Mair and the media

Tommy Mair Westminster magistrates courtRecent events have brought Britain First into the media spotlight and not in a good way. Tommy Mair shouting “Britain First!” and then spluttering on about death to traitors in court has brought the Biffers and their murderous intentions into the public eye in a way that we at EBF could only have dreamed of. We’re grateful to those national papers who have begun to see them for what they really are.

So it seems ungrateful to ask more of a media that has already done so much but there’s a very real danger here that the real point will be missed.

Yes, it’s true that Britain First have no real membership to speak of. It’s true that their extremist views are not shared openly by much of the British population. But that’s not the whole story.

Even allowing for bought likes and page merging-scams their page does have a significant number of genuine likes. That means that their reach across social media is huge and even though not many people would call themselves neo-Nazis many are taken in by the general tone of their rhetoric. So we’d like to ask two things of mainstream media…

When you report on the joke that is Britain First please also point out the dangers of their evil messages spreading relentlessly across social media. They really do have an influence. That’s why hate crime is on the rise. That’s why our society is becoming ever more intolerant. Britain First isn’t the only group spreading this filth but it is probably the most effective.

Please don’t forget about these neoNazi malcontents when the next story breaks. They aren’t going to stop their relentless assault upon the peace of our nation so please, don’t you let up either. We’ll happily let you know as major stories start to break if you inbox us with a contact. You can message us via our Facebook page or Email the EBF blog at

Who knows – you might get a scoop (do journalists still use that word?).

Now you know what Britain First is capable of, please help us to keep the pressure on. They’re far more dangerous than they first appear.


Team EBF


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