Still waiting for Pickfords

Back in October of 2015 the BBC aired an exclusive documentary about Britain First entitled ‘We want our country back’. To call the show (& it was a ‘show’) laughable only partly describes it. Britain First is a sinister group, representing a growing threat to British democracy. The Biffers are exploitative bullies, a fact that was demonstrated many times throughout the film, not least in the callous way they hijacked traumatised CSE victims in Yorkshire. And they’re consistent, pathological liars.

Given the benefit of prolonged, consistent research into the Biffers’ activities & their most prominent members, we tend to know far more about them than we actually publish. For example we know an awful lot about Jayda Fransen, her actual past (not the made up version she gave the BBC) and her previous relationships but making this information public would be unethical for a variety of reasons. Until, that is she releases sensitive information herself. Information like her home address.

BF EBF WWOCB Jayda Fransen 24 Beeches Close address liar.png

In the BBC documentary Fransen is seen packing her possessions into boxes. Her explanation for this is that she and Paulie are forced to relocate every 6 months because of death threats from all those evil Muslims. This was an obvious lie – at least obvious to us. Fransen has lived at the same address, 24 Beeches Close for years. But at the time we couldn’t say so without revealing her address, effectively doxing her.

And then… she did it herself.

As part of the process of candidacy for the London assembly Jayda has had to publish her current address. She STILL lives at 24 Beeches Close.

BF EBF whos who London Assembly Christine Smith's family firm candidates election 2016

Not only that – so (apparently) does Paulie. Or does he?

We don’t doubt that Jayda really does reside there but there’s something very fishy about Paulie’s registered address(es). We have a feeling that information will also find its way into the public domain fairly soon. When that happens we’ll let you know just what we know. For now it’s worth bearing in mind that all is not quite as it seems.

We’re sure that readers will want to know why Jayda thought it appropriate to lie to the nation about a threat from non-existent Muslim stalkers…

Was it just attention-seeking?
Was it a rather silly attempt to make her dull, repetitive prejudices seem interesting?
Was it yet another propaganda lie aimed at whipping up racial and religious hatred against innocent Muslims?

Or is she really still waiting for Pickfords to arrive?
