The origins of Britain’s far right movement

Godwin’s law states that the first person to call their opponent a Nazi loses the debate. That’s because the word Nazi (the short-form of the German NSDAP or ‘National Socialist German Workers’ Party)’) is so over-used today. It’s become the go-to insult for those whose intellectual abilities have run dry and they find themselves unable to counter a well-thought out argument. In that sense, Godwin was right – the first person to call their opponent a Nazi has indeed, lost the debate. But what if the person you’re talking about or interacting with really is a Nazi?

edl nazi.jpg

That’s when Godwin’s law starts to come apart. It becomes even more confusing when your verbal sparring partner subscribes to Nazi policies (see groups like Britain First, UKIP and Liberty GB) and yet genuinely believes that they’re not Nazi at all. What if they actually see themselves as ‘anti-Nazi’?

The leadership of the British far-right have been so diligent in redefining themselves that they really have convinced their supporters (and perhaps even themselves) that their policies, although often exactly matching those of Hitler’s Nazi regime in the 1930s and 1940s, are actually anti-Nazi.

Here we chart the descent of Nazism through the generations as we might track the passage of the runners’ baton in an Olympic relay race. Here the track is measured in years, not metres but the principle is the same. The same baton that was touched by the hands of Hitler, Franco and Mussolini now finds itself carried just as reverently by Weston, Griffin, Yaxley-Lennon, Hopkins, Golding, Fransen and Dowson.

Hitler, Mussolini, Franco

It’s no secret that these three mid-twentieth century dictators knew each other. Hitler and Mussolini even fought together against the Allies during World War 2. Before the war both men sent troops, funds and equipment to support Franco’s fascist cause in the Spanish Civil War. They were the three most prominent fascist dictators of the period, matched in ruthlessness only by Stalin in Communist Russia. What isn’t so well known is the way that these dictators interacted with British High society.

Mosley, the British Union of Fascists

Oswald Mosley was the leader of the British Union of Fascists, a party he formed in 1932 immediately after visiting Mussolini in Italy.

mosleyMosley’s followers dressed in black military style uniform, shared Hitler’s hatred of Jews and socialists and even had their own army of street thugs, the infamous ‘Biff Boys’. These violent, black-shirted gangs spent their time terrorizing and assaulting Jews, homosexuals (the word ‘gay’ meant something rather different back then). Socialists and non-whites. Their methods and their targets were exactly the same as those of Ernst Rohm’s brown-shirted SA in pre-war Nazi Germany. There’s a reason for that.

Mosley and the Mitford sisters

Mosely had very real links to the fascists of Europe. As well as Mussolini he also visited Nazi Germany and married his second wife, Diana Mitford in the home of Joseph Goebbels. There were only around half a dozen guests in attendance including Adolf Hitler himself. Mosley’s new sister in law, Unity Mitford was known to be extremely close to Hitler and even got to attend high level strategy meetings with the Fuhrer. Unity killed herself when war was declared, so heartbroken was she at the rift between the two nations.

William Joyce Lord Haw HawDeputy leader William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw)

Deputy Leader of the BUF was William Joyce, later to defect to Nazi Germany and broadcast pro-Nazi propaganda across the channel throughout the war. Nicknamed ‘Lord Haw Haw’ by the British he was captured in 1945 and hanged for treason shortly afterward.

Defence regulation 18B

In late May 1940, Mosley and his wife, along with several other prominent members of the British Union of Fascists were imprisoned under Defence regulation 18B. This was an emergency power used to prevent any British citizen suspected of undermining the British war effort from aiding the enemy. The BUF itself was disbanded a few days later. However its legacy lives on.

Archibald Ramsay & The Right Club

Archibald RamsayArchibald Ramsay was a Scottish aristocrat and Conservative MP. He was a staunch supporter of Franco’s fascists during the Spanish Civil War. In 1935 he collaborated with German Nazi agents to found the Nordic League, an aristocratic version of Mosley’s BUF. Like the BUF, the Nordic League was deeply anti-Semitic and committed to establishing and maintaining a racially pure Britain. Ramsay was responsible for instigating a number of attempts to have Jews barred from political life in Britain.

In 1939 he founded The Right Club, a secret society of upper class Nazi sympathisers and anti-Semites whose stated aim was to expose and oppose organised Jewry. Members included Mosley, the traitor, William Joyce along with Anna Wolkoff and Tyler Kent who were subsequently imprisoned for passing classified information to the Nazis during wartime.

AK Chesterton

AK ChestertonAK Chesterton (not to be confused with author, GK Chesterton) was a prominent member of the British Union of Fascists, The Nordic League and The Right Club. Like his fellows he was staunchly anti-Semitic and pro-fascist. He left England during the second world war and went to live in Africa, presumably to avoid being forced to fight against his ideological brethren. However he maintained his far-right, anti-Semitic and openly racist views throughout his life and was instrumental in passing the baton of fascism down to the next generation of British Nazis – The National Front.


Chesterton, Tyndall and the National Front

John TyndallChesterton’s most prominent protégé was John Tyndall. Through Tyndall and his fellow acolyte, Colin Jordan the ageing Nazi sympathiser passed the baton of extreme right wing politics to the next generation. Tyndall joined his mentor, Chesterton in the League of Empire Loyalists, The National Labour Party (mirroring Hitler’s National Socialist Party) and The National Socialist Movement (with Jordan) until eventually the pair co-founded The National Front in the late 1960s.

The early years of The National Front, steered as it was by Chesterton and Tyndall saw the introduction of many better known modern neo-Nazis who also carry forward the baton of British fascism first brandished by Mosley, Joyce and Ramsay. Under Chesterton and Tyndall’s stewardship the NF nurtured the early political careers of people like Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons (later to become British National Party MEPs), Holocaust denier, Martin Wingfield and even Tommy Robinson. Tyndall and Colin Jordan eventually formed the White Defence League before uniting with John Bean to found the British National Party.

Andrew Brons had been a member of Colin Jordan’s National Socialist Movement, an affiliation he has repeatedly had to distance himself from in later years. In 1965 he joined the National front led by John Bean. This is not the same National Front that Tyndall and Chesterton founded in 1967 although its aims and ideology were the same – anti-Semitism, racial purity and neo-Nazism. Only in 1967, following a merger with Tyndall and Chesterton’s League of Empire Loyalists did the current National Front come into existence. With this merger, a critical mass of new-generation Nazis was re-established in UK and Mosley’s baton became a truncheon once again.

Combat 18 and Column 88

Combat 18 nazi

This newly imagined National Front gave rise to some of the most violent street warfare of the period. Groups like Combat 18 were as much the NF’s enforcers as Mosely’s ‘Biff Boys’ had been for the BUF. Named after letters of the alphabet, Combat 18 stood for A & H (Adolf Hitler). Column 88 whose initials stood for HH (Heil Hitler) was led by former British National Party stalwart Leslie Eric Lutz Vaughan. The column was a paramilitary Nazi group whose CO of operations was a former Black Watch Major called Ian Souter Clarence. The ‘good’ Major used to run military style training camps and was widely thought to have stockpiled weapons acquired after demobilisation of WW2 servicemen.


Both groups  have a string of convictions for intimidation, assault, harassment and even murder to their credit. More modern groups like The Pie and Mash Squad and the EDL’s breakaway ‘Infidels’ groups have their own links with these early bands of politicised street fighters.

Nick Griffin

Nick Griffin NF White PowerNick Griffin was mentored by Tyndall and followed his far-right tutor from the National Front into the newly formed British National Party. This erstwhile NF Street fighter rose to prominence in the BNP and eventually ousted his old mentor to take the BNP chair for himself. There he steered the party from relative obscurity to become the most successful British far-right party since Mosley’s BUF before financial irregularities and a string of law-suits brought his newly-built empire crashing down around his ears. Now the BNP is a shadow of its former self with many of its members defecting to join the ranks of street movements like the English Defence League and Britain First.

The BNP gives birth to the EDL and Britain First

BF East London Mosque ELM Robin Lomax political uniformchief of staff head of national security

Paul Golding had once been a member of the National Front but he followed his mentor, Nick Griffin into the BNP when still a teenager. With Griffin’s mentorship he rose to become Communications Officer on the party’s National Executive and was widely tipped to rise high in the organisation. That was until things started to fall apart.

Tommy (EDL leader) RobinsonStephen Yaxley-Lennon was a member of the British National Party under Griffin’s leadership. It’s unclear how well he knew Griffin personally but they certainly had shared contacts and their ideologies are broadly the same. It was Robinson who took the far-right baton in a new direction and abandoned politics, albeit temporarily to form the English Defence League, a street movement that once boasted up to 5,000 ‘foot-soldiers’ at its largest demonstration.

The English Defence League still exists but without Yaxley-Lennon (AKA Tommy Robinson) who has since been associated with the Muslim-led anti-terror organisation Quilliam and then the UK Branch of the anti-Muslim group, Pegida. More recently in a desperate effort to avoid a much-deserved obscurity he’s pretending to be a journalist. In truth he’s generally found causing trouble, getting into fights and then filming the retaliation of others whilst pretending to be a victim. These days he tries to assume an air of reasonableness but underneath he’s the same bigotted thug he always was.

British National Party fundraiser, Ulster Unionist and long-time pro-life campaigner, Jim Dowson became involved in a spat with Griffin over allegations of sexual misconduct. Dowson left the party in less than amicable circumstances and Golding went with him. Together they formed the anti-Muslim party, Britain First in 2010. They were later joined by former EDL ‘Angel’, Jayda Fransen and spend much of their time campaigning against Islam and ‘invading’ Mosques and Halal businesses. The pair regularly find themselves in court for harassment, breaches of bail and ironically for wearing political uniform, an offence under the Pubic Order Act of 1936, originally created to kerb Mosley’s black-shirted British Union of Fascists.

BF beyond UKIP cabaret invasion

Having recognised their ideological soul-mates in Nigel Farage’s UKIP, Britain First even set themselves up for a time as UKIP’s attack dogs. They harassed their opponents and mounted unofficial ‘patrols’ to ensure would-be demonstrators against UKIP were intimidated. They were a much less effective and actually quite laughable parody of the German Nazi party’s violent, brown-shirted ‘SA’. Golding, Fransen and the rest of the BF leadership have repeatedly called for their supporters to vote UKIP, presumably having noted the many similarities between UKIP’s extreme right policies and their own.

Most recently both Golding and Fransen have been imprisoned for racially motivated harassment and their organisation has been banned from the largest social media sites. It is this double-whammy blow to Britain First that has prompted EBF to rebrand itself and broaden our horizons. Britain First is dying but British fascism is not – so we continue.

BF Paul and Jayda Kent police mugshot

Godwin’s law revisited

It’s clear that step by step, generation by generation the British fascist baton has been passed down without interruption from mentor to student, from racist to racist, Anti-Semite to anti-Muslim, Nazi to neo-Nazi for almost a century now. As this series continues we’ll start to look at how the very same policies and ideological beliefs have withstood the test of time. Some have remained unchanged whilst others have adapted slightly in the face of modern attitudes and current events. But however they might have been adapted, disguised and given the superficial appearance of something far more moderate than they really are, the core of  fascism and Nazism remains unchanged.

Remember – Godwin’s law only applies if the people you’re talking about aren’t actually Nazis. In this case – they really are!

EDL Nazi salute swastike tattoo.jpg


A view from a barstool #48 by Landlord

Beer 2So here you go biffers, my credit card. I give up you win, I can’t keep justifying Islam. No this isn’t me, this was one of my mates in the pub, someone who marches with antifa, someone who counters biffer car park shuffles. I’ve never seen him like this, a total loss of faith in what he and we do. A couple of pints later he said “fuck this, they ain’t Muslims, during this the holiest of times for them some fuckwits carry out more atrocities in the name of Daesh.”

So what do I think. The grief peddlers wanking over Saturday nights murders like Hopkins, Robinson, Screechy and Goldibollocks are having a field day, Trump try’s to justify his ban and the right wing media use this to try and pull back a disastrous election campaign. I’ve decided not to follow mainstream media, nor will I watch the twat Robinson on rebel tv, nor will I let the hate win, these are not Muslims the are murderous little cunts following a doctrine that is not Islamic. No apologies are necessary to me as I am 100% certain in my stance.

Screechy and Goldibollocks were on the ropes before Manchester, the threat of prison, the (excuse the Tory party word) money tree had ran dry, their benefactor ran out of Hungary and people were waking up to their fuckwittery. Now they are emboldened again, with more racist followers from America queuing up to fawn over these idiots.

golding robinson fransenBut, like the murderous bastards who have carried out these attacks, Britain First are evil, using grief to fuel their leaders lifestyle, using the white supremacist movement in the US to get more money. But then where was their outrage over the bombing in Egypt, the slaughtering of many in Syria. Selective grief then.

We have to fight the right wing, we have to debunk their lies, we have to counter their evil marches, days of action and intrusions.

We also have to acknowledge the evil murderous wankers that have done this and condemn them, and we do with the same vitriol we reserve for the fascists but these people don’t do it in the name of Allah they do it because they’re murderous wankers.


View from a barstool #42 by Landlord

Beer 2Pahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha. They say something’s are constant in the world, like drinking to much over the festivities, the Queens speech, Nigel Fartage spouting crap and now the biffers latest begging bowl email which has me reaching for the Tena Man.
It seems to me they’ve been told by Uncle Jim’s travel agent that the cost of their Christmas holiday has increased due to their beloved Brexit. Maybe their disciples haven’t bunged enough money their way for a free management computer system and an overpriced camera.  So they fall back on old faithful and come up with an old favourite, not for Goldibollocks’ court case, it’s almost a dead cert he’ll play a blinder and plead guilty, but because the government MAY want to proscribe them and they have to have the cash just in case, Guvnor.
Now forgive a grumpy cynical Landlord but fuck off biffers! I know we here in EBF land, or ‘sanity’ as I call it, laugh at your pathetic attempts at marches, your lack of support at your days of (in)action and your tacky, racist shares from fake right wing media outlets. We snigger at your assertion that you are a legitimate political party sending shockwaves through the political elite despite your current councillors, MP’s and MEP’s totalling a big fat zero. We all know you’re a party who is laughed at in the main stream media so please don’t insult our intelligence in the same way you insult the intelligence of your followers.
theresa-may-8The government won’t proscribe you, however unfortunate that may be. They find you as irritating as dog shit on the bottom of their shoe but they really don’t see any need to take you seriously. The right wing groups they will go after are the ones that are really dedicated to violence and want to cause deaths. They’ll go after alliancess like National Action and a few of The infidel groups., not your mob of conmen Walt’s and foreign supporters. You can just about muster enough followers to take over my front room let alone anything else.
How your supporters still manage to accept everything you say is beyond me. Have your muslamic ray guns been set to stupid? The bacofoil you send out must have hallucinogenic drugs in it. From comments we’ve been sent by Moley from ex members of your high command they’ve admitted that it’s all about the money and very little else. There again a significant percentage of your support does come from the US of A and they voted in a conman too so nuff said. To close you down would be simple, send trading standards and the taxman round and you’d be gone without the government making matyrs out of you.
I see our ‘favourite’, please read that as ‘cuntspangle‘, racist has had his sentence increased, this time for racial harassment of a MP. When we in the office read the judge’s summing up we all looked at each other and wished the judge had been sitting at Screechy’s trial. I think she would have been well and truly fucked.
joshua-bonehill-aine-guilty-harrassing-mpFinally the rise of the far right seems to have been checked for now, Hofer in Austria lost, citing Fartage as the problem, Geert Wilders found guilty in Holland but surprisingly not sentenced to anything (musht have been thosh shpeshel shiggerettes) and Uncle Jim and his pet racist, Griffin trying to fight KTI’s corner so badly that even Hitler’s mouthpiece The Daily Fail had a go at them.
All in all then a weird week. The wife has realised my mirth is to do with the biffers. Their desperation is showing signs of trying to fleece as much as they can before flouncing off to Hungary. Bonehill is banged up for longer and will have some stringent conditions if he comes out, Goldibollocks is going down, Fartage is fucking off because he’s poor and my Christmas ale has arrived this year in time for Christmas. Have a good week.

View from a barstool #40 by Landlord

Beer 2A couple of weeks away and all hell has broken loose with right wing shenanigans. The hairpiece is going to be the most hated, powerful man on this planet, Thomas Mair is convicted of Jo Cox’s assassination with right wing undertones with pictures showing him on a day of activism with the biffers, Goldibollocks standing down to take time out(hopefully) at her majesty’s pleasure and a convicted felon taking over in our Screechy. And now proof that all is not well in bifferdom.

In my own world of cyberspace my American friends are unable to take in the way their country has voted. Admittedly they were sceptical of Hillary Clinton who is as trustworthy as the biffers but for their fellow countrymen to vote in a sexist, racist, bankrupt twat is enough to have them crying into their Buds. Some say that this just proves that the Americans are crazy but I personally feel that it is more sinister as more and more countries are seeing surges in support for the far right. Some have even dressed it up as ‘alt-right’ but I’ll call it how I see it, ‘deep rooted racism’.

Possibly Tommy Mair Dewsbury BF demoThe assassin known as Thomas Mair was convicted this week and as a white man I apologise for his terrorism. As the racists keep asking normal Muslims to apologise for Daesh I will get in first. Whether or not when he shouted “Britain First” he meant it as a battle cry or as a tribute to his favourite racists no one can be sure but the deafening silence from biffer towers and the pictures of him at one of their wanky days out prove it to me. The Nazi paraphernalia found shows that once again a line white terrorist is as bad as the Daesh ones.

So Goldibollocks has stood down, temporarily at least to spend more time with his family. That is laughable to say the least as his family now accompany him to all his roadshows to help swell the numbers to double figures. The fact that the blind disciples don’t see is that the jail time Goldibollocks is hopefully going to get just so happens to be 6 months…….a coincidence, a conspiracy theory or some time in Uncle Jim’s racist enclave. Whatever it may be we here at EBF towers and the majority of our followers will be giggling at his predicament like schoolgirls.

That brings us to the convicted felon who is taking over from Goldibollocks, Screechy take a bow…..or don’t as your cleavage is getting quite an airing on your soapbox….your ambition has been reached, Uncle Jim has his own way and the hierarchy that have been slowly inching away from Goldibollocks into her camp have their own way. During her trial, and if you listen to the biffers she was a modern day Joan of Arc, she was stoic in her defence and was only convicted by lefty magistrates and the gutter press. Now I’m a novice in things legal, apart from the licencing law, but the overwhelming evidence produced by the CPS convicted her in two out of the three charges.


In a way I’m glad she wasn’t jailed, and I can’t believe I’ve just said that, but the High command are looking for a big pay day and a martyr doing pokey, especially their pin up girl would almost certainly boost their coffers. I’d love Goldibollocks or indeed her to do community service in a Muslim area.

Screechy and Goldibollocks are so keen to remind anyone in earshot or on social media that they are a political party, all be it with no seats in any council, parliament, parishes or the EU, they constantly ask would any other party leaders be treated the same. So Goldibollocks and Screechy I’ll ask something to you……I don’t see Theresa May, the Libdem leader, Jeremy Corbyn or any other party leader being a convicted felon, being associated with an assassin, or ripping supporters off for cash.

I have also seen the ex biffers chatting amongst themselves,some very close to the hierarchy, proving that what we publish is true. A block on talking to any other group, a ban on a members husband who isn’t white, milking money and being rather sexist. I really want to be there when they implode because there’s nothing funnier than watching the death of a nasty racist right wing group.

So there it is, a racist group, followed by a terrorist, run by felons and bankrolled by a zealot. That is Britain First.

As we hurtle to Christmas the landlady appears to want me to do something called shopping, something a grumpy Landlord never understands so forgive me if this is a bit short.


It ain’t over just yet!

It’s been an excruciatingly long couple of days waiting to hear if Fransen would be sent down or not. To quote the ‘persecuted paytryoot’ herself… it’s been very ‘intense’. But now, finally the long wait has come to an end and we have both verdict and sentence.

bf-luton-magistrates-court-fransen-frightened-golding-smugJayda Fransen, Deputy leader of Britain First, neoNazi,  liar, bully, has been convicted on two counts. She was found guilty of wearing political uniform, a charge that both Fransen and Golding are trying to ridicule even though Der Fuhrer recently pleaded guilty to the same offence, thus making it almost impossible for Fransen to be acquitted today. Secondly she’s guilty of religiously aggravated harassment. The British judicial system has acknowledged what we already knew… Jayda Fransen is a vicious bully with nothing but contempt both for the law and for her fellow citizens.

As every reader of this blog will know, I’d have much preferred Fransen to have been sent to prison for her offences but that wasn’t to be. Instead she received a fine, costs and victim surcharge amounting to a total of £1,910 and a restraining order preventing her from harassing the victim for 2 years. Let’s look at these penalties in a little more detail.

The court may have imposeded a fine, costs and victim surcharge but Fransen’s already raised more than enough fashcash from the Biffers to cover her Uncle Jimbo’s investment.

£1,900 is small potatoes to Fransen. She’s already raised more than that to pay her barrister.  So there’s no harm done there then, Jayda. Your gullible sheeple have already paid your fine for you. Not only that, you’ve enough left over for another jolly to Hungary to help Uncle Jim stir up the neoNazi thugs over there.

When Britain first put out their inevitable appeal for help with Jayda’s fine and costs please bear that in mind. They already have pocketed more than they need in their ‘legal defence’ appeal (unless the good Mr. Guest turned out to be much more expensive than might reasonably be anticipated). Jimbo must be laughing all the way to the bank. His little legal speculation has paid off handsomely with absolutely no financial risk to himself at all.

Is this video in breach of Fransen’s injunction? We think so.

The 2 year injunction is interesting too. Or rather Fransen and Golding’s response to it is. On the very afternoon that the injunction was put in place the despicable duo made and uploaded a video singling out and verbally abusing both the District Judge and the victim. The first set of comments might reasonably be seen as contempt. The second appear to be a blatant and deliberate breach of the injunction almost before the ink is wet on Fransen’s acquiescing signature. We’re sure that Luton police will want to have a word with the court about that.

In summary then…

Two out of three convictions isn’t bad,

Prison time would have been more to our tastes but those are the breaks,

A freshly broken injunction might well mean that this saga is far from complete.

And, of course – we still have Golding’s return to the High Court for breach of his injunction to look forward to. It looks like the coming season of goodwill might be a bit more festive for team EBF than we’d anticipated.

Ho ho ho!

Fransen’s failure: Not quite the show trial she’d hoped for

Many of us have long suspected that Jayda Fransen, unlike her cowardly Master, Paul Golding, has deliberately courted legal proceedings as part of her leadership bid. It’s well known that her brief failure of confidence in Dudley lost her Dowson’s support, effectively destroying her hopes of the Britain First Fuhrership, at least for a while.  After Dudley’s failed demonstration Jayda disappeared for several weeks, presumably licking her wounds and nursing her injured pride but then she returned with a vengeance. Since then she’s clearly and deliberately baited the police and the courts, refused to answer Bail (whilst her brave Master consistently turned up like the puppy he is) and even now posts videos of Luton Muslims on line in contravention of a court order. She’s even risking prosecution for attempting to pervert the course of justice by proclaiming her biased version of events online prior to the trial date.

BF Jayda Fransen court trial Luton give them hell.pngIt may not immediately be obvious to all EBF readers just what Fransen might be trying to achieve with all this conspicuous law-breaking. To us it’s clear – she’s copying her ideological predecessor just as she does in so many other of her policies and behaviours. Jayda has borrowed many speeches and key phrases from Hitler, Goering and Streicher in the past. Now she’s trying to recreate Hitler’s famous show-trial of 1924.

She’s even promised to “Give them Hell in court”, clearly planning to imitate former corporal Hitler who used his three-day trial to unite the fractured German right under Nazism.

We’re always sorry to disillusion people, especially when they’ve staked their entire career on flawed logic but we think it’s important for Jayda’s own sake that she has a clear idea both of the judicial and the political reality before she carries out her ill-advised attempt to give anybody Hell. Presumably she won’t want to add contempt of court to the three charges she’s already facing. Far from making her a nationally recognised political martyr the result is likely to make her an even bigger joke and loser than she is already.

Here’s why Jayda’s appearance before the beak will be nothing like Hitler’s ideological triumph after the failed November Putsch…

Hitler was already well-known

beer-hall-putsch-hitler-1923Adolf Hitler had been working away at uniting the far right for many years by the time he appeared in court. Starting as an unknown speaker in Munich’s beer halls his personal charisma and compelling prowess as an impassioned public-speaker had been drawing huge crowds for years. He had the support of at least two major paramilitary groups, (the Brown shirts and the Steel helmets) and was a regular guest of Berlin’s political and financial high society. This ability to mix with people from all backgrounds, together with his oratory skill made him a household name.

Fransen is a little-known wannabe fascist who can’t manage more than a hundred or so listeners at rallies, even when they’ve been planned and advertised for months. Britain First’s recent national conference in London involved only 25 people from the whole of the UK.  Hitler’s offence, The Beer Hall Putsch involved several hundred of his followers, hastily organised and sufficiently dedicated to drop everything at their leader’s beck and call. Fransen has no such network of willing footsoldiers, no senior political contacts and no sympathy within the judiciary. The context for Jayda’s hearing in Luton is very different from Hitler’s.

BF Jayda Fransen 25 in audience London conference.png

Hitler had senior contacts

By the time of his trial in 1924 Adolf Hitler had wormed his way into the drawing rooms and private clubs of some of the Weimar republic’s most influential ‘movers and shakers’. The best Fransen has been able to manage is to act as ‘marketing totty’ for terrorist-sympathiser, Jim Dowson to make a fast few quid out of gullible British fash.

The judges were sympathetic to Nazism from the outset

Following the almost impossibly hard terms of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 the German people struggled with starvation, unbelievably rapid inflation and almost impossible conditions of life. Extreme politics were commonplace and both the far left and the far right had formed violent militia, sometimes hundreds of thousands strong, resulting in genuine running battles on German streets. Centrist politics were being squeezed out and most citizens found themselves having to choose between one extreme or the other, if only because everyone else was becoming increasingly impotent.

beer hall putsch 1923 sa storm division Munich.jpg
Brown-shirted SA (Storm division) militiamen were hastily mobilised in support of Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch in November 1923

In modern UK no such polarisation applies. There are no armed, uniformed militia terrorising UK streets and our judges and magistrates don’t need to favour any extremes at all.

Hitler was a charismatic speaker

The few televised clips regularly trotted out on popular TV documentaries don’t really do justice to Hitler’s oratory. He was more than just the shouty man so regularly portrayed on our TV screens. Eyewitness accounts make clear the immense preparation that went into Hitler’s versatility as a speaker. He would build in cadence and volume, gradually becoming more and more flamboyant as his oratory rose to crescendo after crescendo, each one punctuating a speech that itself built relentlessly in tempo and passion until he almost hypnotized the audience be it one thousand or one hundred thousand strong.

Fransen by comparison appears hesitant, nervous and occasionally apologetic whenever she takes to the stage. Even her video rants on ‘Jayda’s soapbox’ are amateurish by comparison. She’s no orator and she’s no potential leader of a new British Reich. If Jayda tries to eulogise for some bygone Britain the way that Hitler used his trial to mourn a lost Germany, she’ll very quickly either shut up or be done for contempt of court. This is to be a court appearance – not a political rally.

Fransen Hitler speaker no comparison.png

Hitler’s crime mattered to the average man in the street

Adolf Hitler had assembled several hundred armed veterans and surrounded a Munich beer hall. They had taken hostage members of the political and aristocratic elite (including nationally respected war hero, General Erich Ludendorff) and genuinely planned to overthrow the German government. That’s a serious crime attracting serious media coverage.

judges-gavelJayda Fransen is rude, bigoted and brazen but she really hasn’t done anything to come close to her uncle Adolf’s attempted Putsch.

Basically the Deputy Fuhrer of Britain first might believe she’s being clever by taking on the establishment in the political show-trial of the century but actually she’s just going to be one more ‘business as usual’ prosecution in a minor Magistrates’ court that really doesn’t give two hoots about her plans. The magistrates are just there to uphold the law, whether Fransen likes it or not.

A view from a barstool #39 by Landlord

Beer 2“It’s the most wonderful time in the world” so the Christmas song goes. Nope the grumpy, athiest Landlord hasn’t taken leave of his senses nor has the barmaid ran off with me. It’s the time that some unwashed lefty landlords and I get together to do CAT tests on the promotional barrels of Hobgoblin (rather a lot of them) and discuss all things fascist and how we go about countering them around the country. Also they help me to write this blog. Last year they helped me on Bigot brother or big Bigot, this year we have come up with a new soap opera, Bigot Street. Hopefully someone picks it up or it could be a bigger failure than Eldorado. Forgive me any typos please, writing this after a few pints of the nectar probably isn’t the best time to do this.

This is set in a street that the fash dream of, a late 50’s terrace and people leaving the doors open. At number one a rather rotund gentleman known as Goldibollocks lives, a British flag or seven decorating both front and back, so it appears there are more people there than is thought, he appears to be the leader of the gang. He doesn’t work for a living just cons everybody and pretends to be a political heavyweight whilst being shit scared to enter into debates.

At number two is a loud mouthed harridan called Screechy who spends her days again not working but living off the begging bowl. Everyday she changes her security arrangements paid for by unsuspecting members of the public that think she does more than just screech at anybody that doesn’t pray to her particular god. She also tells all that she is a legal whizz having studied at Bigot Street’s local college, ‘The School of Hard Knocks’. She appears to have a hatred of anyone that doesn’t think the same way or is slightly tanned. She was in awe of Goldibollocks but now appears to be happier with her uncle.

Number 3 is the local newsagents, ran by a man who everyone calls Uncle Jim. He seems to like black and white flags and calling for crusades. He has all the newspapers in the shop, The Express, Mail, Brietbart. He’s the local lay preacher that hates homosexuality, Catholics and Islam. This could change depending on who he can fleece the most out of. He hates socialism but seems a bit taken by the Russian president.

Number four is a Fatman who works at the bakery. This bakery sells nothing but pies. He is a touch more literate than the others and although the bakery never opens although there always appears to be pies there in the morning. Mr Lewis is also treasurer of the streets council as he has the batteries for the calculator and the typewriter. He also can’t be trusted with the local church fêtes banner as it seems he loses them too easily.

Number Five is lived in by security guard Lomax. He is never seen without a stab vest, body camera, dodgy gloves and heavy walking stick. He seems obsessed with Screechy and Goldibollocks as he follows them everywhere they go like a faithful lapdog. He really should be licenced but can’t con anyone to put him through the course as he is too far down the hierarchy of Bigot Street. He is most likely to run in the opposite direction of anyone tanned.

Next there seems to be a confused gent. He hates immigration but has a name like Carmelo. He seems hell bent on getting into the A team and climbing the ladder of the hierarchy and closer to the honeypot. He seems to want to take on the immigrants with a stab vest, camouflage and a ruler.

At number seven, although on the outside of the main team is Nasty Nick. He seems to have talked his way in by sucking up to Uncle Jim. He has political ambition and appeared on the TV being owned by an audience. He wants all his fellow bigot’s to follow him to Hungary to set up racist world but no one wants to invest.

At number eight, although his house has the number 228 on it is a chap called Broomfield. He has the number 228 as although a paid up member of the gang he is an embarrassment to the high command.

Here I must stop with the houses, mainly due to the fact the Hobgoblin is taking effect.

At the end of Bigot Street there is a pub. A real olde world one with bar billiards (would have been a snooker room but Screechy and Goldibollocks kept taking it for filming). This pub sells great British beer like Stella, Carlsberg and Guinness. The top shelf of Smirnoff, Bacardi and Jim Beam, you know none of that foreign muck here. The Bigot’s stand around the old Joanna singing patriotic songs and wishing it was 1958 when blighty wasn’t overran by johnny foreigner, we all sang the national anthem and we respected the law of the land (as long as it wasn’t made by communist police and the lefty lackeys of the judiciary. The bigot’s talk long into the night deciding that a wall round their street complete with machine gun nests and barbed wire before toddling off for a non halal kebab.

So that’s the idea, I only need firty faaaaaaasand paaaaaands to get it off the ground. Can you chip in.
TARGET firty faaaaaaasand
Amount conned a midget gem, a marshmallow, three buttons and a safety pin.

Anyway, I should be back next week cuddling another barrel and reporting on all things biffer if the hangover goes and I have bought a big enough anniversary present for the wife.


A view from a barstool #35 by Landlord

Beer 2Ha!!!! 1-0 to me, both over the Landlady who made me rebuild the pub garden for the kids only to see 2 days of drizzle, and after last week’s ‘view from a barstool’, over the biffers as they duly posted the poppy burning story. So a smug, grumpy landlord is writing this week.

A view from a barstool #33 by Landlord

Beer 2I sit here basking in the late summer sunshine, beer in hand, kids running about (now finally back at school). I’m wondering what the fuck brexit means, whether my life would’ve been better had I been to grammar school and I’m watching the paralympics on TV, marvelling at how these athletes overcame disabilities to perform at the highest level with more patrotism than the combined darkside of the far right fucknuggets.

And that brings us on to all things Biffer. An upcoming trip to Wales, begging letters that appear to show desperation, videos that probably were filmed on Betamax they’re so old and finally a sighting of the lesser known Screechy.

The next stage of the Biffer roadtrip moves into Wales, probably countered by Antifa, which we here at EBF Towers call musical chairs. We have to say that Moley doesn’t think many will turn up apart from the usual hierachy, so called ‘security’ and a few knuckledragging racists. I did wonder if, instead of building a wall in Calais, we shouldn’t build one round Wales to stop Goldibollocks and the high command coming back. Then I remembered that I love Wales, having holidayed on the Pembrokeshire coast during my formative years and have quite a few mates living there. It will be another jingoistic display, probably begging for money and full of anti Muslim and lefty rhetoric.

To the begging letters, which according to Der Fuhrer will stop for a bit (probably as they’ve paid for his trip to the all white enclave Uncle Jim and Nick Griffin have set up in Hungary) have become almost hilarious, definitely desperate and possibly fraudulant. Now “donations” are being paid into their “Merchandising” account as their normal account has been frozen by their provider, probably because the provider has worked out that they are racist spunktrumpets which goes against their terms and conditions. So once the company returns the 7.5k, the muppets have got 15 faaasaaaand paaands in their account. However, Team EBF reckon HMRC might be interested in it. Whatever it is it stinks worse than Stevie Lewis on a hot day with no deodorant.

The videos are even worse. The high command seem to have ramped up the islamaphobic sentiment on their page. They seemingly trawl through Youtube finding any slightly brown people gathered in a town causing fights and Jim’s your Uncle – Muslims riot, Muslims beat someone up, Muslims this or Muslims that. The trouble is these are videos from years ago, some not in this country and most don’t even show Muslims. On one of their feeder pages they even decided to publish a video of a Christian hate preacher being drowned out by bagpipes and dressed it up as a Muslim hate preacher being drowned out. Even when some of our page readers told them what the original was about their sheeple and disciples had already decided their version of the truth.

Now I haven’t really missed her but she’s finally surfaced. The lesser spotted Dutchy ‘screechy’ Fransen finally was spotted in Birmingham. On one of their increasingly inflammatory days out, countered by antifa, Screechy was seen chatting to the Police. We think, well I do, that she was probably checking that she hadn’t broken any bail conditions. Talking of bail conditions did Goldibollocks break his when they invaded a Mosque in Cardiff? BBC say that the Mosque have complained about the invasion so watch this space.

So thats it then, the week in Bifferdom… lies, possible fraud and another roadtrip. Hopefully another week closer to their closure. Disgusting as they are I still laugh at the majority of their antics. Time now for another pint, a quick tab and get the new pool team to take the game seriously.


​Fransen on trial: What a stitch up!

Jayda Fransen, Deputy leader of the neoNazi hate group, Britain First is due in court tomorrow. We already described the charges in an earlier post (here) & won’t waste time repeating ourselves. Rather we want to highlight just what an appalling stitch-up this really is.
Don’t get us wrong… we don’t disagree with the fact that the charges have been brought. Nor do we think they’re particularly unfair. It’s not the judiciary that’s stitched up poor old Jayda. It’s Paul Golding himself.

It’s no secret that Uncle Jim favours Jayda. It’s no secret that he’s had her fronting his Eastern European fascist enterprise, especially in Hungary (so much for ‘Britain’ first). It’s no secret either that Golding has grown increasingly jealous of his erstwhile sidekick’s place of honour and profit beside ‘Generous Jim’. It’s no surprise that, driven to distraction by the little green-eyed God of envy he’s found a way to rid himself of this turbulent high priestess of the fash.

First he encouraged Jayda to lead the on street abuse of Muslims, no doubt persuading her of the dramatic effect of a vulnerable woman squaring up to ‘the enemy’.

Then he encouraged her to publicly tear up her bail conditions – bail conditions that he, himself continued to obey. The charge of Fransen failing to answer bail seems to be ‘open and shut’.

Next he pleaded guilty to his own charge of political uniform, thus ‘playing a blinder’ of a stitch-up which almost guarantees Jayda will be found guilty of the same offence.

Finally, by repeatedly publishing video evidence of Jayda harassing Luton’s Muslims Golding has made it almost impossible for her to be found not guilty. Indeed Britain First continued to post this evidence even after Fransen received her summons.

The result of this stitch-up is likely to be two convictions in the magistrates court and a referral to Crown court in respect of the third, more serious charge of religiously motivated harassment. Since this charge carries the possibility of serious prison time and since Fransen cannot be relied upon to observe bail conditions there’s a good chance she’ll be remanded in custody until her case is heard at Crown court.

If we’re lucky she’ll get a custodial sentence too.

That’ll teach her to usurp the Fuhrer.

What a stitch-up.

It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving Nazi!