Mair and the media

Tommy Mair Westminster magistrates courtRecent events have brought Britain First into the media spotlight and not in a good way. Tommy Mair shouting “Britain First!” and then spluttering on about death to traitors in court has brought the Biffers and their murderous intentions into the public eye in a way that we at EBF could only have dreamed of. We’re grateful to those national papers who have begun to see them for what they really are.

So it seems ungrateful to ask more of a media that has already done so much but there’s a very real danger here that the real point will be missed.

Yes, it’s true that Britain First have no real membership to speak of. It’s true that their extremist views are not shared openly by much of the British population. But that’s not the whole story.

Even allowing for bought likes and page merging-scams their page does have a significant number of genuine likes. That means that their reach across social media is huge and even though not many people would call themselves neo-Nazis many are taken in by the general tone of their rhetoric. So we’d like to ask two things of mainstream media…

When you report on the joke that is Britain First please also point out the dangers of their evil messages spreading relentlessly across social media. They really do have an influence. That’s why hate crime is on the rise. That’s why our society is becoming ever more intolerant. Britain First isn’t the only group spreading this filth but it is probably the most effective.

Please don’t forget about these neoNazi malcontents when the next story breaks. They aren’t going to stop their relentless assault upon the peace of our nation so please, don’t you let up either. We’ll happily let you know as major stories start to break if you inbox us with a contact. You can message us via our Facebook page or Email the EBF blog at

Who knows – you might get a scoop (do journalists still use that word?).

Now you know what Britain First is capable of, please help us to keep the pressure on. They’re far more dangerous than they first appear.


Team EBF


Jo Cox, Paul Golding and Britain First’s indelible shame

We’ve waited a few days to post this. We wanted to let the dust settle a bit. We wanted to show respect for a grieving family and we didn’t want to join so many others in capitalising on the internet frenzy that always accompanies high profile killings. Jo Cox was many things apparently but she should never become mere clickbait at the height of a media frenzy.

Reuters Jo Cox MemorialLike the rest of the EBF team I’ve been unsure how to respond to this awful attack, not only on a young mother of two but upon the very nature of British representative democracy. The vigils that were held over the weekend across the country were not for Jo Cox personally. How could they be? Most of the attendees at these events, like me had never heard of her before Thursday. The mood of the nation isn’t grief – it’s outrage.

I won’t pretend to be racked with grief for a woman I never knew. I won’t do a hasty internet search and write a sentimental blog about Jo Cox as though she was an old friend I’ve known all my life. And I won’t be making any pretentious claims to know the precise details of the motivations that drove her killer, allegedly Tommy Mair to murder her in cold blood. I will be making a few observations about the far right and the way that groups like Britain First must acknowledge the blood indelibly staining their own hands.

Much has been said, written, shouted, even screamed about the words ‘Britain First’, apparently shouted by Jo’s murderer as he attacked. Whether he said ‘Put Britain First’, a campaign slogan for many in the nationalist/Brexit camp or whether he said merely ‘Britain First’, referring to the neoNazi group that regularly calls for British politicians to be executed seems to be a moot point. The undisputed fact is that Tommy Mair made clear his white supremacist and nationalist sentiments at the moment he (allegedly) carried out his crime. It is also obvious that this is a crime precisely in keeping with the rhetoric of Britain First.

EBF BF camping Wales ban the berkIt’s not clear whether or not Tommy Mair was associated directly with Britain First. He may have been. He certainly had aligned himself with overseas neo-Nazis. It seems unlikely that he’d never come across UK based Britain First as well. It is clear that a fully paid up Britain First ‘footsoldier’ (see the image left – that’s the name they give themselves) couldn’t have followed the party line any more accurately than Mair did last Thursday.

Paul Golding, leader of Britain First was quick to deny any association with Tommy Mair and denounce his crime. His video denial was in part an attempt to deny almost everything that Britain First has said over the last few years and partly an attempt to discredit the witnesses.

EBF BF policies conference 2015 1

Most ironic of all from the leader of a party which thrives on misrepresentation, half-truths and downright fabrication was his appeal for people to wait for the whole truth without jumping to conclusions.

Ok then Paul. We thought we’d help people uncover the whole truth, not about Jo Cox’s death, that’s for the courts but about the fact that this is exactly the sort of murderous, anti-democratic, neoNazi atrocity that you, personally, have been doing your damnedest to incite for the last five years. Team EBF has already published a number of PDF’s on your neoNazi approach to politics and society as a whole. But on this occasion I thought it might be a good idea to focus specifically on your bloodthirsty attitude to British politicians, your support for violent uprising and the way you incite others to murder them exactly as Jo Cox was murdered (perhaps I should say ‘assassinated’).

For those readers who don’t yet understand how Britain First operates or why responsibility for Jo Cox’s brutal murder can be laid so squarely at your door I’m going to spell it out. Please stop me if I’ve misunderstood anything. I’ll be using direct quotes from you, from Jayda and from uncle Jim together with screenshots of your own public pronouncements and internet memes to illustrate my points. You may not like what I have to say here but you’ll know it’s all true (which is more than can be said for your usual social media offerings).

Britain first and violence

Britain First has a long record of inciting violence. Founder Jim Dowson is well known for his desire to incite Holy War against Muslims. Britain first leader, Paul Golding is a former member of the ultra-violent National Front and the British National Party. His violent, white supremacist attitudes are obvious. Equally obvious is his tendency to lie and deceive in order to achieve his aims. Britain First’s Deputy Leader, Jayda Fransen is a former EDL ‘Angel’, another white-supremacist organisation which is equally well known for its violent assaults on British Muslims and non-whites.

EBF BF Dowson Holy War crusade comboIt’s hardly surprising that Britain First supporters are violent. They are spoon-fed violence at every turn. If it’s not fictitious threats from Islamic terrorists it’s frightening fantasies about perverted immigrants out to rape our children. The reality is completely different, of course but what do you and your buddies care about that, Paul? You know that refugees aren’t rapists and terrorists. You know that they’re just desperate people trying to escape a war they didn’t start or want. But they’re not the right colour so you use every dirty trick you can to slander them and all those who support their right to exist. And that’s why you hated Jo Cox. She saw through your lies, your slanders and your cheap, mean-spirited rhetoric and she had the courage to stand up against you.

Jo Cox MP BF comments

Jo Cox represented everything that you could never even hope to be. She was courageous, she was compassionate and she was dedicated to decency, truth and the joy of living a life free from petty prejudice and hatred. That’s why she opposed you. That’s ultimately why she died. You may or may not have given the order but your hands are soaked in her blood either way. You and Jayda have spent so long encouraging your followers to kill all who oppose you, including and especially our elected representatives that it’s impossible for you to distance yourselves from this barbarous murder. As Shakespeare’s Macbeth bewailed…

“Will all great Neptune’s oceans e’er wash this blood clean from my hands?

Or will this, my hand the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red?”

No amount of washing will clean your hands of the blood of Jo Cox – and we at EBF will do all we possibly can to see you and Fransen stand trial for the incitement that led to her vicious, politically motivated murder.

Britain First’s vicious leadership

Steve Lewis used to be Britain First’s Deputy Leader until the party realised that Jayda Fransen’s sex appeal was more useful in signing up a following of disaffected young men. Now he’s one of their quasi-military ‘Regional Commanding Officers’, regularly to be seen throwing punches at ‘lefties’ during their marches.

This is what this ‘high-ranking’ member of Britain First had to say about left wing politicians, among other people…

Steve Lewis eradicte lefties pic

In case you have any doubt about just what RCO Lewis means by ‘eradicated’, the words of the current Britain First Deputy Leader, Jayda Fransen below should make it quite clear.

Jayda hang traitors 1 image

Britain First has long called for the execution of left wing politicians whom they define as traitors. The extract above actually threatens labour politicians (among others) with execution. It’s part of a longer Email announcing leader, Paul Golding’s hopeless bid for the office of London Mayor. You can read the whole text of this murderous, racist and Islamophobic rant by clicking here.

Britain First and the political process

Britain First has always treated democracy with contempt. Ever since they first began in 2010 they have threatened, intimidated, harrassed and slandered political opponents at every turn. We know of several formerly outspoken ctitics of Britain First who found themselves needing police protection because of death threats issued by Britain First or their supporters. A number of left wing bloggers and activists have had their details published online by Britain First to intimidate them into silence.

Below we see a video still of Britain First’s ‘RCO’ Steve Lewis and ‘Armed Forces Offcier’, Robin Lomax intimidating a theatre group who dared to criticise Britain First and UKIP. Democracy means nothing to these people. Violence is the only change process they understand.

BF beyond UKIP cabaret invasion

Given the tragic events of last week it’s not hard to see why Britain First’s intimidatory tactics are so often effective. Few people are courageous enough to put their families at risk from fanatical neoNazis with a grudge. We at Exposing Britain First understand this only too well. That’s why we protect our anonymity so seriously. We have seen and heard what happens when Britain First locates those who oppose them and it’s not pretty. The chilling tweet below from Britain First’s leader, Paul Golding illustrates precisely what lies in store for any Britain First critic who dares to reveal their identity.

BF bullying payback What sort of political party

Britain First does not respect democracy. It is an organisation dedicated to silencing all opposition by any means at its disposal.


And that includes executing opposition politicians…

EBF BF Hang all traitors politicians nooseWe at Exposing Britain First have been saying for years now that it’s only a matter of time before Britain First’s propoganda leads to the death of a labour politician. We believe that they have already managed to incite their ‘footsoldiers’ to commit at least one murder of an innocent Muslim. We called for the British government to proscribe this violent group of neoNazis then and we continue that same demand today.

Proscribe Britain First for the hate-filled, murderous, fascist, extremist, terrorist organisation that it really is.

We have deliberately delayed publishing this article out of respect for Jo Cox and her family. We have no wish to make political capital out of this tragedy but equally we couldn’t just remain silent. The balance between smugly shouting

“We told you so”

and trying to demonstrate the truth about Britain First to the population at large is a fine one.

That’s why we waited until today to spell out our thoughts. We did so out of respect. But now it’s time to speak out.

The tragic assassination of Jo Cox may or may not have been committed by a fully paid up member of Britain First. Either way there can be no doubt that their endless deceit and incitement has played a part in influencing her killer. Tommy Mair certainly knew of Britain First. There’s good reason to suspect that he may even have accompanied Britain First on marches and demonstrations when they came to Yorkshire. The person in this widely circulated photograph may or may not be Mr. Mair. We genuinely don’t know. So far Britain First have refused to identify this BF activist who demonstrated with them in Dewsbury in 2015.

Possibly Tommy Mair Dewsbury BF demo

Whether Tommy Mair is the mysterious Dewsbury activist or not, his comments both at the scene and subsequently in court are unmistakeably ‘Biffer’.  Not for the first time, Fransen and Golding seem to have been instrumental in persuading a British citizen to commit an act of terrorism on British soil.

Proscribe Britain First now!


An open letter to Britain First by Kit

Reuters Jo Cox MemorialI can completely understand why there is so much anger directed towards you, Britain First at the suggestion your party could be implicated in such a brutal murder. It is a perfectly reasonable assumption for most people that your poisonous ideology could have consumed a person to such an extent, it’s led to loss of life. But whether you are indirectly involved or not, you need to take a look at WHY people have made assumptions about you.

Britain First, this should be a wake up call for you. The reason so many people jumped to conclusions is because of the hate and lies you swamp social media with every single day. You use vile and threatening language towards your opposition. You have threatened to hang people you label ‘traitors’. You have described MP’s as ‘creatures’ and you have threatened some of them with ‘direct action’. You post up publicity stunts where you deliberately provoke communities and start the camera rolling when you get a reaction.

You deliberately mislead your followers by posting videos without source, context or dates and you delete comments pointing out the facts. You have created an echo chamber by deleting dissent but leave up disgusting, hateful and often threatening comments. You use military terms such as “foot soldiers” to describe members of your political party and wear uniform. You’ve videoed yourselves attending an “activist training camp” and you have begged for donations to set up fight clubs. You use terms such as “rise up”, “fight back” and post hundreds of images relating to war. You are encouraging violence!

You can no longer try to distance yourselves from assumptions people make about your organisation. You cannot escape the depth of feeling people have towards you. You cannot blame anyone other than yourselves for the assumptions people are making. You may or may not have blood on your hands this time but it’s only a matter a time before you do.

Stop the propaganda, stop the lies and stop the hate. Most importantly, you need to accept responsibility for your actions and change now.

Don’t believe everything you read

A few weeks ago we reported on a running gun battle that had taken place in Chesterfield, home of the Biffer Walts’ Divisional Commander, Robin Lomax. It obviously covered a huge amount of ground as the same battle, involving the same people also happened at exactly the same time in Wakefield, Bradford, Basingstoke, Launceston, Wolverhampton and even Memphis, Tennessee! As we remarked at the time…

“ISIS don’t ‘alf get about, don’t they?”

And this morning we hear of yet another amazing feat of terror and counter-terror teleportation through time and space. The same extremists and law enforcement agencies find themselves re-enacting their violent engagement in at least three different venues that are once again, quite literally an ocean apart. This time they’ve been to Croydon, Wichita and Orlando. And all in the name of ‘charity’ apparently.

EBF You couldn't make it up.png

We’d dearly love to know where any money the ‘News portal’ website might make actually goes. If you have any information on the subject please let us know. There are rules governing collecting for charity, including proper registration with governing bodies both here and in the USA (where the site appears to be based) and a quick word in the appropriate ear might not go amiss.

All that aside though, we’re told that nothing more interesting happened in Croydon last Monday than the moment when little Jimmy Armstrong dropped his fishcake and chips in a puddle on the High Street. But his Gran bought him some more so all’s well that ends well.

Don’t believe everything you read!

ISIS don’t ‘alf get about, don’t they?

We came across this startling piece of news about ISIS killing people in a running gun battle on the streets of Chesterfield, the home of Britain First ‘Armed forces division’ boss, Robin Lomax. WARNING – depending upon your PC’s web browser settings clicking the above lonk may result in lots of pop-up advertising.

Lie about ISIS in Chesterfield.png

Our first thought was to wonder why the brave Biffer army hadn’t seen them off. But then we realised that they may have been distracted doing their bit for our collective safety in nearby Wakefield instead. Go for it fellas!

Lie about ISIS in Wakefield
Or maybe they were off being brave in Bradford.

Lie about ISIS in Bradford
Or Basingstoke

Lie about ISIS in Basingstoke

Perhaps they’d made their way to Cornwall to defend Launceston

Lie about ISIS in Launceston

Or Wolverhampton

Lie about ISIS in Wolverhampton

Were they across the pond in America?

Lie about ISIS in Memphis

Lie about ISIS in Minneapolis

Eventually we began to smell a rat.

Can you guess why?

View from a bar stool #1 (by Landlord)

Bar stool 2So at last a quiet moment for me to look back at the stupidity that is the Britain First page and the last week there really has been enough for me to laugh at and basically do what we at Exposing Britain First do best and rip holes in it from a Landlord’s point of view. This beats the usual conversation of who is leaving/dumping who, extolling the virtues of 3-5-1 or 4-4-2, Lewis Hamilton can’t really be English as he’s winning and the fact my beer sales will fall flat as our great rugby team have gone out of the world cup.

So what have we seen on Britain First this week? A few biblical quotes, poppies, jingoism, blaming Islam because the cat at number 22 has gone missing, immigrants, the moving of a man in uniform in A&E to a private area and the horrendous shooting in America that they again blamed on Muslims.

I’ll leave the biblical quotes to anyone who actually is religious, although quoting the bible at their followers is a bit stupid, they might as well just refer them to the world according to Paulie and Jayda as they blindly follow them like a cult.

In the Shires of England this week, the beginning of Britain First collections started, outside schools and in market places, the education authorities, Councils and police have been informed as they do not have a license to collect money. National pubwatch have also been informed. I ask all of the followers of Exposing Britain First to inform as many of your friends as possible, that Help for Heroes and the Royal British Legion do not accept donations from Britain First (or other political parties) so be vigilant who we give our money to.

EBF Brigade BF pitiful Margate hospital A&E protestWe also saw that someone in uniform was moved to a private area in Margate’s A&E. It was said that this would prevent disruption as there was an altercation previously. Nowhere did it say that he wasn’t treated with the professionalism that NHS personnel always give and nowhere did it say why but this was enough for Pieman Lewis and his pals to go down and protest outside, probably causing more aggravation than moving this person. But when has this ever worried Britain First? The cowardly 6 in the South East brigade, a misnomer if ever, managed to go late at night and make tits out of themselves.

EBF BF oregon shooter MuslimI heard the news that there was another shooting in America and the first thing I did was hang my head. I turned to the Landlady and said

” A tenner on the Biffers blaming a Muslim.” Maybe I should have bet more. I then heard it was a Brit who hated organised religion, got himself a gun and blew innocent people away. Was there a retraction, an apology? No. The inference had been made and BF supporters had already been pulled in. All of us wonder why the Americans want to have guns. Here in Britain we have gun control and the amount of deaths accountable to these lethal weapons is negligible. But Britain First’s American contingent and some of their blind followers want gun control relaxed over here. Personally speaking from a Landlord’s point of view, I’ve dealt with drinkers coming at me with broken glass, with baseball bats or even a 12″ rubber dildo (don’t ask) but put guns and alcohol together and I’m out of here. Keep guns in the hands of those that keep us safe, not the bigoted.

Finally and I’m sorry I have been laughing at this each time I see our pictures and memes but the latest comedic moment over at BF towers was the news Goldibollocks is running for Mayor of London.

EBF BF London mayor comments

The latest begging letter, sorry ‘address’ from the Fuhress has put me in the queue to get hung (sic), although calling me a traitor is little naughty. I wonder if I should sue them for this. Paulie needs to raise a £30k fighting fund (foreign holidays are so expensive right now) he also needs to move home to a London Borough and get 330 people to nominate him before he can even start canvassing in London. I can’t wait! One of the guys in pub is going to track him wherever he goes to get the answer about where the poppy money collected has gone. The chances are he’ll raise the money and someone will tell him not to run. I was thinking of running an EBF sweepstake on the reason for not standing but I can think of too many.

So that’s it for this week. The immigrant stories that the biffers make up are too disgusting to think about. Needless to say I will at one point blow and aim a few blows over there but for now, Del (a regular) has come in panicking over the fact the Mixed Pool team only has 4 players this week, Petra needs me to change a barrel and that question of 3-5-1 or 4-4-2 is still on the table.


The Landlord