Tell Mama, regarding the possible recruiting and brainwashing of impressionable youngsters for right wing extremist groups. It is quite amazing. They argue about the radicalisation of muslim children when the far right are doing the same. We are against it all, right, left, religions or athiests forcing their dogma on young kids who should be mucking about in parks or on the Xbox.

Before I give up and slip further into my drinking shorts, David, the landlord from Rotherham, told me that why he hates Britain First with a vengeance. He was enjoying a pint after work with his mate from the Indian Restaurant up the road and a bloke walked in with a tatty green bin liner on. He was asking for money, he said, to help his battalion stop a newsagents being turned into an islamic meeting room. He said there were too many of this kind of thing springing up and that this was a christian country and all the other religions should go home.

Dave’s mate (a hindu) got up and told this person to fuck off and the guy walked off only to return with 6 mates all dressed alike. The biffers then starting hassling drinkers and staff. They said they would continue coming back until they got an apology from Dave. Unfortunately for them they had walked into a pub where shit is not taken. They were frogmarched to the door, thrown out and told not to come back and if they did there would be serious trouble. Since then he recieved nuisance calls, excrement on his doorway and visits from the police (Dave is an ex copper so that didn’t work). Dave isn’t giving up, in his own words these people are…

“Nothing but cowards, thugs people who pick on the weak, or those unable to fight back.”

He does fight back, as he tells me, watch this space.

So as I leave to get (yet) another pint I think it sums it up very well, Britain First, cowards, thugs and bigots. Facebook would be well rid of them. But the fight goes on to rid us of these conmen, these liars and cheats. EBF will continue to do so.

Time for some out of date Scampi fries, see if they really do stay edible for ages.




EBF BF Armed forces 1We’re sure we’re not the only ones who’ve long wondered just what the Britain First claims about the long-unavailable ‘CRB’ check is all about. On one level, of course it’s just funny. They’re so out of touch that they can’t even use the right term in their lies. The Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check has been unavailable for years. It’s been replaced as part of the wider overhaul of Safeguarding legislation in favour of the new Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

The point of the DBS check is to ensure that organisations working with vulnerable groups (health, social services, childrens’ workers, teachers etc) don’t unwittingly employ people who present a risk to the vulnerable people they work with. It’s a highly confidential service and only relevant organisations have access to the information revealed by the check.

One reason for this is because the DBS check doesn’t just rely upon public domain records of convictions. It also includes police intelligence, spent convictions, suspicions and even potential guilt by association. This is because the risk to vulnerable people outweighs the obvious difficulties associated with barring people who may not have been convicted of any crime from working in particular professions. It’s not always fair but the government thinks it’s better than letting people who are likely to be criminal have unrestricted access to easily exploitable potential victims.

Just think about that for a moment though. DBS checks provide information about people who may be completely innocent. That’s justifiable when the checks are used to protect the most vulnerable. It’s not justifiable to use it to decide whether or not a person can be affiliated to a political party. The fact that someone may or may not have a criminal record has no impact upon their right to hold a political viewpoint or to join a Facebook group. There is no legitimate reason for Britain First (a political party) to vet its members through DBS. No political party has access to the DBS checking system. The list of organisations that can access the list is here. It’s easy to see that Britain First would never be able to fulfil these functions. Therefore – they have no access to DBS.

So why on earth would the Biffers want us to think they use DBS (or CRB, since they’re so out of date)? We think that’s obvious.

Claiming to perform these checks provides an air of official respectability. If people think the Biffers are performing DBS checks they may think that they’re somehow more legitimate than they are with their secret Facebook groups. As if such a group could ever be legitimate. It reminds us of the childrens’ ‘I-Spy’ club that some of Team EBF were members of as kids. In return for our parents paying our subscription we received a certificate of membership, a badge proclaiming that we were fully-fledged international spies and the opportunity to buy lots of I-Spy books at no discount. It was essentially worthless in real terms but it made gullible children, desperate to belong to something they thought was ‘special’ feel good. It’s very possible that membership of the Britain First Armed Forces Division is just as insignificant, appealing to the immature, the easily led, the gullible and to those most desperate to ‘belong’. It may well be no more significant than that. That’s what Knights’ Templar International is about and the BFAFD may be no different.

EBF BF KTI join rip off con

But maybe… just maybe…

Let’s assume that Britain First has a more sinister motive than just making money. Let’s assume that they want to recruit potential terrorists as part of some illegal militia. It wouldn’t be the first time that the British far right has set up their own private ‘armies’. Moseley did it with the British Union of Fascists (BUF) before it was disbanded and the man himself imprisoned. The National Front (NF) did it with the subversive violent, mobile thugs of the ‘Inter-city wrecking crew’ and ‘Combat 18’ and who could forget the violent ‘Infidel’ groups formed under the umbrella of the English Defence League’ (EDL)?

SA Brownshirt Nazi 2It’d be no surprise if Golding had similair aspirations. We know he’s violent – he’s even posted videos of himself to remove all doubt. We know his black-shirted ‘security’ thugs are very happy to assault those who get in their way – there are plenty of videos demonstrating that on line too. We also know that Golding has delusions of grandeur and a tendency to reach far beyond his grasp.

The attempt to set up an illegal political militia (Like Hitler’s Brown-shirted SA) would be right up his street. The claim to have access to CRB/DBS would encourage prospective militiamen to self-identify as violent thugs from the outset, thus allowing Golding to know who to recruit into their secret hit-squad bullshit group.

If they want to join BF they are, by definition already sympathetic to the group’s fascist aims.

The disclosure part of the application form identifies the most violent and unscrupulous.

The secret Facebook group provides a means of communication.

Either that or it’s no different from Knights’ Templar International (KTI) and the Tufty club!

The Tufty club

Britain First ignores the neonazi Swedish swordsman

This week we heard the terrible news that a vicious, unprovoked sword attack on a school in Trollhattan, Sweden had left two people dead and three more seriously injured. When the story broke little was known about the identity or the motives of the killer – simply that a maniac had entered the school and attacked both pupils and teachers, apparently indiscriminately.

Britain First, always on the lookout for a progaganda coup, responded quickly. And it didn’t take long before their obedient supporters began to take the bait. Dowson, Fransen and Golding have already pre-programmed the Biffers to assume every act of violence must be the fault of Muslim aggression. Britain First doesn’t even need to say it any more – just give the context of aggression and let their well-trained indoctrinated flock make the link for them.

EBF BF Darth Vader Islam sword attack Sweden school

The post was quickly removed from the Britain First Knight’s Templar International Facebook page once the reality became clear. Unsurprisingly enough, there has been no subsequent mention of it on any of the other Biffer pages so far as we can tell either. There are many pages under Biffer control, pages where they could have reported the truth, had they wanted to, including KTI (where the above meme first appeared).

EBF BF FB feeder pages meme

Britain First and KTI both deny that there is any connection between them but we know better than to believe that. The rank and file Biffer foot-soldiers may be too stupid to notice all the indoctrination and financial fleecing but the rest of us see it very clearly indeed.


far right sweden school sword killer Anton Lundin PetterssonBut let’s get back to the Swedish tragedy – the one that all the Biffer pages have become so very silent about.

Anton Lundin Pettersson, a 21 year old Swedish loner with no current or previous connection to Kronan school. He was a far right, neo-nazi who had fallen for the anti-immigrant, anti-Islam rhetoric of the ‘Sweden Democrats’, an extreme right wing political party. Like so many other far right groups, the Sweden Democrats use the same tactics of radicalising their followers on line and then sitting back whilst the sheep they have groomed go off and commit atrocities. So many of these attacks involve far right loners who are vulnerable targets for the likes of the Sweden Democrats and Britain First.

“He marches through the corridor with his weapons – a large sword and a large, sharp knife. He chose his victims. Those with dark-skin were attacked. He met with lighter-skinned people who were not attacked,” police investigator Thord Heraldsson told Aftonbladet.

Their gullible followers are like ticking time bombs with little more than a circumstantial link to implicate the neo-Nazis who primed them to explode.

EBF BF sword attack sweden ethnic immigrant muslim islam nazi far right

Their own predictable destruction (Pettersson himself was shot dead at the scene by armed police) makes it even more difficult to link the crime to its true instigators, the extremist far right propagandists who convince them about a war against ordinary Muslims, refugees and immigrants that doesn’t really exist.

BF implant bulletsPettersson left a note (now treated as a suicide note) in which he explained his motives. According to the Swedish police he had targeted those whom he considered to be ‘foreigners’ and objected to Sweden’s policy of accommodating refugees. His targets seem to have been chosen by skin colour. He had contact with several white-skinned pupils and staff at the school whom he left alone. He even paused for photographs with white-skinned pupils who thought his ridiculous costume, reminiscent of a WW2 German army uniform was some sort of Halloween stunt.

KTI BF EBF Texas militiaThe incident is just one more in a series of hate crimes that testify to the impact of online radicalisation by extremist right wing groups. Groups like Britain First whose behaviour (in common with other groups who encourage terrorism from the safety of their computer keyboards) has become increasingly extremist, inciting more and more violent behaviour over the last year.

But it doesn’t stop there. Over in the US, Britain First is currently working on a new type of incitement. ‘Knights Templar International Texas’, an offshoot of Knights Templar International which is itself an offshoot of Britain First (all of these are controlled by Golding and Dowson) is actually forming an armed militia to prosecute Holy War. BF’s British contingent is largely comprised of namby-pamby keyboard warriors but the Americans have a long-standing and very different relationship with gun-related crime. Texas, one of the American far right’s traditional strongholds, is fertile ground from which to develop a new anti-Muslim militia. Especially when the group floods their Facebook pages with deliberately fictional horror stories and out of context photographs in propaganda like this.

When we see the anti-Muslim, anti-refugee agenda that characterises both BF and KTI, together with the attempt to start real, on the ground ‘units’ of armed extremists it isn’t difficult to predict where all this is heading.

KTI recruit

It’s easy to pretend that the awful tragedy of Kronan School was just an isolated incident. But we think there’s much more to it. We think that Anton Lundin Pettersson was radicalised on line by extremist neo-Nazis. We think that makes this gullible young man just as much a victim as those he slaughtered in that Swedish school.

We think that Britain First and its offshoots are engaged in the same basic activity – they radicalise gullible people by convincing them that a war is going on where no such conflict actually exists. Of course, as much as anything they do this for money. They extort donations under false pretences, they divert money from legitimate charities and they sell exorbitantly priced merchandise (ironically, made in foreign sweatshops) but their pathological hatred for non-whites is real too. Britain First knows that their livelihood comes at the expense of victims such as those in Trollhattan but so long as the money keeps rolling in they really don’t care.

BF EBF islamic invasion syria trojan horse

The longer these people are allowed to continue spreading their hatred the closer this country will come to the next attack. We’ve already seen some appalling crimes, not least the vicious murder of an elderly Muslim man in Rotherham – an innocent local elder beaten to death by three young neo-Nazis whilst on his way to the Mosque for prayers.

How long will the UK shrug off these atrocities, be they domestic or foreign before we proscribe Britain First and the rest of their ilk?

We say – Proscribe Britain First now! Prosecute the extremist ring-leaders who are the cause of so much misery and destruction. Prevent further betrayal and radicalisation of gullible British citizens just to fill Dowson, Fransen and Golding’s pockets with the next 30 pieces of silver.

Golding’s still folding as the Templars retreat

There’s a bit of a problem in Bifferland. The empire is definitely breaking up as uncle Jim Dowson desperately tries to distance himself from the monumental cock-up that is Britain First. Perhaps that’s to be expected. His original thirty grand start-up stake to launch Britain First has more than paid for itself but the pitch is getting old and tired now. He needs another angle and he needs it quick – before Folding and Dutchy finally kill the goose that lays the golden egg altogether.

The problem is simple. Out and out racism has fallen out of fashion, which leaves Britain First with a bit of a problem. In fact, their original racist angle has fallen so far out of fashion that it’s difficult to see how they could ever get back on top without a radical overhaul – especially since the recent High Court injunction against them.

BF Luton judge comments offensive extremist mosques

But before they reinvent themselves entirely we thought we’d invite them to take a little trip down memory lane. Remember this….

EBF BF white genocide

And this….

EBF BF racist genocide

Ah those were the days. This was Britain First back in the heady days when they could say what they meant. Those were the days when the racist mantras still fresh. Those were the days before the High Court told them to stop spreading racial and religious hatred.

EBF BF white genocide black history month race

Those were the days when they were quite prepared to admit their racism and religious hatred because it appealed to the uneducated and the easily led. A fool and his money is easily parted, as Britain First know only too well. But fools tend not to have bottomless pits of money and those funds seem to be running out (even allowing for Britain First’s laughably transparent, published ‘accounts’).

So Golding is folding once again. This time the Biffers’ ex BNP, ex NF leader is pretending not to be racist. So, it seems is Dutchy, the former EDL ‘angel’. Both now tell us that they’re not racist at all! How strange.

BF and racism blog screenshot

They even deny targeting any ethnic minorities…

EBF BF ban Islam ECHR blame Muslims France

BF ethnic minorities not racist screenshot

Well isn’t that nice? A loyal band of English patriots dedicated to promoting peace and harmony between all ethnic groups. Such sensitive souls. And they’re art lovers too…

Britan First draw Mohammed tweet bf ebf

They got that idea from the Fuhrer, apparently.

Golding draw Mohammed tweet bf ebf edited

And, of course – the biffers ran with it as enthusiastically as ever…

Draw mohammed comments 2 bf ebf

Its little wonder that Uncle Jim Dowson is ditching them, is it? Folding and Dutchy are surrendering to the High Court and Dowson’s other money-spinner, the Knights Templar International is condemning their deeds if not their names…

KTI condemn blasphemy draw mohammed acknowledge moderate muslim sunni

BF KTI draw Mohammed cartoon competition distancing edited

It’s odd that KTI chose to use a 5 year old picture of an early EDL rally instead of the much more appropriate Biffer screenies above. After all – those EDL lads had nothing to do with Golding’s proposed art competition. But then Dowson doesn’t want to risk alienating current BF supporters while there’s still money to be had from them. So he condemns Golding’s actions but not his name.

Either way, Folding and Dutchy are being hung out to dry and everyone knows it.

Such a shame. We’ll be sorry to see them go! They’ve been a very entertaining double act.