“A twitter’s eye view of the Dudley ‘day of action’

Before the day

Well that was a bit of a washout. A damp squib if ever we saw one. Britain First has spent months boasting about 2,000 patriots descending on Dudley, complete with marching band and much merchandising to round off the profiteering protest in previously unheard of Biffer brilliance.

That’s not exactly how things turned out though. Not quite.

The day began with a predictable response from local townspeople, tired of having their multi-cultural society invaded by lager-swilling, flag-waving, abuse-throwing outsiders. Many adopted a very sensible siege mentality and boarded up their businesses.



The gathering

The promised 2,000 Biffers duly arrived. Or did they?



In reality the numbers were so tiny they were outnumbered by the police.


Undeterred, Biffer Fuhrer, Paul Golding put a brave face on things and spouted his usual nonsense to the local press.


True to his bullying nature he couldn’t resist making a little threat though. We wonder if that was because he was frightened of what veteran John McKnight and his mates might do. We’ll tell you more about them in a later post.


Meanwhile we just carried on taking the piss – the most reasonable response in the circumstances.



John McKnight and his merry band of veterans had an altogether more serious mission though.



2,000 flags

It was a serious question that we asked. What would Britain First do with their 2,000 flags?


The answer soon became apparent. Rather than sell them for profit as usual they gave them away to make the demo look bigger.


They even gave out multiple flags to create the impression of more Biffers in attendance than there really were.






Meanwhile Golding spouted a bit more bile to the local press.


The veterans

Perhaps most entertaining of all was Britain First’s meagre collection of ex-servicemen. The newly formed ‘division’, headed by Robin Lomax fell far short of the ‘hundreds’ that Britain First had claimed would attend. We counted 8 (including Lomax himself). Pretty miserable turnout really – especially since there’s no way to guarantee that none of them are really Walts (Walter Mittys) who never served in the forces at all. John McKnight said some interesting things about their CO (Robin Lomax) in that regard.


An EBF Facebook page member sent us this lovely little piece of photoshopping which we think sums up Lomax’s bunch of Biffers perfectly.


These guys on the other hand really are veterans. They were there to confront Britain First in general and Paul Golding in particular about their repeated misappropriation of charitable donations intended for veterans and their continued misuse of Lee Rigby’s memory. And they definitely meant business. We’ll have much more to say about them in another post. We promise not to keep you all waiting too much longer. It’ll be worth the wait!


The numbers

There were several estimates of the numbers bandied about on social media but the most reliable came from the West Midlands Police who told us that no more than 150 of the promised 2,000 Biffers bothered to turn up.


Of course Britain First demonstrated their usual inability to count (Golding himself estimated between 350 and 500 attendees).


The march to the council house

The tiny collection of fascists eventually set off. Their departure was a full 45 minutes late because Golding, desperate to regain some small semblance of credibility had insisted on waiting for more Biffers (who never arrived).




If you look closely you can see Golding hiding behind a row of women with the BF banner while on the far left of the picture ‘two flags’ is doing his bit to make the numbers look half-decent.





Eventually they arrived at the (closed) council house. Not that anybody dared mention that it might have been more effective to approach the council when the elected members were actually there. That would have been far too scary.


Here’s a good image to estimate numbers by. There’s no way this sorry little gathering adds up to ‘hundreds’.


Incredibly Fuhrer Golding (who lives in Swanley, Kent) claimed that Dudley is his town.


He then proceeded to threaten to bury a pig on the Mosque site (as if that would make any difference to its construction)…



… prompting this little gem from one of the anti BF tweeters…


Hate speech

You can see a clip of Jayda spouting her bile for the crowd while Paulie has a Muslim photographer manhandled away from this public place by his Biffer bodyguards. That looks like an assault to us. As if that wasn’t enough the brave Fuhrer has another, seemingly equally peaceful man removed in similair fashion just seconds later. Is it possible that Paulie is a bit scared? Remember that he still hasn’t seen the last of John McKnight and his veterans yet.



Hateful (hate-filled) deeds

The unthinking hostility of Biffers reminds us of the school-bullies. Like hostile, sulking children they terrorise their innocent peers in a bid to assuage their own feelings of inadequacy. Such childish stupidity, inspired by their remarkably immature Fuhrer, Paul Golding, has no place in British politics.

Dudley central mosque pigs head

The retreat

Having made as much of a nuisance of themselves as they could, the Biffers retreated back through the town to Flood St. and from there, back under their rocks. They’d had their fun but cost the businesses people of Dudley and the taxpayer hundreds of thousands in policing and lost trade.



Bye bye Biffers!


21 thoughts on ““A twitter’s eye view of the Dudley ‘day of action’

  1. Your lot is even more biased and PIG ignorant of Britain First and the dire threat of Islamization in the UK. The Qur’an has well over 100 verses calling for the extermination of all Jews and the death of everyone not muslim. BF is not against muslims who are prepared to integrate and respect the laws and customs of our country instead of calling for horrid shari’a law instead of English Law established in Magna Carta in 1215. Ignorance of the vile contents of the Qur’an which is the huge problem for those opposed to protestors against Islam will damage the UK almost as badly as the Nazis did in WW2. I strongly suggest that you learn about Islam before you print any more rubbish about BF. The group outs many would be terrorists and does much work against militant Islam which the police SHOULD be doing.I suppose that you lot prefer the words and actions of vermin like Anjem Choudary and Abu Izzadeen who call for our soldiers to be killed and shari’a law to take over every democratic country and that we should all SUBMIT to Allah.


    • Believe it or not, despite what you desperately want to believe its not actually that black or white. It is actually possible to think that all fundamentalist dickheads are exactly that, dickheads, regardless of what kind of intolerant ideology they cloak themselves in.
      I agree that hardline Muslim fundamentalists are dangerous lunatics that society should be protected from, in the same way as society should be protected from hardline nutjobs like Paul Golding. I suspect the vast majority of people just want to get on with their lives regardless of their faith or race, and sincerely wish that both sides in this absurd pantomime would just fuck off and leave them alone.

      Liked by 1 person

    • You sound very angry. Repeating yourself over and over again. It is a very weak argument to assume that we would “prefer words and actions of…” now who is ignorant?


  2. Bob, you do have an entrenched position regarding BF and Islam. With ever creeping Islamization people will NOT be able to” get on with their lives regardless of..” because the growing number of radical Islamists,protected it seems by our police,will in many ways try to foist their ideas onto every possible community in the UK and very often through extremist mosques. In spite of its sometimes dubious behaviour BF is actually doing YOU and others who feel as you do a big favour in opposing all vestiges of militant Islam,from the mosques I have mentioned,to such vile abhorrences as Muslim ghettos and Islamic Patrols.If BF were not as proficient as they are such horrors as Anjem Choudary,Abu Izzadeen and al-Ziamani would be able to subvert so many more to ISIS’s cause. By the way,Paul Golding is an extremely bright and well educated “nutjob” unlike all his critics on here who having been born stupid have very successfully just stayed that way!


    • Does being ‘bright and well educated’ preclude someone from being a fundamentalist asshole? I could probably name a fair few people from history that were ‘bright and well educated’ and turned out to hold views and commit deeds that the majority of society would condemn as absolutely abhorrent. I suspect Godwins law might come into play though.
      Personally i feel much more threatened by militant members of Britain First on the streets, than i do by a largely fabricated threat of militant Islam in this country. You are aware that the vast majority of Britain First’s fears about Islam and their posts on social media can be PROVEN to be lies and propaganda aren’t you? Try taking a look at the EBF pages. You might not like it, but its difficult to argue with facts like people finding the originals of photos before BF have photoshopped them to spread unnecessary hatred.


      • You just don’t get it do you?! Have you ever bothered to read even a few verses of the Qur’an? I very much doubt it. Have you not read of the ever increasing number of would be terrorists and terrorist plots who and which are being uncovered almost on a daily basis. Many of these as I have stated before have been as a result of BF activity. You are being obtusely ignorant about fears of militant Islam. I would urge you to have a look at JIHAD WATCH,the website of that acknowledged expert on Islam Robert Spencer and I am certain that you would change your tune. I do not have to learn about militant Islam from BF but I do learn much from Jihad Watch and Spencer is an unimpeachable source. There are MANY Michael Abedalajos plotting away to create chaos and misery because Al Qaeda,ISIS or another terrorist group have urged them to do.Anjem Choudary was a sponsor of Abedalajo and has huge influence. Have you never heard him speaking. He is truly vile and makes BF seem as soft as pussy cats.


  3. Yes, i have ‘read of the ever increasing number of would be terrorists and terrorist plots who and which are being uncovered almost on a daily basis’, but i am also fully aware that the media aren’t in the business of reporting news, they are in the business of making money and getting market share. Of course they are going to repeatedly fixate on and sensationalise anything do do with Islam, no matter how trivial, because thats exactly what makes you, and people like you read their publications.
    Can you give me a few examples of these many militant Islamic plots that have been uncovered by BF, and some genuine proof that any of it actually happened, as opposed to BF’s own statements which have been repeatedly proven to be fabricated?

    Looking up JIHAD WATCH on the net i find it described as ‘one of the main homes of the anti-Islamic, right-wing counterjihad movement on the internet’ and ‘Type of site: Conspiracy, Islamophobia’. Yes, that really sounds like it could be a source of unbiased and impartial information doesn’t it? Do you not think that more useful information might be gleaned from a site that doesn’t have such an obviously biased agenda, or are you only interested in being presented with information that agrees what what you already think?
    And yes, i did read several articles on the site.

    I think i’ve already mentioned that i’m of the opinion that fundamentalist’s like Paul Golding and Anjem Choudry are assholes. Thinking that your beliefs are wrong, doesn’t necessarily mean that i think that Anjem Choudry or anything he says is right.
    Can you explain how the fact that Anjem Choudry is ‘truly vile’ makes anything BF says any less vile? Surely preaching hatred is still basically preaching hatred, regardless of which end of the spectrum you’re preaching from.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Bob,do you not consider that your words “more useful information might be gained from a site………think ” might come home to bite you? How on earth is EBF any different? The only possible difference is that the estimable and highly respected Robert Spencer reports FACTS rather than the generalised wafflings favoured by EBF.

    I have in fact very little empathy with BF except to say that despite their extremely dubious tactics and absurd notion of their own importance they do serve as a warning about militant Islam. Their huge mistake is in attacking muslims instead of Islam. Calling for fewer mosques is very reasonable.Muslims should understand that it is most unreasonable to increase their places of worship in the UK whilst in Islamic countries churches are being desecrated and new ones prohibited.


  5. I’ll ask again as you seem to have forgotten to answer – ‘Can you give me a few examples of these many militant Islamic plots that have been uncovered by BF, and some genuine proof that any of it actually happened, as opposed to BF’s own statements which have been repeatedly proven to be fabricated?’

    I don’t think i said at any point that Exposing Britain First was absolutely reliable in any respect. They have their own agenda, as is made fairly clear up front by the name don’t you think? When there is incontrovertible proof that facts have been doctored or misrepresented to fit an agenda, such as with Britain First and other right wing Islamophobic organisations, then its difficult to argue that organisations FACTS might be in any way reliable. Please show me evidence of EBF lying or blatantly distorting facts if you have evidence of such and i’ll gladly reconsider my standpoint.

    I’ve always been a little confused by the relevance of the argument that if churches (you don’t mention a denomination) are banned in Islamic countries, which like every country have their own laws and customs, then is unreasonable to build Mosques here. If as you say, you have studied Islam for 15 years i’m frankly surprised you don’t see how childish this statement sounds.
    Should we as a nation pick something to ban from every country that has laws we don’t like? In Uganda its illegal to be homosexual. Maybe we should ban heterosexuality here just to spite them? Or would that just be ridiculous?


    • Bob, if you find it so difficult to understand the worth of my comment about churches you must be either thick or an atheist or agnostic. Very recently,in a speech David Cameron clearly stated that “Britain is a Christian country” It has been so since 587 AD when St.Augustine came to this country and converted King Aethelbert of Kent the Anglo-Saxon King to Christianity when it became the recognised religion. Just because we stupidly allow Islam to build alien mosques here does not make it right. As you are obviously ignorant about churches in Islamic countries I will educate you. Christians had established churches throughout the Middle East,like the Coptics in Egypt,hundreds of years before the birth of Muhammad in 670 AD. The big difference is that now such churches in Egypt,Syria,Iraq,Iran and Lebanon have been destroyed and are not allowed to be rebuilt. SO, Christianity flourished hundreds of years before the death cult of Islam was ever foisted on a world which never deserved it! Are you about to take me to task if I contend that our Judeo-Christian religion and culture is hugely superior to Islam’s??


      • Well if David Cameron says so then it must be true.

        I’m not going to argue with you about which imaginary bloodthirsty misogynist in the sky is better than any other.You should have mentioned in the first place that you were mainly objecting to Islam on the grounds of your religious faith.
        If you’d mentioned it then i wouldn’t have bothered to try and have a reasonable discussion!


        • Actually, I can very easily argue my point in an altruistic way without bringing my Christianity into the argument.Quite apart from any other consideration I urge you to get hold of a Bible and read Christ’s Sermon on the Mount(St.Mathew 5) unarguably the greatest speech ever made including Churchill’s “blood,toil,tears and sweat” and Abraham Lincoln’s address at Gettysburg.

          It comes across very strongly that you believe it is fair to have special considerations for Muslims in the UK to the detriment of Christianity and Judaism, both of which were benefiting most areas of the world before Islam did its very best to ruin everything which had gone before. Would you mind commenting on my last sentence?


  6. Bob,to back up my comments on Islam I believe that Sir Winston Churchill arguably the greatest ever Englishman helps my cause. In his famous book The River War of 1899 written after his exploits with the British Army fighting the Mahdi and his fanatical Fuzzy Wuzzies in the Sudan, he wrote among other comments that “Islam is as dangerous in a man as rabies in a dog” and ” Islam is the strongest retrograde force ever visited on this world” William Gladstone,one of our greatest PMs once held up a copy of the Qur’an in the House of Commons and said ” As long as this accursed book exists in the world there will be no peace.” Of course YOU would claim that these two great men were incorrigible Islamophobes.


  7. I could comment on your last sentence as requested, but i won’t as to be honest i’m fairly sure its futile to debate with someone who genuinely believes that Christianity and Judaism ‘were benefiting most areas of the world before Islam did its very best to ruin everything which had gone before’.
    If you sincerely believe that bizarre statement then i’m not sure theres any point in me even making any argument against it.

    I wouldn’t claim that those two men were ‘incorrigible Islamophobes’, but i would claim that Winston Churchill can also be quoted as saying ‘I do not understand the squeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using poisonous gas against uncivilised tribes’.So perhaps some of his opinions should be treated with due caution?
    I’m sure i could find plenty of quotes from the greatest ever whatever, to back up my position. I’m not sure what it would prove though, other than some other people thought the same thing about this one subject, but maybe not others.


    • Bob, please do forgive me if I say without any intention of being patronising or condescending that you are someone apart and far more reasonable and intelligent than almost all the others on EBF. One of the very many reasons why I never voted for Labour was Ed Milband’s horrendous promise to criminalise Islamophobia if/when Labour came to office.How can a FEAR of Islam be a crime?! The thing which alienates me and very many others like me is the FACT that so many muslims in the UK and throughout Western Europe are very happy to come here and become British citizens but spend so much time trying to change our ancient English Law to shari’a,refuse to integrate and set up Islamic ghettos and no-go areas in most of our main cities, insist on halal food, preach hatred and division in so many mosques whilst clamouring for more and larger ones,criticise every political thing we do abroad, slander our armed forces and police,insist on covering their faces,congregate often in thousands at the drop of a hat to complain about almost anything unislamic,texts,cartoons etc, support in large numbers those leaving the UK to fight with ISIS or Al Qaeda, and worst of all gleefully take up Muhammad’s licence to groom thousands of our young white women as sex slaves..Jews,Sikhs,Hindus have been here for ages but none of these have done anything but integrate fully and happily to everyone’s appreciation and peace of mind.,


  8. I think you will discover that when motor cycle helmets were made compulsory, Sikhs defied that law on the grounds that it violated their religious rights. They want knife laws be changed to allow them to continue to wear the kirpan. I also remember the way in why in which people the UK made fun of the special underwear Sikhs have to wear.
    In London Hasidic, orthodox Jews have their own police force and refuse to meet with women who are or may be menstruating. And of course the first ever pogrom happened here in the UK.It makes a nonsense of your arguments if you overlook things that don’t fit.
    I agree that the British security made a mistake with extremist preachers – a case of they won’t piss in their own back yard but bf have had nothing to do with a change in that policy.
    You can raise the spectre of creeping islamification but it’s highly unlikely.
    Sharia law is not UK law. Some people have discussed accepting aspects of it but no more. Are you happy about the Beth Din courts that already exist in the UK? Sharia is the Muslim equivalent of this. What’s the difference?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I find your comments about Sikhs “defying the law” more than somewhat pathetic. These extremely minor occurrences pale into insignificance in comparison to the DEMANDS not requests which Muslims make to supplant English Law based on Magna Carta in 1215. There are only 40,000 Hasidic Jews in the UK,30,000 residing in Stamford Hill whilst there is close to the 3 million Muslims in the UK.Beth Din Courts,most in the USA are far less constrictive than shari’a. There is also the spectre of Muslim ghettos, no go areas and Muslim Patrols in most of Britain’s major cities and,unlike Christianity,Judaism,Sikhism and Hinduism there is the rabid proseletyzing characterised by Islam. Your view of “Islamification” or more correctly Islamization is totally refuted by several think tanks particularly the world renowned Gatestone Institute in the USA which prepared a report for the UK Government in 2014 pointing out that it was a real danger.


  9. Why pathetic, I just pointed out that communities you claim to be completely integrated and peaceful have not always been and wanted the laws changed.
    I mentioned the ultra-orthodox Jewish communities as evidence of a group of people not integrating. Just as that group is not typical of British Jews, neither are the ultra- Muslim groups who tried to set-up no go areas.
    I walk around Jewish and Muslim areas in Manchester quite safely. I’m more likely to be attacked walking around bits of Salford.
    I also acknowledged the inherent bigotry of our society towards groups of people.
    I’ve read some of the gatestone institute articles. They are well-argued and nuanced. I agree with their points that extreme views of Islam need to be acknowledged and dealt with. I also agree with their statement that most British Muslims are law abiding and no threat.


    • Carol,good morning! A relatively small number of people supported Communism,Fascism and Nazism yet the fanatics behind these ideologies took absolute control and influence and their efforts caused the deaths of many millions. Such is the case for Islam. I do not regard Islamophobia as bigotry,it actually is a perfectly rational fear of Islam an ideology which since the death of Muhammad in AD632 has seen its armies vastly outdo those of Attila the Hun, Ghengis Khan, Alexander the Great in viciousness and numbers slain, some 250 MILLION as explained by Professor Sam Harris from the USA an acknowledged expert on militant Islam.

      I used to live very near Luton, a well known hotbed of would be terrorists. No non muslim would dare walk around almost ANY part of that horrid town when darkness fell. Luton,of course,is the town where muslim fanatics called brave soldiers of the Anglican Regiment filthy names when they marched through the town after service in Afghanistan. I could easily give you chapter and verse on other similar incidents in other towns and cities. Coupled with all this is the sight of disgusting muslims like Anjem Choudary and Abu Izzadeen inciting hatred and division and being the darlings of the media which just cannot get enough of fanatics like these. Islam does not do muslims any favours whatsoever. My take on the whole question of Islam and Muslims is perfectly explained by the words of the estimable Ernest Ronan the C19 expert on ME ancient languages,philosopher, explorer,historian and writer. He wrote ” Muslims are the first victims of Islam.Many times in my travels in the Orient I have observed that fanaticism comes from a small number of dangerous men who maintain the others inthe practice of religion by terror.To liberate the Muslim from his religion is the best service one can render him”.


  10. It’s just a shame that John McKnight is a useless bully boy who attacks individuals online to make their lives hell. Perhaps I should start my own blog and expose this nasty piece of work for the scum her is. Hides behind numerous profiles and then when caught out goes running away with his tail between his legs and god forbid you ever confront him head on. He will go running to the police as fast as he can. Spineless cunt. Ok to bully people, there are 2 sides to everyone McKnight and the net is closing on you hard man.


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