View from a barstool by Landlord

Beer 2Wow, what a lot to think about in the last month and a half. Defections, court cases, the Northern Irish branch of bigotry, court cases, sex assault allegations, court cases all wrapped up in a huge dose of begging communication from Biffer towers. Also a huge amount of blind eye turning, fake tears oh and just a sprinkling of running away.

Where to begin? Well I suppose we’ll deal with the Belfast court case, a visit to town hall and a huge amount of laughing over here as Councillor Bigot tries to wiggle free of an investigation by city hall. So Screechy travelled over to Belfast to answer charges of “using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour” at the huge peace rally of 30 potatoes. Goldibollocks turned up with a huge entourage, well 5 tits, some of whom have questionable pasts, who haven’t heard of slimming world to back up the newly self appointed potato Queen. He was promptly arrested along with Banksy and Rimmer (no this isn’t an episode of Red Dwarf) on hate charges. Although the trial will be at a later date not all was lost for our intrepid racists as Councillor Bigot showed the Queen around and let her try on the robes. Queen potato Screechy liked the look of the Mayoral throne so much that she decided it was hers and perched her Englishish (Dutch) arse on there leading to outrage. Councillor Bigot is to be investigated and she wailed to her Facebook cronies in indecipherable babble that she hadn’t done anything wrong (well that’s what my Bigot auto-translate said so things are going well there then.

EBF BF Jayda Belfast mayoral robes council chamber

The sex assault allegations against Goldibollocks are still under investigation so I won’t comment much on them. I just wonder, given Screechy’s testimony recently whether the latest begging bowl email is for leaflets attacking ‘The Rochdale One’!!!!

Fast forward to this last week and the trial of another deranged potato Darren Osbourne and the intimation that Screechy, Goldibollocks and Tommeh had either been in contact with him or their writings and videos had radicalised him into running over a Muslim at Finsbury Park Mosque. Even if it is only a little bit true will we now see widespread condemnation of right wing hate preachers. Tommeh, Hopkins, Screechy and Goldibollocks are just as guilty in my mind as the disgusting Hamza and Choudhary. Every time I see them spout on about Muslims being radicalised in their mosques I will make it a mission (at least until I am banned or blocked) to mention Mair and Osbourne.

darren osborne tommy mair

The resignation of Steve Lewis is another amazing event in the last 60 days. Steve is the banner losing rather rotund chap who has been a member of the inner circle for as long as I can remember. A member of Security, writer of the accounts and privy to a lot of happenings. His rather public resignation (now taken down for whatever reasons) stated that he couldn’t live with the scam artists and pisstaking that the high command are now taking. Andrew Edge and others who have basically taken over whilst genuine potatoes like Steve are pushed out. Some have said that Steve was the acceptable face of the Biffers but a cunt is a cunt and he is definitely one. However it is fun to watch as former trusted members of the Fuehrer bunker resign so publicly.

With Steve gone, and therefore light on security a couple of chaps spotted brave Sir Goldibollocks in Curry’s (what a name of a shop to be in) and as he came out confronted him. Goldibollocks bravely fled back into the shop shitting himself and hid. I guess when confronting Muslims the biffer rules are

1) make sure there are BFD about and
2) make sure said Muslims are over the age of 70.

BF EBF Jayda Fransen Fuhrer in waitingThe defection of Stevie came as a forerunner to the trial in Folkestone around Biffer videos of the Ramsgate 555 kebab shop rapists. Now most of us were probably sad enough to keep refreshing the Kent Live update pages and so if you did you probably read wide eyed about what happened and the blatant lies from our cowardly biffers. Whether or not they caused a stillborn baby, the way it looked to me that the ferocity of the harassment is enough to send them down. The bit that had me laughing more than anything was when Goldibollocks said he knew nothing of what was going to happen. Well Goldibollocks that, I’m afraid is another load of smelly steaming bullshit. As leader of your potato movement if you didn’t know maybe you are leader in name only and should step aside and let Queen Screechy take over as moley has intimated on numerous occasions that she wants to do.BF Belfast bigot Bunting

60 days in which the biffers have collected £40k and are now asking for life members at a knock down price (you do get a signed pic of Screechy and Goldibollocks) to sign and donate a potato pledge, a monthly direct debit to cover their drinks, parties, drugs and holidays. To grease the palm of Councillor Bigot, to keep the thug Edge onside.

So there you have it 60 days 2 court cases, a reprimand, a defection, a con or two and a surrender. I haven’t even mentioned Trump and his put down or my favourite photo of the 60 days….Goldibollocks sitting waiting to go into court in Belfast , just round the corner from a huge stainglassed window with the words No Pasaran.


Moley is no more

BF Rotherham FB meme Feb 28 2016Either you accept the reputation of a ‘grass’ or you turn a blind eye to injustice because not to inform on injustice, on thuggery, on betrayal of the people who support you is to allow that abuse to continue.

One of BF’s most senior officers, a regional commander no less, used to lead a double life. This person wasn’t only a well-known Biffer who will remain nameless, he was also Moley.



Beginning with EBF he graduated actually to gain the courage to tell the police what he knew on several occasions. He made it difficult for the rest of BF’s inner circle to operate. He made it easy for the police to know exactly what to look for on various raids of BF property. He told us things that often we were unable to publish directly but which we alluded to in several posts and memes.

And so it is with great sadness that we must report the untimely demise of Moley, our spy in the camp. A person who, far right or not, had the courage and integrity sufficient to spot a scam when he saw one and actually to do something about it.

BF Dudley Golding Jayda Lewis hide behind women with banner

His regular dispatches to EBF central for no reward other than the occasional hob nob with his tea will be greatly missed.

Of course this was inevitable and Moley knew from the start that this day would come. He knew he‘d never be trusted again by the right wing of UK activists and he’s no wish to join the left. The price of his conscience is political suicide. But Moley couldn’t stand by and watch the likes of Golding and Dutchy accept payment under false pretenses. Even as he too was accepting ‘donations’ for spurious purposes (to refuse the cash would have been too suspicious) he was plotting the destruction of the Britain First cash cow. He told us that he couldn’t continue conning his far right comrades out of money they could ill afford just to see the proceeds disappear on Golding and Fransen’s “coke and jollies”.


As it happens we did OK out of that money too. Moley did buy the occasional packet of Hobnobs for the EBF office. By the time Golding reads that he’ll be looking forward to his own tea and prison issue digestives – perhaps they’ll choke him. The verdict may be delayed but it’s coming and everyone knows it.

Moley is now safely outside of the BF camp having let himself be gradually ostracised for some time. He’s OK with that. Not that he plans to retire. In fact he’s looking to hook up with a couple of former contacts, people who used to be on the periphery of BF but who might not know about the evidence against him.

If he can make it into that inner circle too we’ll give it a respectable few months and then begin again. After all, BF may be finished but there are other scammy cokeheads on the rise.

Go on Moley – go for it!