Fun with trolls!

EBF Troll hunter badgeWe’ve been having fun with trolls on the blog lately. As usual the same old accusations have been brought up from supporting terrorists to enabling paedophiles. Equally predictably the trolls, whilst advising us to read history, seem to have no grasp of the relevant facts themselves.

It’s because we understand history that we oppose neo-nazis like Britain First so vehemently. We know only too well what happens when religious and racial groups are demonised and alienated. We saw it in nazi occupied Europe, we saw it in the former Yugoslavia, we saw it in Rwanda and, much to the Biffers’ dismay, history saw it when European Crusaders invaded the Holy land, slaughtering Muslims, Pagans, Jews and even fellow Christians as they went.

So – just to be clear…

We oppose terrorism from ALL quarters, including terrorists like the Biffers.

We oppose ALL paedophiles but not all members of any religious group.

We don’t hate white people – we just don’t think white skins make us special.

We don’t hate our country – we just have compassion for others.

We don’t support sexism – we just prefer to address real issues rather than overly-simplistic generalisations.

We don’t support rape – we just don’t blame ALL members of a particular demographic for the actions of a few.

We DO despise fascism BECAUSE we understand the lessons of history and refuse to accept the repetition of one of Europe’s greatest mistakes!

Fransen’s Fifth columnists arrive in Dewsbury

As usual the Brave Biffers have turned out mob-handed to terrorise yet another English town. There almost like the German 5th column of World War II (except that their Nazi role models of all those years ago were a bit better at secret infiltration). The modern Nazis of Britain First prefer to stand around in large groups, blaring out loud, martial sounding music and intimidating the locals.
BF Dewsbury advance party January 16th 2016 Jayda Fransen and thugs
In the video accompanying this fiasco on the BF website, Fransen describes the soundtrack, reminiscent of violent computer games and military marching themes as ‘patriotic’. We think that alone says a great deal about Britain First’s skewed idea of what patriotism is.

True patriots prefer peaceful relations with and for their countrymen.

EBF BF Golding Dewsbury Breeding ground of extremismFascists thrive on conflict and unrest. Only by setting people against each other can they hope to seize power while everyone else is too busy hating each other to notice.

Don’t be fooled. Fransen and Golding don’t really give a toss about Islamic extremist hate preachers. Why would they? They’re just as guilty of their own brand of Christian extremism and incitement.

What they really want is a nation at war. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

British neo-nazis from Britain First to Pegida all want the same thing. Social destabilisation will create a popular power vacuum, an informal crisis of leadership among the population if not a formal political one, that they hope to exploit for their own fascistic ends. That’s why we at EBF call upon our government to proscribe Britain First just as they have (quite correctly) proscribed their Islamic counterparts.

Britain First and the rest of the fascist groups operating in UK undermine and divide our society. We say that enough is enough.

No Pasaran!

Proscribe Britain First now!

What sort of political party…

What sort of political party targets heavily multicultural areas with anti-Muslim leaflets trying to stir up racial and religious tensions?

What sort of political party needs to run fighting classes for its activists?

What sort of political party needs to invest in paramilitary gear?

What sort of political party runs an anti-Muslim organisation (KTI) that wants to start a modern Crusade against Islam?

What sort of political party wants to hang political opponents?

What sort of political party needs to radicalise children into racism and hatred?

What sort of political party advocates a ‘white breeding’ campaign?

What sort of political party has to photoshop images to distort the truth?

What sort of political party tries to develop a street army because they can’t get elected democratically?


What sort of party would that be?

EBF BF KTI Stab vest militia terrorists

It’s a lonely life being a Biffer!

EBF blogger post to Sitwell Arms re BF conference 2015BF Conference 2015 – what a washout!

On November 14th 2015, Britain First held its annual conference. It was an interesting affair, beginning with a bizarre ‘treasure hunt’ to find the venue itself. The Biffers met at a motorway service station where the actual venue was revealed amid a secrecy more reminiscent of Enid Blyton’s ‘Famous Five’ stories than a legitimate political party for grown-ups.

The actual venue was a place called The Sitwell Arms, a nice looking place, popular with fitness enthusiasts and newlyweds. It’s not the sort of establishment we would have expected to host a Nazi conference which makes us wonder whether or not the licensee actually knew what the booking was about.

We have contacted The Sitwell Arms via Facebook to ask them (and to offer to host a statement from them on our blog should they wish to make one). Since being identified as the venue by a Sheffield Anti-fascist group the hotel risks significant loss of trade. If they really didn’t know who they were playing host to, it’s only right that we at EBF try to soften that blow for them.

If they did know they may well have put their licence at risk. If they didn’t (which is entirely likely) Britain First has pulled another ‘fast one’ on some unsuspecting Hotelier and put the unfortunate licensee’s livelihood at risk. Under UK licensing regulations venues aren’t supposed to host racist events or encourage antisocial behaviours. Biffers are renowned for inciting terrorism and radicalising people against non-whites and Muslims so this conference would certainly fit the criteria.

We originally thought that only 30-35 Nazis met there last weekend to ratify the Britain First policies for the forthcoming year. Having reviewed more pics as BF posted them we’ve revised that figure to a massive 39 fasicsts (including the photographer). That was all they could muster. Most British people understand that our ancestors were right to oppose Nazism during the Second World War. They understand the huge sacrifice made by people of many colours, creeds and nationalities and they don’t want anything to do with Britain First’s attempts to rekindle Hitler’s abusive dream.

Unfortunately however, there are a few malcontents who continue to look up to Uncle Adolf. They pretend otherwise but then we see policies like those presented to the 39 sad dweebs at the Biffers’ annual conference and the illusion is shattered beyond repair.

These people are Nazis – plain and simple.

It’s not surprising that they had such a poor turnout. For all their deceptive clickbait campaigns and bought Facebook likes Britain First has never been particularly popular in the real world. What was surprising was the apparent silence of the Fuhrer, Paul (Folding) Golding. The Biffers co-founder and leader has yet to give a speech according to the published material currently being churned out by Britain First’s media machine.

That might be a ploy to get people like us to comment on Paul’s silence so that we’ll look silly when eventually the Biffers post evidence that he really had spoken all along. If so it’d be a particularly immature tactic on their part that can only demonstrate how little legitimacy they have. Realistically you’d have thought a ‘registered political party’ with aspirations to lead a fourth Reich would have more to crow about than a cheap ‘pull the Fuhrer out of the hat’ conjuring trick. Only time will tell.

For now we need to assume that Fuhrer Paulie really didn’t speak on Saturday. And that leads us to yet another question. Why not?

EBF BF Jayda Fransen elected deputy Fuhrer 3 years conference November 14th 2015Our Mole in the Biffer camp has long been reporting that Biffer central is becoming increasingly unsatisfied with Golding’s stewardship. Numbers are dwindling and it’s costing them a fortune (most of the donations they receive) to keep up appearances buying Facebook likes from overseas click farms. His inadequate oratory and lack of political acumen mean that he has increasingly been seen as a liability. Whether he actually gave a speech at the 2015 conference or not doesn’t change the fact that his premiership is at risk. Word has it that Deputy Fuhrer, Fransen is set to take over when Paulie is ousted from office (and quite possibly expelled from the party) in May or June 2016.

This may explain the 3 year vote of confidence that saw Jayda confirmed as Deputy until 2018. That won’t prevent her from taking over the leadership in 2016. It just makes it automatic once Paul is expelled. The Biffers are stitching him up because he’s just not profitable enough.

In place of Fuhrer Paul we saw a rare appearance by co-founder and Britain First financer, ‘Jolly Jim’ Dowson. He was supposed to have left Britain First at around the time he first got into hot water over the infamous Northern Ireland Flag Protests. He’s no stranger to political conflict.

Jolly Jim treated the assembled throng to what can only be described as a religious sermon where he misappropriated a verse from the Holy Bible to make the outrageous claim that Christianity is all about the destruction of non-Christians. It’s hard to tell how the congregation of Nazi cockwombles received this message from the would-be Rev. Dowson but we imagine it wasn’t too convincing, even for Biffers. We don’t imagine many British Nazis are particularly interested in Christian doctrine anyway. It’s a good clip to stick on Facebook though. That way BF’s American donors, the paranoid, Republican, Christian right wingers might cough up a few more fascist dollars for the Biffers’ beleaguered bank balance.

EBF BF Dowson sermon terrorism incitement conference November 14th 2015What we can glean from this disgraceful misappropriation of Holy Scripture is the undeniable fact that Britain First uses religion to radicalise and incite both hatred and violence. They regularly criticise ISIS for using the Quran to radicalise Muslims and yet here they are using the Bible to do exactly the same thing. It really is difficult to see how Britain First and ISIS differ.

EBF BF Dowson Holy War crusade quoteThey both pretend to speak for a major religion.
They both misrepresent and undermine the religion they claim to represent.
They are both despised by the vast majority of the faithful.
They both want to incite violence and start a ‘Holy war’ on the streets of Europe.

It’s easy to infer the desire to start a Holy War from Britain First’s behaviours but actually we don’t need to. Dowson made that point very clear a couple of years ago when speaking with Channel 4 Television. Jolly Jim genuinely seems to believe that violent uprising against Islam, extermination of the faithful, peaceful Muslims in our midst would be a good thing. This is precisely the same attitude that Hitler had against Europe’s Jews. It’s Nazism – pure and simple. And it’s dangerous.

That’s why we take heart in the knowledge that less than 40 people turned up for the conference. Those that did were treated to a tacky, plastic ‘medal’ that looks uncannily similair to the cheap keyrings that Britain first has been unable to sell. We bet those Nazi activists felt really valued as Fuhrer-in-waiting Fransen presented them in front of the half empty function room. Such is the fate of Britain’s fascist minority. Sleazy ceremonies in secret locations with Christmas-cracker style medals complementing extremist rhetoric from religiose fanatics.

EBF BF conference medals November 2015It’s a lonely life being a Biffer!

In Jesus’ name

EBF flyer in jesus name 2Exposing Britain First has developed a briefing pack and awareness-raising flyer for Church leaders. The idea is to Email this pack to ordained priests, ministers, pastors and other Christian church leaders throughout the UK. Britain First is trying to hijack Christianity for its own, nefarious purposes and we think that this country’s community of genuine (non-Nazi) Christians need to know what’s happening in the name of their Lord, Jesus.

The briefing pack is available to download here…

EBF church leaders’ briefing pack

If  you’re a church leader please feel free to download the PDF and get in touch if you’d like to know more. There’s a dedicated EBF Email address set up for the purpose:

If you’re a churchgoer yourself, please forward this to your priest, pastor, minister or leader. The more committed Christians understand about Britain First’s misuse of their faith the greater the opposition to Britain First’s neoNazi hypocrites will be.

For over 2,000 years Christians have promoted peace for all mankind. In the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, Christians have sought to promote harmony and love throughout the nations, as our redeemer commanded.

There is a political party in modern Britain that uses that legacy to sow division. They promote hatred under the banner of Christianity and they’re more popular than you might expect. The name of this political party is ‘Britain First’. Their stated aim is to start a Holy War, a Crusade between Christians and Muslims on UK streets – and it’s working.

Hate crime is increasing and attacks upon our Muslim neighbours by thugs claiming to be performing their ‘Christian duty’ are becoming more common by the day.

We call upon all true Christians to help spread the word about the real message of Christianity. The faith is being hi-jacked. To know more about this growing problem (and how to combat it) visit Exposing Britain First on Facebook, Twitter or here at WordPress.

The Lord’s army – Onward Christian soldiers!

BF the lords army troublesThis image appeared over at Biffer Towers (Britain First’s Facebook page) overnight last night. In all honesty we were a little intrigued to know just which Lord and who the army was planning to fight.

Was it YHWH?

Was it Jehovah?

Was it ‘God’?

We were pretty sure it wasn’t Allah.

Looking at some of the Biffer imagery a few people even thought it might be Odin or Thor.

Eventually all became clear. It’s the Protestant God of the Ulster Unionists.

BF flags ulster unionist troubles

Britain First has gone all Irish Unionist again. Jim Dowson’s influence seems to be growing stronger from his hiding place behind Paul’s mother’s sofa.

We wonder how many Biffers realise just how much support they’re lending to the Irish ‘troubles’.

Of course we’ve always known that the Biffers real aim is to start a civil war (or Holy war as Uncle Jim likes to describe it). They’ve never made any secret of that. Usually though their target ‘out group’ for this conflict is the Muslim community. Looking at recent posts from Biffer Towers it appears that they harbour equally violent intentions toward Roman Catholics.

We have to wonder… do the Biffers know (or even care) who they hate or is it just that they’re looking for any excuse for a scrap?

A group of bloodthirsty loose cannons such as this who seem capable of turning their hatred against just about anyone is hardly a suitable role model for social cohesion. On the contrary, Britain First is destructive, bloodthirsty, hate-filled and totalitarian.

Now where have Europeans seen something like that before?

nuremberg rally