Blood on their hands? We think so.

Mushin Ahmed Rotherham pensioner beaten to death in August 2015Wherever the Biffers go they cause trouble. They stir up the local population and inflame tensions in British towns. We’ve seen it in Luton.

We’ve seen it in Dewsbury.

We’ve seen it in Hexthorpe (where they were eventually seen off by a bunch of primary school children).

And we’ve seen it in Dover.

We’ve also seen them fail spectacularly to get any traction at all in places like Canterbury and Preston. Some areas are so averse to the Fash that Folding Golding and his cowardly mates can only bring themselves to go there in the middle of the night, quietly posting their leaflets through the letter boxes of houses full of sleeping locals. They go where they want – as long as everybody’s asleep.

But however cowardly they might be themselves the Biffers are having an impact. They incite violence and it’s not surprising when that incitement spills over into actual harm. That’s an important part of the Biffer business model as we explained in an earlier post.
The Biffers campaign in Rotherham resulted in an old man, 81 year old Mushin Ahmed (pictured above), being beaten to death by young Biffers a few months ago. We blogged about the link between BF’s nefarious activities and the actions of their gullible followers at the time.

BF Rotherham montage.png

And now we hear of another murder.

Jalal UddinJalal Uddin (pictured left), a middle aged Muslim man and reader in the local Mosque was recently found unconscious and dying in Rochdale. He had sustained a head injury. A 31 year old man (a man who is 25 years Jalal’s junior) has been arrested in connection with the crime.

Police are not revealing whether or not this was a racially motivated attack. They are stepping up their presence in the town and they are taking special care to protect local Mosques and to reassure local Muslims.

But what has any of this to do with Britain First?

Just as the murder of Mushin Ahmed in Rotherham followed the town’s targeting by Biffers, so the murder of Jalal Uddin was preceded by Britain First turning its slanderous spotlight on to Rochdale’s Muslims. Mr. Ahmed had been falsely accused of grooming children by his murderers (who seemed very familiar with Britain First’s overly-simplistic rhetoric on the topic).

BF Rotherham muslim grooming banner

Whether or not the murder of Jalal Uddin involved a Biffer there is no doubt that the risk of backlash along racial and religious grounds is very real indeed. And that risk is undoubtedly fuelled by the activities of Fransen and Golding’s Cockwomblery.

BF Rochdale montage

Decent people throughout the UK will be appalled at these two brutal killings and the vicious, opportunist scum who incited them. Not so Britain First. Quite  apart from their Facebook reach (currently standing at 1.3 million) spreading racist and religiously motivated hatred across the internet, they also make a point of maintaining a physical presence in towns where they think they can stir up trouble.

The Biffers have been predictably quiet about both of these awful killings though, preferring to move on to pastures new and repeat their incitement in more unsuspecting British towns. As I write this blog they have just released a video of their divisive antics in Bradford.

BF Bradford montage.png

It’s almost a repeat performance of the way they slandered and alienated Muslims in Rotherham and Rochdale. We can’t help but wonder if Dutchy and Grasser are secretly hoping for yet another high profile killing there too. It’s all good for the Britain First bank account and if some stupid Cockwomble goes to prison for it that’s nothing to do with them. Except it is! It has everything to do with them and everyone knows it!

So we at EBF say “Enough is enough!”

We really don’t care how valuable Golding’s loose lips are to the UK’s internal security services. Innocent people are being beaten to death because of this divisive group of fascist wannabes and it simply has to stop.

We call on the British police and the courts to make the obvious link between rhetoric and violence. We call upon our law enforcement agencies to stand up in the face of unlawful discrimination and hate speech and prosecute as the law intended. We call upon our anti-terror services to prosecute these extremists who target, alienate and dehumanise innocent minorities in the name of some sick, perverted version of Christianity and Patriotism.

Political uniforms are one thing – incitement to murder is quite another.

Prosecute and proscribe Britain First now – before the violence and division they promote gets any worse!

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