The end of Exposing Britain First

Well, that’s it. We’re done here. Nothing more to see, no more to say and definitely no reason to worry about Britain First.

They only ever had traction on one platform anyway and now that Facebook has ‘pulled the plug’ on their sordid little operation they’ll struggle to find another that is so forgiving.

No platform means no reach and no reach means oblivion. It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bunch of bigots!

So we’ve decided to stop calling ourselves ‘Exposing Britain First’. Instead we’ve become ‘Exposing Bigotry and Fascism’. The initials remain the same which means only some of our URLs will need to change – most, like the blog have only ever been ‘ExposingBF’ and those initials haven’t changed.

We do have a nice new, shiny banner to reflect the new name and a much wider remit.

From now on we’ll be going after a much wider field of fash, exposing a whole lot more fake news and profiling people we’ve hardly even bothered to mention in the past.

So don’t despair, your favourite fashfighting team is still on the case and we’ll still pay attention to Screechy and Goldibollocks – we’ll just be commenting upon a whole lot more besides.

How cool is that?

View from a barstool #52 by Landlord

My Wednesday was a weird one, marching around like an expectant father wondering if the Hobgoblin I was drinking was going to taste like bitter bitter or sweet bitter as my phone was constantly updating the Kent Live website as the hour got closer to D-Day.

Beer 2Then at 1444 the first verdict was read out followed by the others. Screechy guilty on 3 counts and Goldibollocks 1. The cheers were massive, well would have been if there were more than old Albert, his dog and Betty the cleaner in the pub, my grin from ear to ear, and grumpy Landlord even bought a glass of Chardonnay and a pint of best for my clientele. My word, 2 years of exposing the falsehoods of Screechy and Goldibollocks and finally a result not even Tommeh, uncle Jim or the remaining biffer braincell could spin as a positive result. The usual outrage from potatoes near and far but none could really dampen my spirits. Notifications from other groups started flying in, my phone red hot as other anti fascists groups I frequent also got the news.

But hold on a minute you grumpy sod, there’s more to come, the sentencing, surely there’d be jail time, or not. Nervousness set in, myself and other admins thinking a big fine and a suspended sentence, would Screechy and Goldibollocks really be carted off in the back of a G4S van (probably to escape) or would they surrender and get away with it, so back to Kent Live.

BF fash golding fransen court sentencingWhen the gruesome twosome had their previous read out and the prosecutor said there were aggravating features the old smile started to return, surely we’d get what we wanted!!! Then 3 impact statements were read out….the first person said she had been left traumatised and attributes the loss of her unborn baby squarely at the door of Screechy. Whether it was or not this was a punch in the hooter for Fransen. The second lady stated that she was in danger of losing her job but more telling was in her own words She said: “I felt there was nowhere to go to hide from what Britain First has done to me and my family.”

“What scared me about this was how a person who did not know me or my family could manipulate me or my family in this way.”

The third statement again was telling “ I attended the police station several times. It made me feel very sad and threatened as I had done nothing wrong.”

He states that friends did not believe he was not involved in the 555 rape case and that he lost a long-time family friend as a result of the incident.

He said he lost his job, with his employer ‘worried about trouble coming to the workplace’.

He added that his wife had had a miscarriage as a result of the stress surrounding the incident.

So damning, now surely they’ll go down but then the twist, as Screechy and Goldibollocks’ solicitor (not barrister as their previous begging letters said they needed) didn’t want any pre sentencing reports but as the judge said they had breached the custody threshold the fucknuggets, suddenly shitting themselves, decided to bravely have reports made. Cue EBF admins sobbing thinking that they would be let free so the reports could be prepared. But the judge was having none of this and now we could see what bollocks Screechy and Goldibollocks could come up with to try to wiggle out of it.

So another wait, another couple of pints, I obviously picked the wrong day to give up smoking. And then it came……the lies, EBF admins shocked and wishing we could send the court evidence of the huge porkies that they spouted. Surely they had perjured themselves.


Here I’ll copy Screechy’s first..: “She is a single lady.
“She is concerned if she is in prison she will not be able to undertake her duties to the party.”
She added: “She is disappointed at the outcome today. She said she thought she was acting in a lawful manner, if she knew she was not acting in a lawful manner, she would not have acted that way.
“She said moving forward, she will change her conduct.
“She said her views in terms of the political party will not change, what has changed is how she will conduct herself.”
She added: “Both defendants were unsure about the impacts their actions had on the victims.”……….

So much bollocks in so few sentences. She knows exactly what she did and her conduct will never change unless she surrenders completely.
Now Goldibollocks’ statement which seemed to have even more falsehoods than Screechy’s …

“He is a single man. He lives alone. He is solely funded in finances by his party.”
She added: “He has been diagnosed as suffering from anxiety. He has no drug abuse issues and is described as tee-total.

“He does feel disappointed by the outcome today. He says in future he will conduct himself differently.












































“He says he doesn’t intend to do this type of protesting any more. He said he wants to move more towards main stream way of campaigning.
“He does accept mistakes were made by his actions but he plans to learn from that.
“His main concern if he is given a custodial sentence is how it will impact upon his relationship with his daughter” Teetotal my fucking arse, drug free(chortle) sorry can’t do anymore I’m in tears here.

Why is interesting is that his income is solely from the biffers, so when the potatoes send money to buy new offices, computers, solicitors or anything Goldibollocks has now admitted it pays for him to swan around like a half pint Mussolini, a fascist cunt who relies on conning and scamming his sheeple. Cut the money off, no more Goldibollocks or Screechy.

So can I spare a thought for them as they are starting their sentences, well no…….and yes. No because right now I can get back to being a dad and husband but yes because I hope they are shit scared every second of every minute of every hour of the day.

In truth this could be the beginning of the end, Belfast next, HFA suing them after but you can be sure we’ll be harrying them until the very end. So to all of you I raise my glass and say CHEERS let’s enjoy our first real victory.


Just another crazy American

EBF Trump crazy AmericanI was out having coffee with an old friend from my hometown when the news broke. We were sitting in a swanky coffee shop making adoring noises in the general direction of our new humans (her delightful little treasure is a month or two older than mine) when our mutual admiration fest was interrupted by mobile phone alerts. My old friend was first to comment.

“OMG! Trump’s been retweeting Britain First! You’re something to do with EBF aren’t you?”

I almost fell off my chair. Not only did I not know she’d heard of EBF, I definitely didn’t know she knew I was involved.

“Yes,” I replied, taken aback.

“I’m EBF Blogger”

“I knew it!” She exclaimed. “I knew that was you. I can tell your style of writing a mile away!”

My friend and I had gone right through school together. We almost always sat next to each other and even met in each other’s houses to do homework. We really were the geeky girls of the class. So it stands to reason that if anyone would know my writing style, she would.

“So?” She inquired. “What do you make of that?”

“Just another crazy American who thinks they understand British society.” I said.

“Most of Britain First’s followers are either paid-for clickfarm likes or foreigners. The American Christian right wing has always been keen on slagging off non-Christians so BF’s anti-Muslim, anti-brown agenda appeals to them.”

My friend stared blankly back at me, clearly surprised that I didn’t see this ‘shot in the arm’ for the Biffers as a problem.

“It’s no big deal.” I said. “Britain First has lost all credibility in UK. British people took a while to see them for what they are but now everybody who cares to look knows that they’re a bunch of far-right bigots. They can get American Facebook support if they want but that won’t help them in this country. If they get a few American donors… IF that happens they’ll just squander the money on European holidays and fines for public order offences anyway.”

“So you’re not worried that the President of the free world just endorsed them?”

“The president of what? I didn’t vote in that election. He’s president of America – nowhere else. And anyway – even the Yanks want shot of him!”

My friend smiled and sat back in her overly stuffed comfy chair.

“Just another crazy American, then.” She said, wiping the second most adorable little baby face in the world.

A view from a barstool 50 by Landlord

Beer 2I love how my autocorrect suggests potatoes instead of Patriots…

So as the dust settles on the biffer soap opera, here in the office the BBC bleep machine would be going into overtime censoring the admins as we digest the news that Screechy and Goldibollocks have managed to walk away from court and the sheeple that follow them have declared victory over the commie cops and judiciary.

But what exactly have they won, as sure as the clocks go back each year a begging email comes out asking for twelvty million paaaands (or £25k in anybody else’s parlance) and the racist cockwombles lap it up. Could this be the last payment to the gruesome twosome, a sort of pension as the biffers implode, or the first of many such emails to string out their so-called political careers.

Over the last few weeks the feuhrers have had a holiday in Lanzarote and met some meaningless potatoes across Europe sticking two fingers up at the law they insist Muslims abide by.

So is there evidence of the biffers imploding, finally giving EBF followers what we’ve been working for for years well yes……..and no and here’s my view.

1. The high command appear to have been frozen out, Lewis, Lomax and the others in the bunker were overlooked for the jaunt in favour of head potato Andrew Edge. Andrew is ex EDL and not a nice chap. He was convicted of assault on police at an EDL rally in Birmingham and spent time inside, he also took part in a hunger strike outside Rotherham Police Station. I say hunger strike, sandwiches, kebabs and Stella didn’t count as food in his eyes. I would place a small wager that Screechy and Goldibollocks do not particularly like Edge but that he is being kept close to stop further charges that Goldibollocks doesn’t want out.

2. There is a real chance that our heroes will go down for the charges they face. For those of you living in a bubble it appears they attempted to harass the accused in a rape trial almost causing a mistrial, harassed people who had moved into one of the accused house and frightened them so much as they published the address. The accused were rightly found guilty and sentenced in accordance with the law Screechy and Goldibollocks hold in such contempt. Given their previous surely jail time can’t be far away. They have pled not guilty to these charges although their wonderful videos seem to have provided the evidence required to prosecute them.

3. The new allegations. We deliberately have kept quiet about these as we are still unable to substantiate them, apart from the cowardly assault by Goldibollocks on a fellow Biffer, something he has pled guilty to. Some fairly big and nasty people seem to have it in for Der Fuehrer and there seems to be evidence of this as the leaders left court furtively looking around and wanting to get the hell out of dodge, they had no black shirts surrounding them(see point one)

4. They appear to be trying desperately to shore up some more support from their dwindling numbers of potatoes on the ground, from Jean Marie Le Penn’s fascist group in France who gave Edge a €5 keyring (made up to be a medal of honour) to other fascist groups across Europe. Screechy also appears to have waded in on Edge’s pet project, the Justice for Chelsey campaign that other hideous fash seem to have taken over. Now we don’t know what happened here but the Northumberland police and the CPS dropped the case after inconsistencies in statements were found, no DNA and no cctv evidence were found. But as sure as night is day Screechy turned up and the fuehrers seem to be trying to recruit.

5. Against them being jailed is just one thing. Speaking to various professionals in the legal field, police and judiciary the recent abscondment across Europe should have been enough to have them remanded in custody the fact they walked free, however temporarily, has the office in near apoplectic shock. Are they grasses?? Do the police just want them clear so as not to make martyrs of them or are the magistrates just stupid beyond belief to believe the bovine excretia coming from their mouths. What is different from before is they haven’t banged on about their bail conditions this time and we wonder if they are slightly more draconian than before.

Now I’ve been forced to watch their recent videos, and most(all) of the things they state are total lies. The good potatoes of this country said riot police with shields went into the demo to arrest Jayda, that they pushed old women to the floor, a dog got choked. We have checked and nothing like this happened. What you can be sure of is that the publicity whore that Screechy is was aware she would be arrested and did it to increase tensions.

So I wouldn’t go back to just posting pictures of your dinners and fluffy cats just yet as the fight continues, this pleases our local supermarket as their sales of hobnobs and coffee would drop off hugely, and I will still be forced to watch their videos. Although why I have to do this in the pub as my locals think I am a drunken bum with Tourette’s. In actual fact I think we shall have to make up a new malady…….Biffer Tourette’s, there is no cure just hobnobs, Hobgoblin and coffee.


Finsbury Park: The shame of a nation

In the early hours of this morning a 48 year old lone wolf, presumably radicalised over time in the developing hate-filled, anti-Muslim, right wing culture of modern Britain took it upon himself to drive a van into helpless Muslim worshippers in Finsbury Park. One man is dead and 10 more people are injured as a result.

Finsbury park mosque terrorist darren osborne

The atmosphere around Finsbury Park Mosque must have been electric last night with emergency vehicles sirens and lights illuminating the cacophonous streets as police and paramedics battled to save lives and restore order. Everywhere else in the land the air was heavy with a different characteristic altogether. The stench of hypocrisy lies heavy over Britain today.

We’ve all seen them – the ‘respectable’,  right wing contacts on social media. Perhaps it’s an old school friend of yours. Maybe it’s a parent or a cousin. Perhaps it’s your brother or your sister. They’re the smug, unthinking, superficial clowns who just love to post memes and forward tweets about those awful Muslims. They bang on endlessly about ‘rapefugees’ or fake, easily debunked ‘news’ from Breitbart  about  ‘creeping Sharia’ and cheerfully declare that refugees should be drowned and all immigrants already here should either be deported or sterilised.  Don’t deny it – we all know who they are.

I wouldn’t normally suggest seeking out these losers, these lonely, embittered bigots whose only claim to fame is their ability to libel and slander an entire group of people. It’s true that they’re usually spectacularly wrong with their implausible predictions that never come true and that can be amusing on occasion. It’s also true that giving them the oxygen of interaction encourages them, as it does with any other mischevious internet troll. But today I think we should all make contact and let them know what we think of the fruits of their labour.

These Islamaphobic bigots are the ones responsible for radicalisation of far right terrorists in UK. By constantly demonising Muslims, refugees, ‘foreigners’ and non-whites they have created a narrative that shames the whole nation. And now, many of these same people are posting memes and tweeting tweets condemning the violence that they themselves have helped to create.

So I say we should contact them en masse. If you know an online bigot who preaches the sort of hate that led to the Finsbury Park attack don’t let them off the hook. Remind them of their onslaught of hatred and the impact they have had upon our nation. Expose their divisive lies and let them know that we understand the blood that is on their hands – blood that they may never manage to wash clean. Let them know that we hold them every bit as responsible for this atrocity as we do the ‘lone wolf’ who, egged on by thousands upon thousands of keyboard warriors like them actually drove the van that ploughed into those poor people.

Let them know that we know them.

Post this article on your own social media pages and tag them in…

and tell them to hang their heads in shame!


A view from a barstool #48 by Landlord

Beer 2So here you go biffers, my credit card. I give up you win, I can’t keep justifying Islam. No this isn’t me, this was one of my mates in the pub, someone who marches with antifa, someone who counters biffer car park shuffles. I’ve never seen him like this, a total loss of faith in what he and we do. A couple of pints later he said “fuck this, they ain’t Muslims, during this the holiest of times for them some fuckwits carry out more atrocities in the name of Daesh.”

So what do I think. The grief peddlers wanking over Saturday nights murders like Hopkins, Robinson, Screechy and Goldibollocks are having a field day, Trump try’s to justify his ban and the right wing media use this to try and pull back a disastrous election campaign. I’ve decided not to follow mainstream media, nor will I watch the twat Robinson on rebel tv, nor will I let the hate win, these are not Muslims the are murderous little cunts following a doctrine that is not Islamic. No apologies are necessary to me as I am 100% certain in my stance.

Screechy and Goldibollocks were on the ropes before Manchester, the threat of prison, the (excuse the Tory party word) money tree had ran dry, their benefactor ran out of Hungary and people were waking up to their fuckwittery. Now they are emboldened again, with more racist followers from America queuing up to fawn over these idiots.

golding robinson fransenBut, like the murderous bastards who have carried out these attacks, Britain First are evil, using grief to fuel their leaders lifestyle, using the white supremacist movement in the US to get more money. But then where was their outrage over the bombing in Egypt, the slaughtering of many in Syria. Selective grief then.

We have to fight the right wing, we have to debunk their lies, we have to counter their evil marches, days of action and intrusions.

We also have to acknowledge the evil murderous wankers that have done this and condemn them, and we do with the same vitriol we reserve for the fascists but these people don’t do it in the name of Allah they do it because they’re murderous wankers.


A view from a barstool #47 by Landlord

So here we go, some crappy important sounding music, a picture of somewhere news gets done, some smug idiot standing around shuffling papers……bugger this, it ain’t working, but anyway here is the EBF news, we would have done it on one of those crappy apps that the biffers use but the company involved wouldn’t take a packet of hobnobs and a half eaten Curly Wurly as payment, I told Foxy to throw in a Tassimo Latte thingy but hey here we go.

bf ebf jayda fransen paul golding arrested ramsgate court case may 2017.png

Anyway here is my take on the one story this week, the arrest of Goldibollocks and Screechy for inciting religious hatred. I’ve read their press release did some digging and done a biffer bullshit to EBF translation. Another begging email has gone out, after all it is coming close to the summer holiday needing to be paid for, anyway I digress….

Now the background from what I’ve seen. Screechy has been running around Ramsgate with her crew videoing her outside various premises where alleged rapists have been working or living and basically fucking up a police and CPS investigation that has landed the alleged perpetrators in court. It’s almost as if they saw what their new bestie Tommy was doing and decided we need to do some of that. Unfortunately (when I say unfortunately I actually mean hahahahahahaha) that didn’t turn out too well for Tommy either who was also nicked. Now for those trolls coming over for a visit we at EBF condemn those that break the law especially paedophiles and rapists, we just don’t judge them on the colour of their skin or the god they choose to follow. But anyway back to the translation.

Biffer release (BFR) We have to be very vague, as we are told Kent police have slapped some extreme bail conditions on them both which limits what they can say.

Landlord translation (LT) We’ve fucked up big time, we hoped that in this post brexit Britain a bit of incitement wouldn’t be noticed and we need to make it sound good to get some dosh out of you

BFR The police swooped on Paul and Jayda while they were driving by blocking the road and surrounding them with police vans.

LT We was having a lovely non Halal Curry with a nice British cup of tea and two coppers knocked on our door asking us to accompany them to the station. But that doesn’t sound good on the begging letters

BFR The raid included both uniformed and plain clothes CID officers.

LT Geoff from down the Dog and Duck was walking along the road but he was in civvies but we’ll count him as plainclothes as it sounds better on the begging letter

BFR It was a military style ambush that was executed with precision.

LT They knocked loudly and called me sir, and doesn’t it sound good on the begging letter

In all seriousness though what thorough cockwombles Goldibollocks and Screechy are. Along with Tommy and his camera buddy they were breaking the law of the land. They could now have put in jeopardy the trial of some men who may or may not have committed a disgusting offence and allowed them to be free to attack more young women. Goldibollocks and Screechy are a disgrace, this was done to incite their sheep to maintain their Islamaphobia, to fan the flames of hatred and to try and make money. It was made worse when someone took to Facebook to ask them to take one of their inciting videos down because they had the wrong address but no, they didn’t comply.

So both of them, as well as hopefully some of the other High Command are going to be prosecuted or at least we hope they are, but G&S you are, in this country, innocent until proven guilty. You don’t need vigilante cuntspangles camping outside your gaff spouting bollocks.

Final bit
BFR Will you chip in to help them fight this latest round of politically motivated persecution?

LT Pahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa


A view from an uncomfortable barstool by Landlord

Not really in the mood for writing but then again why not? Every other expert, right wing fuckwit and doom merchant has so why not a slightly left wing grumpy old sod giving his and the views of his regulars on the events of Wednesday.

Firstly I think back to 9\11 and the glee on the faces of a few in the middle East as they burnt the Stars and Stripes and then I look at the vitriol from the right wing over the last couple of days and see exactly the same pleasure. The media speculate on everything making out not the gravity of the situation but trying to scare the shit out of us. To me that’s as dangerous than the murderer who carried out the attack.

EBF London attack Theresa MayRead any Facebook or Twitter feed and I see one of three sets of people, firstly those who say told you so Screechy, Goldibollocks, Robinson and others on the far right. Secondly there are those who are genuinely frightened and see the press and the rabid right pushing them to believe the bullshit that they peddle and are ready to let this already right wing government to erode more of our basic rights and finally there’s us.

EBF London attack 2We feel the pain caused, we feel the hurt caused but we can also see where this is going. Trump now feels his Muslim ban is justified, May can get away with more swingeing erosion of our rights and all in the name of safety. The Muslim Council of Great Britain once again feel the need to issue a statement saying it’s not in our name, which is paid lip service by the media and disregarded by the far right, but what can they do anymore than they do now?

So what do we know? Well someone for an unknown reason drove a car along Westminster bridge swerved and killed some tourists, then continued and crashed into a fence by the Houses of Parliament got out, stabbed a policeman and was shot. That’s it, no more no less, the rest is just conjecture and speculation, experts come on and talk endlessly about what the security forces MAY be doing. Reporters report what other reporters are reporting, Tommy Robinson gets on a train to London and tries to run around talking to anyone who’s listening, Screechy and Goldibollocks release video’s in which you can almost hear the sound of kerching in the background. But all we really know is from the police who release carefully worded statements so as not to fuel the hysteria but fail miserably as more and more experts and commentators add bits.

EBF Tommy Robinson London attack

I’m horrified by the events of Wednesday but I and many others stay realistic. This was a murderer doing something that is abhorrent, not in the name of a religion or ideology but because of a warped sense of view. Last year another murderer killed Jo Cox shouting “Britain First” I didn’t see a video of Screechy and Goldibollocks calling for all fascists to be deported and churches to be pulled down, I didn’t see a five minute interview of Paul Nuttall spouting shit, I didn’t see Tommy Robinson prostituting his gob to anyone who may listen, I didn’t see an erosion of our rights but I do now.

EBF London attack 1

I’m not a great lover of the police but I do however think they know what they are doing, I think they know a lot more than they are telling us but they and they alone will let us know over the coming days and weeks and this is the only information I will believe.

Finally all the admins on this page would like to pass on our condolences to the victims of this murderer, people who went out to enjoy the sights of our beautiful city, or was guarding the houses of parliament and will not be going home.


Biffers, Islamists, God and me

I’m not really very religious but I thought perhaps I should have a little word in God’s shell-like. Too much stuff didn’t make any sense. So I sat down in a quiet room with curtains drawn and meditative candles duly lit, all set to talk to my maker.

It wasn’t a long conversation but it seemed to straighten a few things out for me. It went like this…


More false advertising by the Biffers

We had a quick butcher’s at the Biffer Facebook page the other day. That’s their preferred environment for ‘…doin’ politics, innit?’ They still haven’t worked out that false, paid for likes from foreign clickfarms (they click you long time!) aren’t the same as actual votes. But occasionally, just sometimes they crawl out from under their seedy little rock and head off into the real world. A bit like this…

As usual the turnout was tiny but that’s not the important thing. Have a look at the little bald biffer with glasses in the front row. His jacket isn’t quite the same colour as the usual Biffer ‘bottle-out’ green. There’s a reason for that.

Here we see the same sad fash wannabe from the back. His jacket isn’t ‘bottle-out’ green because it’s representing a genuine heroes’ charity. But what’s a ‘Help for Heroes’ jacket doing on a Britain First ‘Day of action’?

We’ve asked Help for heroes. We’ll let you know their reply.