Folding Golding’s cartoon climbdown

You have to love the High Court! The injunction issued last month has had the effect we all knew it would. It’s wonderful to see just how easily the allegedly ‘brave’ and unconvincingly ‘patriotic’ Fuhrer, Folding Golding has been muzzled.

Just look at this lovely little offering from the Biffers’ own website…

BF FB Screengrab wont draw mohammed EBF

Those brave boys at Britain First have bottled it again. Before the injunction they were all in favour of using their ‘useful idiots’ to stir up racial and religious tension, cause a bit of a ruck and then, of course, exploit the resulting unrest to claim anti-Christian victimisation from all those evil Mooselimbs!

Britan First draw Mohammed tweet bf ebf

And it wasn’t just the organisation – on a more personal level, Der Fuhrer was all in favour too.

Golding draw Mohammed tweet bf ebf edited

But that was before the High Court told him to stop being a divisive, racist, Islamophobic scumbag! And it really is about race just as much as it’s about religion…

BF Draw Mohammed cartoon race white racist screengrab

This statement from Britain First actually copies the earlier statement issued by Uncle Jim’s other money-making scheme, ‘Knights Templar International’. We wrote about that here.

Is Britain First repositioning itself in preparation for Lewis and Mandy’s rumoured coup?

Is Dowson grooming Folding and Dutchy’s successors and shifting direction for the rank and file Biffers themselves in advance?

It’ll take a bit of doing to persuade the ‘useful idiots’ that Folding hasn’t bottled it as he keeps on climbing down like this. A couple of new (but still familiar) faces at the helm would explain the shift in direction very nicely though.

We think that might well explain the ‘dual nature of BF’s recent activities. On the one hand they’re still posting stuff in breach of the High Court injunction. That’ll get Dutchy and Folding out of the way. It’ll even make martyrs of them to boot when the judge sends them down at the next hearing. That’s a 100% win for Dowson. He’ll get a couple of martyrs to play with and he’ll free himself from their incompetence and posturing as well.

On the other hand, is Britain First following KTI’s lead and issuing appeasing statements in preparation for Lewis and Mandy’s takeover following the expected imprisonment of the current leadership? Is this just another ‘long game’ intended to manipulate the gullible ‘useful idiots’ who pay Dowson’s bills?

One thing’s for sure – Folding and Dutchy have made themselves pretty damn toxic as a brand. EBF suspected that was Dowson’s plan anyway the moment he pretended to distance himself from Britain First. The Fuhrer and his Deputy were just the stooges. They were only there to act as mouthpieces for Dowson and to take the fall once it got too ‘hot’ with the legal establishment. Their role was to build up a group of paying racists and assorted Nazis before getting sent down to leave Dowson to profit from their rabble-rousing with a more moderate (but still very profitable) change of direction.

Dutchy & Folding speech bubble BF Fransen Golding EBF martyrs

Golding’s still folding as the Templars retreat

There’s a bit of a problem in Bifferland. The empire is definitely breaking up as uncle Jim Dowson desperately tries to distance himself from the monumental cock-up that is Britain First. Perhaps that’s to be expected. His original thirty grand start-up stake to launch Britain First has more than paid for itself but the pitch is getting old and tired now. He needs another angle and he needs it quick – before Folding and Dutchy finally kill the goose that lays the golden egg altogether.

The problem is simple. Out and out racism has fallen out of fashion, which leaves Britain First with a bit of a problem. In fact, their original racist angle has fallen so far out of fashion that it’s difficult to see how they could ever get back on top without a radical overhaul – especially since the recent High Court injunction against them.

BF Luton judge comments offensive extremist mosques

But before they reinvent themselves entirely we thought we’d invite them to take a little trip down memory lane. Remember this….

EBF BF white genocide

And this….

EBF BF racist genocide

Ah those were the days. This was Britain First back in the heady days when they could say what they meant. Those were the days when the racist mantras still fresh. Those were the days before the High Court told them to stop spreading racial and religious hatred.

EBF BF white genocide black history month race

Those were the days when they were quite prepared to admit their racism and religious hatred because it appealed to the uneducated and the easily led. A fool and his money is easily parted, as Britain First know only too well. But fools tend not to have bottomless pits of money and those funds seem to be running out (even allowing for Britain First’s laughably transparent, published ‘accounts’).

So Golding is folding once again. This time the Biffers’ ex BNP, ex NF leader is pretending not to be racist. So, it seems is Dutchy, the former EDL ‘angel’. Both now tell us that they’re not racist at all! How strange.

BF and racism blog screenshot

They even deny targeting any ethnic minorities…

EBF BF ban Islam ECHR blame Muslims France

BF ethnic minorities not racist screenshot

Well isn’t that nice? A loyal band of English patriots dedicated to promoting peace and harmony between all ethnic groups. Such sensitive souls. And they’re art lovers too…

Britan First draw Mohammed tweet bf ebf

They got that idea from the Fuhrer, apparently.

Golding draw Mohammed tweet bf ebf edited

And, of course – the biffers ran with it as enthusiastically as ever…

Draw mohammed comments 2 bf ebf

Its little wonder that Uncle Jim Dowson is ditching them, is it? Folding and Dutchy are surrendering to the High Court and Dowson’s other money-spinner, the Knights Templar International is condemning their deeds if not their names…

KTI condemn blasphemy draw mohammed acknowledge moderate muslim sunni

BF KTI draw Mohammed cartoon competition distancing edited

It’s odd that KTI chose to use a 5 year old picture of an early EDL rally instead of the much more appropriate Biffer screenies above. After all – those EDL lads had nothing to do with Golding’s proposed art competition. But then Dowson doesn’t want to risk alienating current BF supporters while there’s still money to be had from them. So he condemns Golding’s actions but not his name.

Either way, Folding and Dutchy are being hung out to dry and everyone knows it.

Such a shame. We’ll be sorry to see them go! They’ve been a very entertaining double act.

The ‘Muslims don’t oppose ISIS’ myth

Biffers and other right wing Nazi groups love this myth. They think it gives their hatred some legitimacy, not that it ever really could. Unfortunately for the Nazi propagandists however, it’s not true at all.

The reality is that Muslims despise ISIS in the same way that Christians despise Britain First and the Westboro Baptist Church. Reasonable people always despise the hate-fuelled extremists who claim to speak for them. The same is true of the mainstream Christian response to Britain First.

In truth, ISIS kills many more Muslims than anyone else. They do this because they meet opposition from ordinary Muslims wherever they go. So they use fear and intimidation to control an unwilling population (that they only took control of by force in the first place).

Not in my nameISIS has been denounced and opposed by Muslim Imams, groups and individuals across the world. But of course Britain First’s biased Biffers won’t tell you that.

Where do you get your information from?

Are you satisfied with the right wing press spoon-feeding you?

Are you happy with Britain First’s (Nazi) propaganda?

Have you ever thought of taking responsibility for your own thinking?

A good trick is to google the opposite of your beliefs to see if you’re right. Try searching the net for ‘Muslims against ISIS’ or ‘Muslims oppose ISIS’.

Here are a few examples to get you started…

The Muslims against ISIS Facebook page

The worldwide Muslim ‘Not in my name’ campaign

The satirical, Muslim ‘draw Mohammed’ competition and other anti ISIS cartoons drawn by Muslims

British Muslim leaders issue a fatwa against ISIS

German Muslims protest against ISIS

Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah’s fatwa against ISIS

We could go on and on posting links about Muslims protesting against ISIS but we think that we’ve made the point with these few. Feel free to contribute your own in the comments though.

Golding’s gratuitous gallery

As we know a recent competition in Texas resulted in outrage and ultimately death. Held under the guise of an exercise in ‘freedom of speech’ the contest to create the best cartoon of Mohammed seems intended not to celebrate free speech so much as to inflame tensions among the Muslim population.
Golding draw Mohammed tweet bf ebf editedUnimaginative as ever, Britain First’s Fuhrer has had an idea. He’s decided to recreate the same fiasco here in UK. This less than illustrious leader of fascist wannabes has learned nothing from the Texans. He’s learned nothing from the reactions of decent people, outraged by his constant baiting of UK Muslims.Perhaps he’ll learn from his favourite religious book, The Holy Bible….
“As a dog returns to its vomit,
so a fool returns to his folly”
No doubt Golding and the rest of his impotent toy soldiers will frame this ghastly gallery in terms of freedom of speech. Not that anyone will believe that the fascists who intimidate and threaten all those who disagree are even remotely interested in freedom of speech. This is nothing more than the immature act of an overgrown school bully poking his classmates with a stick before running away to hide behind the teachers (or in Golding’s case, the Police).
Here at EBF we support freedom of speech. We don’t support pointless displays of hostility though. Especially when those displays are calculated to engender reactions like these…
 bf ebf draw Mohammed comments 1 amendedDraw mohammed comments 2 bf ebf amended